Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/78

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68 WARWICK. Chibki, by bis Moond wife, Kasex, da. of Robert (Rich), lit Rarl of Wabwiok. She WM living 20 April ld47.(*) He d. B.p.fn.8.(b) (a year after his father) 29 May 1659, and waa hur, at Felstead. XXV. 1659. . 4- Charues (Rich), Eabl of Warwick, &o., br. and b. male, h. 1616; M.P. for Sandwich, 1646-68, and for Beaex, 1668/69; me. to the peerage, 29 May 1659; one of the sis peers deputed, 8 May 1660, to invite the return of Charles II.; Gov. of Landguard fort, 1660. He ». privately, at Shepperton, oo. Midz., 21 July 1641 (Lie. London), Mary, 7th da. of Richard (ROTLI), Ist Earl of Cork [I], l>y 1>» second wife, Catharine, da. of Sir Oeoffrey FlMTOK. He d., after twenty years suffering of the gout,(*) at his seat, Lees, 00. Essex, 24 Aug. and was bur, 9 Sep. 1678, at Felstead, in his 68th year. Will pr. 1678. His widow, who was (. at Youghal, oo. Cork, 11 Nov. 1624 (as stated by her Either), or{^) 8 Nov. 1625 (as stated by herself), d. at Lees, 12 April 1678, and was bur. at Felstead. (•) Will pr. 1678. Funeral sermon by Dr. Anthony Walker. [Chariju Rich, styled Lord Rich, only & and h. ap., 6. 28 Sep. 1643; m. at Roehampton chapel, in Putney, co. Surrey, 2 Sep. 1662) (Lie. Fac.) Anne, da. of William (Caybnduh), 8d Earl of Drvonshiri. He d. s.p. and v.p. 16 May 1664, and wss bur, at Felstead, aged 20. His widow m. (Lie Lend., 4 May 1670), John (Cboil), 5th Earl of Bxitih, who d. 29 Aug. 1700. She d, 18, and whs bur. 30 June 1708, at St MarUu's Stamford. Admon. 28 Jan. 1708/4, and 4 Nov. 1707]. XXVI. 1673. 5. KoBBRT (Rich), Earl op Warwick [1618], Earl Holland [1624], Baron Uioh [1647], and Baron Krnbinoton [1628], cousin and h. male being s. and h. of Henry (Rich), 1st Earl Holland and Baron Kbnsinqton, by Isabel, da. and h. of Sir Walter Copb, of Kensington. He waa 6. about 1620; was itjfUd Lord Krnsinoton, 1624-49; admitted to the Inner Temple, 1634; sue. to the peerage as Barl JloUand, &o., on the datth of his father, 9 March 1648/9, and sua to the Earldom of Warwtek, on the death of his first cousin next abovenamed, 24 Aug. 1673.(0 He m. firatly, 8 April 1641, at Kensington, (») She, possibly, is the Lady referred to in Luttrell's Diary, 26 Sep. 1699, as '* the Barl of Warwick's Lady being dead her jointure of £1 ,000 a year falLi to his Lordship.*' In any case, we must supply the word " late " to the word ** Earl,** and the word '^preeent** to ** Lordekip, as the [only] wife of the then Earl survived him. Possibly, however, the entry wss from a false report. (^) *' Mr. Robert Rich, only son to my Lord Rich " [Oounteat of Wartpieki*i A uto- biogixiphy], by his first wife, m., 11 Nov. 1657, Frances, yst. da. of Oliver Crouwrll, the " Lord Protector," but d. s.p. in the life of his father and grandfather, in Tendon, 16 Feb. and was bur, 5 March 1657/8, at Felstead, aged 23. His widow m. Sir John Russell, Bart, and d, 1721, 63 f I] ywirs after the death of her first husband. (0) « Poor Lord I he lies continually tormented with the gout, and never stirs but on crutches when he is at the best ease." [Uatton Correspondence, 19 Oct. 1664.] (^) See Ker, and Oen,," vol. v, p. 464, note 1, aa to this discrepancy. (•) The diary, July 1666 to Nov. 1677, of this Countess of Warwick, has frequently been printed. Her house was the resort of the clergy, more especially of those who had Puritan tendencies. O He, however, sue. to none of the estates of the Rich family save ** Warwick Houae," in St. Bartholomew's dose, rhe met had been " scattered in half a dozen different directions, part going to the Earl of Manchester, part to the Rarl of Radnor, part to the Lekes, then Barls of Scarsdale, part to the Earl of Winchilsea and Nottingham, other portions to the Barrington and St. John families. Lees Priory, the original seat of the Riches, ii now the property of Quy's Hospital." [Cniik*s " Somanoe of the Peerage,** vol. i, p, 309.] Of the 8 daughters and, eventually, coheirs of Robert the Sd Barl, all being by his second wife (1) Anne m. 8 Nov. 1664, in the chapel at Lees, Thomas Barrington, s. of the 8d and father of the 4th Bart; (2) Mary, m. there, 11 Dea 1673, Henry (St John), 1st Viscount St. John; (8) Essex, m. there, 16 June 1674, Daniel (Finch), 2d Barl of Nottingham, who became (in 1729) Earl of Winchilsea. The aunts of Uiese ooheurs, the 8 daughters of the 2d Barl, appear to have inherited some of the estates. These were (1) Ann, 2d wife to Edw«rd (Montagu), 2d Earl of Manchester; (2) Lucy, m. John (Robartes), Earl of Radnor, and (8) Frances, m. Nicholas (Leke), Esrl of Scaradale,