Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/170

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148 ART T NDEL. (Holand), 2nd Kaki. ok Hf ntinodon, who was (1437-43) Lieut, of Guicnne, and afterwards (1442-0) Dukk OF ExrrKH. She c(. s.p. at Bordeaux 23 Oct. 1439 and was bur. at Armulcl. M.I. XVIII. 1413. IS or tf. lam $m Alas, aim de Arundel, (who, according to the admission of 1433 ( c ) abovcnamed, may be considered Kaiil or Arixdki. by tenure of the Castle, cousin and h. male, being s. and h. of John Fitz Alan, alias tie Arundel (by Elizabeth, da. of Hugh LB'i:nskui. which last n;uned John (who never was sum. as a Baron) was s. and h. of John, Lone Arundel (sum. to Pari, as a Baron, ('■') 1377-137!) i, who was br. of the whole blood to Richard XVth (11th or 4th) Earl of Arundel, lie was h. 1 Auff. 1385 at Dittoit manor, in Stoke l'ogis, Bucks, sue. lib father in 1391, and his grandmother ',»«<• jure Baroness Maltravers) on 10 Jan. 1401-5, but was never sum. t > Pari, in the Barony either of Maltravers or of Arundel, though frequently fti/kd Loan Maltravkrx. lie was in the French wars in 1 115, in which year he sue. to the Castle and Honour of Arundel as afsd., and (according to some authorities; was sum. to Pari as EARL OF ARUNDEL, in Sep. 1416, !') though, (probably owing to the opposition of the great family of Mowbuay, the heirs gen. of the former Barfs "f Arundel), never aftera aids. He in. before 1407 Eleanor, da. of Sir John BERKELEY of Boverstone, eo. Gloucester, by bis 1st wife, Elizabeth, da. audi), of Sir John Bettkshornk of Betteshorne in Soplcy, Hants. He (/. 21 April 1421 and was bur. at Arundel. His widow »i. Sir Richard Potnisos, Ivnt., who was s. ami Euan of Robert, Lokd I'ovmxos, but Who d. v. p. before 1446. She m. (for her third husband) Walter (Hungerford), Loud Huxubrkhud, K.G., who <f. 1449. She d. Aug. 1455 and was bur. at Arundel. Will (in which she styles herself "Countess of Arundel and Lady Maltravers," and speaks of her late husband as "John, Earl of Arundel ") dat. 20 July 1455 and pr. 23 Aug. following, XIX. 1 i 2 1 . 14 or 7, Johx Kitz-Alan, alt'n-< de Akundki.i. (who, in right either of his father's writ, or of the admission of 1433( c ) abovenauied, may be considered) Karl ok Arundel, s. and h. He was 4. 14 Feb. 1407-8 at Lytchett Maltravers, Dorset. On 19 May 1428 he was it. K.B. at Leicester with the young King, under the name of " Loud Mal- tuavers." His claim to the Earldom of Arundel not having been recognised,^) he was, when of age, sum. to Pari, as a Baron (Lord Arundell) on 13 July and 2 Aug. (1429) 7 Hen. VI, the writ being directed " Johanni de Arundeli de Arunddl, Chen. In Dee. 1431 he was at the coronation of Henry VI at Paris. He dis- tinguished himself in the French wars, and was made Governor of Rouen. Oil 22 April 1432 be was made K.GK ; and in 1433 his petition to be considered HAUL OF A1UINDEL,(' ) by tenure of the Castle of Arundel, was allowed, but he was never afterwards sum. to Pari, either as an Earl or a Baron. He was also rr. DUKE OF TOURAINE in Prance, by the Regent Bedford. He m. firstly (or, more probably, was contracted when a minor to) Constance, da. of John (Cornwall), Loud Fanhoke, by Elizabeth, da. of John of Gaunt (Plantaoenet). Duke ok Lancaster. She d. s.p. and v.p. before 1429. He m. secondly, before 1429, Maud, widow of Sir Richard Stai-toud (who d. 1427), da. of Sir Robert Lovell, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Guy Bryan, who was 1st s. and h. ap. of Guy, Loud Bryan. The Earl having been severely wounded and taken prisoner at the siege of Gerberoy, d. a few weeks afterwards at Beauvais, 12 .lime 1435, and was bur. ill the Grey Friars there, though, by will dat. ( :l ) The writ was addressed to him as ".John de Arundel," but probably it was in right of his wife Eleanor, tuo jure Baroness Maltiiaveus. Neither his s. or grandson were so summoned, nor his great grandson (John) till 1429 (when the Baroness was dead), wdiile his great great grandson (Thomas) was sum. in 1 452 as " Arundell ok Mal- tiiaveus ; and (Henry ) the grandson of this last was sum. in 1533 as " Maltuaveks." ('») Sec full account of this mysterious summons and its subsequent partial erasure (between 1658 and 168S) from the roll, in Tierney's "History of Arundel," vol. l, page 101, note. Sir C. G. Young states of this Lord that. " it does not appear that the title [of Earl] was ever attributed to him during his lifetime," and that the will of his widow was not made till "some years after her sou was recognised as Earl," See " Coll Top. ct (Jen.," vol. vi, p. 16. (») See p. 138, note "e." (•') Qui scdietl Com. Arundell " (Hot. Exit., Michs., 8 Hen. VI.)