Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/198

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176 ATHENRT. XX ? 1799. 20. ? Jon.v Birmjsqbau of Dalgan, oo. Oalway, assumed the title of Lord Athknuy [I.]. as h. m«le of the grantee, being 1st snrv. s. and h. of John B. of Dalgan (by Maud, da. at John Birminoiiam of Una Hill or Killbeg), which John B. of Dalgan was s. anil h. of Francis B, (who if. 1724), s. and h. of Mvles B. (who </. 1707), s. and h. of Redmond K. (who <(. 1695), s. and b. of Meiler B. ("called Meyler liny), all of Palgan afsd., the said Meiler being said to be 2nd s. of Edmond, 13th Lord Athenry. He sue. his father, who d. aged 85, in Nov. 1771, and was J. P. for co. Galway. On the death of the Eahi. ok Louth [I.] he petitioned (as "John Birmingham, Esq.,") to be sum. " by the style ami title of BARON OK ATHKNRY " [I.], as heir male (of the body) of Pierce, who sat as such in (1243-14) 2S Hen. III. This was, referred to the Law officers p[] March 1800. He m. firstly, Jennet, da. of John I'l'KclI of St Christopher's. She U. 176S. He in. secondly, Dorothea Mathews, of DhmahaHa. He d. s.p. leg. 1303.^) XXI? 1S03. 21. 1 John- Bimmlvoham of Dalgan afsd , uophew ami h. being s. and h. of Edward B. (by Anne, da. of James Waddklij, yat. br. of the above, who d. 1794. He appears, however, never to have assumed or claimed the title. He d. s.p. being slain at the siege of Badajos 1S11.(>>) Petitioner, as the son of the eldest daughter, ftp." Many years afterwards, another petition, alleging (as a fact) the Barony of Athenry to be a Boron// in fit and consequently in abeyance between the heirs gen. of the late Karl of Louth [I.], wits presented, in 3327, By Lady Harriet Sr. Gkoik.e, da. of William (St. Lawrence), Earl ui Howth [L] by his first wife Mary (styled Viscountess St. Lawrence), who was 2nd <];>. and, in her issue, coheir of the abovenamed Earl of Louth A report was made thereon by the Attorney Gen. (Scarlett), hut in this petition, also, there was the same fatal defect as in the one of 1800, nr. that " no attempt was mode on the part of the Petitioner/" prmc herself to be an heir yen. of the first Boron." The case was referred to the House together with that of Edward Birmingham, who claimed as h. male. Lad} Harriet d. 2 Feb. 1830. ( b ) Fedk.kek (which, though probable, is unsupported by rcliahk evidence) shewing the succession of the Lords Athenry [I.] and the relationship of those claiming that I. Robert Bermingham or de Birmingham, 1st Loud Athenry [I.], 1172. y II. Peter or Piers, 2nd Lord.ti. 1254.y 1 1 ' III. Meiler, 3rd Lord, d. 1262.=j= Sir James, 2nd son, 1271V J IV. Peter, 4th Lord, d. 1807.=r r ; ~r J Meiler, s. and=j= V, Richard, 5 Peter, Lord of Thetmoy or Totemoy 129a.=f h. ap. d. v. p. s.p.m., before 1304. Phi- LIW'A, coheir. Euza- 5th Lord, d. 1322. VI. Thomas,=p fith Lord, 8. Si h. d. 1374. John, Lord of Thet-=f= Peter, moy and Atheidee, 2nd s. or. Eaiu. ok Loots d. v.f. [i.] 1319, d. 1329, B.p.m.s. Richard, Qi/. > John, Loid ti num., of Hictmoy v. p. s.p.m. William, =f Lord of Thetmoy P.] • i " Walter,^ J/»rd of Thetmoy