Page:The Complete Peerage (Edition 1, Volume 8).djvu/99

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WBMYSS — ^WBNLOCK. 89 Earldom [8.] ^ VIII. Barony [U.K.] III. 8 and 3, Francis (Chartbris, formerly Ghartiiu8-Wbut88-Douola8), Eabl of Wbhtsb [8. 1683], 1883 ^^^ WBMT88 OP Elcho [». 1628], and Lord Elcbo akd Mbthbl [S. 1633], also, poMibly,(^) Earl of March, Viscount PuBrjn, Lord Douglas of Nibopato, Ltrb AND Munard [S. 1697], also Baron Wbmtss [U.K. 1821], Ist s. and h. ; 6. 4 Aug. 1818, at York place, Edinburgh, and hap. at St. PauKs EpiKoopal Church there ; ed. at Eton and at Ch. Ch., Oxford ; B.A., 1841 ; was M.P. for Eaat Glouc, 1841-46 ; for H adding tonshire, 1847-84, being HyUd Lord Eiciio, 1853-83 ; and being a Lord of the Treasury, 1853-55 ; was well known as Lieut Col. London Scottish Vols., 1859-79, of which he afterwards was Hon. Col. ; $uc to the peer€iffe[B. and U.K.], as above, 6 Jan. 1888. He m., 29 Aug. 1843, Anne Frederics, 2d da. of Thomas William (Anson). 1st Eabl OK LiCHFiBLD, by IjOuiss Catherine, ds. of Nathaniel Pbilufs. She, who was (. 22 Feb. 1823, d., after a long illnee^ at 23 St. James' place, 22 and was bun 25 July 1896, at Abberlady, eo. Haddington. [Huao Richard Chartbris, styled^ after 1883, Lord Elcho, 4th but- lilt surv. B. and h. ap.(<^) ; 5. at Edinburgh, 25 Ang. 1857 ; ed. at Harrow and at Ball Coll., Oxford ; was M.P. for Haddingtonshire, 1883-85, and tor Ipswich, 1886-95. He m., 9 Aug. 1888, at St Peter's, Eaton square, Mary Constance, 1st da. of the Hon. Percy Sea wen Wtnduam (jr. s. of the 1st Baron Lboonfirld), by Frances Eden, da. of Major Qen. Sir Guy Caupbbll, Bsrt. She was 6. 3 Aug. 1862.] Family Sitatei, — These, in 1883, consiste<l of 41,255 acres in Peebles-shire ; 9,167 in Haddingtonshire; 3,541 in Perthshire; 1,518 in Midlothian, and 1,261 in Berwick- shire, in Scotland'; besides 4,789 in Qlouoesterahire, and 500 in Worcestershire. Toialf 62,028 acres, worth £54,968 a year, inclusive of value of Fishings and Lime- works, but exclusive of £1,378 for minerala Principal Seatt, — Qosfonl House, co. Hsddington ; Niedpath Castle, co. Peebles ; Elcho Castle, co. Perth ; Stanway Hall, near More ton -m- the- Marah, co. Qlouoester. WEMY8S OF BURNTISLAND. A misnomer, apparently, for Burntisland," Barony [S.] ( Wemyts), cr. 1672 ; ex. 1685 ; which see. WENDOVER. %.€., " Wbndovbr of CuKPiNG Wtcombb, CO. Buckingham," Viscountcy {Oarington, afterwards Wynn-Carrington), er, 1895, with the Earldom of Carribqton, which WENLOCK, or WENLOK. Barony 1. John WsNiiOOK, of Wenlock, Salop, whose parentage T 1461 ^* unknown, was Escheator for Bucks and Beds. (1488-89), 17 Hen. VL ; 1. X90I, ^^1^^^ ^f ^y^^ Chamber to Margaret, the Queen Consort (1446-47), 1 1^ 1 ^^ '^^"' ^^' * ^^^^^^^ '*^ Bsmburgh Castle the neit Tear, being then ^^f ^* a Knight, and, two yeprs later, Chsmberliiin to the said Queen. He, who was wounded in the first battle of St. Albans in May 1455, advanced above £1,000 to Hen, VI., by whom, in 1458, he was sent on embassy to Burgundy. He, however, joined the Yorkist {mrty in 1460, and was attainted in that year. He was, however, elected K.O., 8 Feb. 1460/1(*>) ; fought at Towton, on the Yorkist side, 29 March 1461 ; and wns maile Chief Butler of England, Steward (•) Of his elder brothers (1), Francis, b. 11 Nov. 1844; mat. at Oxford (Ball. Coll.), 12 March 1864 ; (f. num. 22 July 1870. (2) Arthur, ft. 80 Aug. 1846 ; d, 1847. (8) Alfred Walter, 6. 2 June 1847 ; was Lieut. 71st Foot, and d. unm. at sea, 24 Nov. 1873, in the Ashantee war. (b) Thro* the inflnence of the (" King- maker ") Earl of Warwick.