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WAVBNBY— WELLES. 75 WAVENEY OP SOUTH ELMHAM. Barony. i. Sir Robert Alsxakdbr Shafto Adair, Bart, I. 1873, of Flixton Hall, oo. Suffolk, s. and h. of Sir Robert Shafto ^ Adair, Bart (ao. er, 2 Aug. 1838) of the aame, by Elisabeth Maria, 18S6 ^^ ^' ^^® ^^- Jamea Strode, of Rerkhampstead, Herta, waa h, 26 Aug. 1811 ; M.P. for Cambridge, 1847-52 and 1854-57 ; Lieut.- Col. Eaat Suffolk militia artillery, 1853-81, and Hon. Col. 1881-86 ; Mil. aide-de-camp to the Queen, with rank of Colonel, 1857-86 ; 9ur.,, 21 Feb. 1869, to Me Baronetcy, and waa cr, 10 April 1878, BARON WAVBNBIT OP SOUTH ELMHAM, oo. Suffolk. He m., 11 .Fune 1886, at St MaryV, Urvanaton aquare, Theodoeia, let da. of Lieut. -Qen. the Hon. Robert Mradk (2d a. of John, lat Earl or Clanwilliam [L]), by Anne Louiaa, da. of Sir John Daluno, Bart She, who waa 5. 27 Jan. 1811, d^ 10 May, 1871, at 7 Audley aquare, Midx., aged 60. He d. there, •.p., 15 Feb. 1886, aged 75, when the peerage became exUwU, but the Baronetcy deYolved on hia br. and heir male. Will pr. 14 Aug. 1886, over £10,000. WEICK, or WEIK. t.0., " Olinurcht, Bsnbdblaroch, Ormblib and Wbick," Barony [S.] (CamjMi), er. 1681 (the precedency dating from 1677) with the Earldom or Brbad- ALBAH ard Hollaro [S.], which aee. WEISFORD, or WEYSFORD, see Wbxford. WELBY OF ALLINOTON. Barony. i. Sir Rboinald Earlb Wblbt, 5th and yst. 8. of the I 1 894. ^^'* ^^^^ Earle Wrlrt, Rector of Hareaton, co. Leioeator (6th a. of William Earie Wrlbt, Ist Bart), by Felicia Elisabeth, da. of the Rev. Qeorge Holr, of Chnlmleigh, Devon, waa h. 8 Auff. 1832 ; ed. at Eton, and atTrin. Coll., Cambridge ; 6. A., 1855 ; O.B., 1874 ; Aaaiat Financ Sec of the Treaeury. 1880-84 : Auditor of the Civil Liat, 1881 ; K.O.B., 1882 ; Permanent Sec to the Treaaury, 1885-94 ; f^.O.B., 1892, beinnc, on hia reeignation of office, er., 16 April 1894 ; BAKON WELBT OF ALLINOTON, co. York ; Alderman of the London County Council WELDON. See '* BA88BTT DB Wbldon," Barony (Basset), 1299 to 1314. WELLES. Barony by 2, Sir Adam db Wbllbs, of " Welle-parke," Hellowe, Writ. Orimsby, Ac, co. Lincoln, whoae parentage ia aomewhat doubtful, waa I 1 299 ^- "'^^^ 1276 ; aerved in Gaaoony, 1294 ; waa Conatable of Rockingham Caatle, being then a Knight, 1297 ; waa in the Scotoh war, 1298— 1303, being at the siege of Carlaverock, and waa enm. to Pari, aa a Baron (LORD WELLES) from 6 Feb. (1298/9) 27 E<l. I. to 16 June (1311) 4 Ed. IL Hia signature aa " Adam, Dominua de Welle, appears on the letter of the Barona to the Pope, 1801. (*) He was sum. to the ooron. of Ed. II. He m. Joan,(^) da. and h. of John D' Ekgairr, of Grimsby afsd. He d. Sop. 1811. Each. 5 Ed. II. Hli widow then living, was dead before 1316 ; Each. 9 Ed. 1 1. (*) See full account of this letter in " Nieolae," pp. 761—809. (^) That the name of the wife of the lat Lord waa Joan and not Margaret (aa in " DojfU '*) Rppeara from the maaa for her soul, founded in (22 Ed. III.) 1848, bv her grandson, Jonn, Lord Wellea, where, alao, it appeara that the name of the wife ol Adam, Slid Lord Wellea, her son, was not Maud (aa in " JMtgle ";, but Matgaret