Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/66

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56 WARWICK. Mamroi, being da. of Waleran (di Nbwbubob), 4th Bail of WABifiOK, and only child of hit aaoond wifa, Alice, da. of Robert DB Haboodbt. He was 6. 1220 ; me. hia father, April 1257, aa Hered. Chamberlain of the Exchequer ; and me. on the death, 26 Feb. 1262/3, of Karl John next abovenamed, aa EARL OP WARWICK, and to the vaat eatatea of that Earldom, and waa aum., aa such Earl, to attend the King at Woroeater, 25 May (1263) 47 Hen. HI. In the Barooa' war he at fint aided with Montfort, but afterwarda with the King, being, in April 1264, aurpriaed and taken priaoner with hia wife, tho' released on payment of 19,000 marka. He wu Alice, da. of Gilbert db Sbobavb, by Amabel, da. and coheir of Robert de Chauoombb. He d. a.p. 8 Jan. (1267/8) 52 Hen. III., hia heart beiuR hur. at Gateaby priory, oo. Northampton, and hia iMxly in Weatm. Abbey. Jfeek, 52 Hen. III. IX. 1268. 9. WiLT.iAU DE BBAncHAMP,(*) nephew of the above, and aged 30 at his death, 8 Jan. 1267/8, being a. and h. ap. of Whxiam DB Bbauchaup, of Kmley, co. Worceiiter, by laabel, only aiater and heir of the aaid Earl William. He, in his mother'a lifetime(^) who waa living, tho' probably aa a recluae, aa late aa 7 Jan. 1268/9 (about a year after her aaid brother'a death), took upon him, in the lifetime of hia pnrenta, the style of EARL OP WARWICK,(«) doing homage, 9 Feb. 1267/8. Soon after that date he auc. to Emiey and other hia paternal eatatea on the ileath of hia father between 7 Jan. 1268/9 and 6 May 1269, when he did homage for the same. He waa joint Commiaar., 16 Oct 1270, in the trial between Llewellyu, Prince of Wales, and the Lords of the Marchea ; Conatable of liuckingham Cuatle, 1297, and a Ouuncillor of Regency, Aug. 1297 to March 1298. He m.f before 1270, Maud, widow of Gerald db Fdrhival^ of Sheffield, co. York, sister and coheir [1297] of Richard (Fits John), Lobd Fits John,' da. of John Fits JoHH Fits QBOFruKY, of Berkhampatead, Berka.<4>) He d. 9 June 1298, aged about 60. Will directing hia burial to be at the Greyfriars, Woroester.(«) Each. 26 Ed. I. His widow d. 1300. £teh. 29 Ed. 1. X. 1 298. 10. Guy(^) (Rkaugiiamp), Eaul of Warwick, 1 at a. and h. ; 6. 1278 ; kniifhUd by Ed. I. 25 March 1296 ; mio. hitfaUncr, 9 June, and did homage, 25 S»*p. 12U8, being tlioii ngud 26 ; Berve«l in Scotland, 1298—1304, and diatinguiahed hiniaelf at Falkirk, 22 July 1208| receiving, accordingly, a fsrant of estates in that kingdom, and being one of the seven Earls who rejected, 12 Feb. 1301, the authority of the Pope in the Scottish question. He was present at the death of Ed. I., 7 July 1307. At the coronation of Ed. II., 26 Feb. 1308, be waa bearer of the Third Sword ; took an active part against the Court favourite, Piers Gaveston,(C) being one of Lords " Ordainers " of lleform, 20 March 1310. He m., before 28 Feb. 1310, Alice, widow of Thomas Lbybuhnk, sister and heir (1310, when she was aged 26) of dignity of a Baron. On this, L. O. Pike [ConUii. Uitt. of ike Uouae of Lords, p. 146] very sensibly remarks, *' However iipplicable tliia ai^imeut might be to a Barony just before the great Rebellion it oertuinly could not have been applicable to Earldoms of the 12th century, a common feature of which was that the Earl received the third penny (or one third of certain revenues) derived from his county. The principle of an Earl receiving proPt from bis office had, without doubt, fallen into oblivion, just as the idea of Barony by tenure was, a few years later, held to be an anachronism." (*) See ped.of Beanchamp in Baker's *' JVorthatnptonthire," vol. ii, p. 218. (b) <* She is presumett therefore to luive taken the habit of a nun at Cokehill nunnery, which nhe had founded : this supposition is borne out by the will [dat. 7 Jan. 1268/9] of her husband, who names her in conjunction with the church and nuns at C<ikehill." [Courthope («) Hu father tpeaks of him in his will (7 Jan. 1268/9) as *' Willielmus, primogenitus mens, comes Warewioi." (d) See vol. iii, p. 866, note "a,*' eub *< Fits John." (•) " He bore for hia arms, OuUt, eenUe of erou erodett wUh a feu, nr (ex. sigillo penes S. Archer, Eq. Aur.) which cross oroslets were added to hie coat, for hia father used them not ; but whether in testimony of any pilgrimage by him made into the Holy Land, or vow so to do, I cannot determine." [Dugdale]* (0 He, apparently, received the name of Guy in commemoration of the famous '* Guy of Waniiok " (see p. 62, note " a "X ^^ fabulous ancestor of these Earls. (f ) By Gaveston he was called, in allosion to his swarthy oomplezioui ** the black cur of Ardeu.'