Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/116

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04 ANGUS. Earls, &.c. [S.] "| >S' [and Q//. ,?.] Robert de Umfravill, Earl VTTT ol Angus [S.1 (and Qy. Earl of Angus [E.]), 2ml but Qy. Earls, [E.] ? II. Qy. Earls [E.] ? nt(*)

i on- 1st surv. s. mill h., aged over 30 years at the death of his

- 1 JOV. fat i, el# He had already distinguished himself in the Scot- tish wars and had defeated Robert Bruce at Johnstown. By that King his Scotch Eahi.dom was forfeited, and he is spoken of, in a charter as " Robertas tic I'mfrarille, Miles, Dudum Comes de Anegns." He was, however, in England sum. as " Earl of Angus" to Pari., by Ed. II, from 19 Jan. 1307-8, to 30 Dee. 1324, and was, by that King, appointed Joint Guardian of Scotland, 21 July 130S, and Sole Guardian, 20 Aug. 1309 ; as also, in 1317, one of the Commissioners to treat for a truce with Scotland. He m. firstly, Lucy, da. of Philip and sister anil h. of William de Kyme, of Faldingworth, co. Lincoln. He hi. secondly, Eleanor. He rf. 2 April 1825, and was bur. in the Abbey of Newminster. /;/>/. post mortem. Hia widow m. Roger MaUDUIT, and rf. 31 March (1357), 12 Ed. III. n„ Parls &B r s 9 [and Qtj. 3.] Gilbkut de Umfraviij,, Earl HJ ' I i, 0 - of Angus, ((,!//. [S.]or[E.])s. and h., by first wife, aged IX.(") I UHTOj 35 at the 'lea tli of his father. He was aum. to Pari, in f to England as " Earl of Angus," from 27 Jan. (1332-3), 6 13S0-1. Ed. Ill, to 26 Aug. (13S0), 4 Iiic. II, and was one of the disinherited Barons who invaded Scotland in 1332, and assisted in the victory of Edward Baliol at Ihipplin Moor in that year, and again at the battle of Durham, 30 Aug. 1346, where David II [S.] was made prisoner, for whose redemption, in 1356, he was one of the Commissioners. He m. firstly, Joan, da. of John (Wim.ouohbt), Loud Willoughby of Eresby. She rf. s.p. 16 Aug. 1350. He m. secondly, Maud, only da. of Thomas (Lucy), 2nd Loud Lucy, by Margaret, da. of Thomas (df. MultOS), 1st Lord Multon of Egremont. He rf. s.p.s., 7 Jan. 1380-1, and was bur. at New- miuster. J nq. post mortem, 4 Ric. II. His widow m. about 1384 (as his second wife) Henry (Percy), 1st Earl of Northumberland. She, who in 1369 had become the sole heir of her family, left Prudhoe Castle (which she had inherited from the Earl of Angus, her first husband), as well as her own paternal estates to the Percy family, and rf. s.p., in the lifetime of the said Earl of Northumberland, who was shiin 29 Feb. ] 407-8. [Robert de Umfravill, sty/erf LORD UMERAYILL, s. and h. ap. by first wife. He m. (1339), 13 Ed. Ill (when an infant), Margaret, da. of Henry (Percy), Lord Percy. He rf. v.p., s.p., Escheat (1341), 14 Ed. III. His widow m. his second wife), before 1369, William (Ferrers), 3rd Lord Ferrers of Grohy, who A 3 372. She rf. s.p., 3 Sep. 1375.] Xote. — After the death of Gilbert, Earl of Angus, 7 Jan. 1 3S0-1 (as above mentioned), none of the descendants of his grandfather (who was the first who was sum. to the English Pari.), were sum. to Pari. [E.] either as " Earls of Angus," or ns " BAR'JM Umfravill." His heir at law (us to the estates) was his niece of the whole blood, Eleanor, then aged 40, wife of Sir Henry Taluoys, she being da. and h. of Elizabeth (his only sister of the whole blood), by Sir Gilbert Baradon, or Buiidon. The right of succession, if any, to any Peerage dignities [!!.], or, if not still under attainder, [S.] would appear to have become vested as under/' 1 ) ma I. 1380-1. 1. Sir Thomas de Umfravill, br. to the last Earl (but of the half blood) and h. male, being s. of Earl Robert by his 2nd wife Eleanor. He inherited the Castle of Harbottle, the Barony of Alnwick, and Manor of Otterbourne, all co. Northumberland, under an entail (3 Sep. 1377) 1 Ric. II, and, considering that his grandson was styled Earl cf Kyme, he, not improbably, (a) The fact appears to be that the Earldom was a Scotch Earldom, and was forfeitnl according to the view of the Scottish King; but extant according to that of the King of England.