Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/89

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WELLBS — WBLLESBOROUOH. 79 been repealed, anien the taid writ of 1482 may be coniidered to have done io), fell into abiffaneet between the four daoghten of Leo, Lord WeUe8,(^) Barony. 1, John WsiiLBS, of Maxhey, 2d 8. of Leo, Lord L 1 485. ^mxn, being let a. by hiaeeoond wife, Margaret,iDow. DuoRBS OF SoMmsKT, abovenamed, waa 6. about 1448 ; waa a Gapt in the forcea Viaoountcy. of (hia nephew) the Earl of Richmond, by whom he waa knighted, T lift? ^ ^^* 1485, on whoee aooeeaion to the throne, aa Hen. VII., he 1. I4oi, obtained, aa heir male, tho' not heir general, the family eatatee, ^ forfeited in 1409 by hia elder br., Uichard, Lord Wellea, na 1499. alao aeveral couaiderabie granta, being, soon afterwarda, appar* ently at lome date in 1485, er. LORD WELLES, and ao deaoribed in the Pari, roll, 1 Hen. VI1.,(^) and being, apparently, before 28 Feb. 1486/7, tho* the prectae date of hie iwtent doea not appear, cr. VISCOUNT WELLBS,(«) and firat anm. to ParL aa aaoh, 1 Sep. 1487. Kl K.G., before 29 Sep. 1488, and inat. 19 July 1489 ; P.O., 1496. He m. ahortly before Dec. 1487, the Lady Cecilia Plantagbnit, aiater of Eliaalietb, the Queen Conaort, and 3d da. of Bdward IV., by Elisabeth, da. of Richard (Wtdvillk), Karl RivKRa. He <f. a.p.m.(') of plenriay, "at Paamer'a place in Saint Sythe'a lane," I/ondon, 9 Feb. 1498/9, aged about 50, and waa 6ur. ivitli aonie btate in Wcatm. Abbey, when all kU honourw became exUnH. Funeral recorded in Coll. of Arma. Will, leaving all hia landa to hia wife for her life, dat. 8 Feb. 1498/9, pr. 22 June 1499. Hia widow, who waa b. 1469, m., about 1503 (before Jan. 1508/4), Thomas Ktmbb, often called Ktmk,(*) of, apparently, the lale of Wight. She d. 24 Aug. 1507, aged 38, and waa bur. nt Qiiarr Abb<*y in that iaiand. WELLES OF DUNGANNON., " WsLLBS OF DuNGANNON, 00, Tyrone," Barony [L] (Knox), cr, 1781 ; aee ** Northland of DrHOANiioH," Viaoountcy [I.], cr, 1791. WELLESBOROUGH. t.f., "Wbktworth of Wbllbsborough, CO. Leicester/' Visooontcy (iVoal), <T. 1762 ; ex. 1815. (*) Theae were [i] Cecily, m. Sir Robert Willoughby, and d, before 1604, leaving iaane. [ii] Margaret, m. Sir Thomaa Dymoke, and a. before 1504, leaving iaane. [iii] Eleanor, m. firatly Thomaa (Hoo), Banm Hoo and Haatinga (who d, B.p.m. 18 Feb. 1464/5), by whom ahe had daughtera, eventually her ooheira ; ahe m. aecondly, Jamea Lawrence, by whom ahe had two aona, Sir Thomaa and Jamea, who both d. a.p. ; ahe at. thirdly, Hugh Haatinga. [iv] Katharine, m. firatly. Sir Thomaa de la Lannde, and aecondly, before 1504, liobert Tempeat, by both of whom ahe had iaane. In (1508-04), 19 Hen. VI L, the lieira of I^eo, Liord Wellea, and of [hia aon], Uichar«l, and of Robert [mm of the aaid Richard], were (/2M. ParL, vol. vi, p. 544), William, Lord Willoughby de Ereaby (in right of the aaid Cecily) ; Sir Robert Dymoke (in right of the aaid Margaret) ; Thomaa Lawrence (in right of the aaid Eleanor) ; and the aaid Katharine, then wife of Robert Tempeat Many of the aubaequent deeoendanta of theae ooheira are fully aet out in Banka' ** Bar, AngL Cone," 0>) Pari. Roll (No. 128), 1 Hen. VII., part 1, No. 2. [" Creatione, 1488— 164<»," in app. 47th Rep., D. K. Pub. Recerda.] (®) " No enrolment of patent nor privy aeal of hia creation haa been found. The first aummona to Pari, on behalf of tiiia dignity ia dated 1 Sep. 1487. The name of John, Viaoount Wellea, appenra on Pari. Roll (No. 128) 1 Hen. VII., part 1, No. 18, and that of 'John Wellea, Knyght, brother to the aeid Richard Wellea, now beyng aon and heir [«.e., heir male] to livon, late Lord Wellea,' in the following entry (No. 14)." [Oreatione^ &c, aa in note " b," above.] {^) He had two daughtera both of whom d. young, viz. (1), Elimbeth, who d, v.p. ; (2) Anne, who d, about 1500, and waa bur. at St. Auguatine'a Priory, London. (*) " A peraon of anoh obeoure birth, that reaearch haa b«en hitherto baffled in every attempt to obtain authentic information in reference to him.*' [M. A. R Green 'a " Prineenee of England,** where two pedigreea, both of doubtful authority* are added, ahewing the iaaue of Sir Jekn [aic] Kemt, or Kene, of the lale of Wight, by thia lady. It ia certain, however, that the ehriatian name of Cecilia'a aeoond huaband waa Thomaa.]