Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/217

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AUBIGNY. 195 Admon. as "of the city of YVestm.," 8 Jane 1617, to the relict " Catharine, Lady AOKCSV," and again (on behalf of hia children alone) o June loaO and 24 Sep. Iti60. His widow m. secondly Sir James Levinuston, cr. in 1660 Karl uk Newburgh [8.J, who d. 26 Dec. 1670. IX? 1642. 2. Charles Stuart, " Loud Stuart, Lonu Au- niUNY,"( d ) only s. and h. It is not known whether or up he was the owner of the Lordship of AvJbigny. On 10 Dee. 3645 he was cr. Eaiii. of Lichfield, &e.( c ) On 14 Aug. 1660 he sue. his cousin as Duke of Richmond, &c. raj and Duke of Lennox, &e [S.J He d. s.;>. Dec. 1672. [For fuller account see "Lennox," Duke of [S ], cr. 1581, ear. 1672.] IX, 1642, I. Loud Iajdovick Stuaut, Loud op Avjiyic,N( f ) afsd., or or 5th s. of Esme, 3rd Duke of LENNOX, &c. [S.], and br. of George X. 1656. Stuart, Loud of Ari3io.Ni" abovenamed, did homage for the Lordship of Aubxyny in France, 20 Nov. 1656, having sac. to the same either by tlie death of his said br. George, or by the resignation of his nephew Charles, Earl of Lichfield, immediately abovenamed. (B) He w as Canon of the church of Notre Dame at Paris, Great Almoner to the Queeu Dow. of England, tc, and was uom. a Cardinal a few days before his death. He d. in France unm. 3 Nov. 1665, in his 46th year, and was bur. at the church of the Chartreux at Paris. M.I. Admon. granted 3 April 1666 to Charles, " Duke of Ilichmond and Lennox," the nephew by the brother. This was revoked and will pr. May 1666. [In Dec. 1672, the issue of Sir John Stuart of Damley (who, in 1421, had obtained the Lordship of Aubiyui/) having become ex. (with the exception ef the Royal race descended from King James I.), the lands forming the Lordship of AuVnjny id the province of Berry were erected, in 1673, into a Duchy and Pceratje of Franct by King Louis XIV. in favour of Louise, DUCHESS OF PORTSMOUTH (DncBESSE D'AUBIOSY) for her life, with rem. to Charles Lennox, her illegit. s. by King Charles II (who himself was the b. male of the body of Sir John Stuart, the original grantee, 1421, of the Lordship of Aubigny) and the heirs male of his body. This patent wiis registered by the Pari of Fans, !4 April 1674. Her Grace d. at Aubigny 1 Nov. 1734 in her SSth year. [See " Portsmouth, Duchess of " cr. 1673, tt. 1734. ] On her death, her grandson Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond inherited the French Peerage as Die D'AUBMNY, [See " Richmond, Duke of" cr. 1675, under the 2nd Duke.] Sunderland, Henry {Spencer), Earl of ; slain at Newbury Sep. 1643. Villiers, Loud Francis, posthumous s. of George, Duke of Buckingham, slain at Coombe Park, Kingston, Surrey, 7 July 1648 in his 20th year and bur. at Westm. Abbey, ViEi-mi.E, Marodis dp, a native of France, slain at Newbury 17 Sep. 1643. ( d ) He is thus styled in the letters of admon. to his father and to his two uncles, (Lord John Stuart and Lord Bernard Stuart), all bearing date 6 June 1650. ( e ) His title of Earl of Lichfield, was not recognised in the administration acts « lti4 < °r 1650 to his father and uncles ; Pari, having declared, on 11 Nov. 1643, that all patents and giants passed since SS May M>4J were void. A subsequent act of Tad., 4 Feb. 1651, enacted that all the honours granted by Charles 1 since J, Jan. 1641-2 were void. These enactments are the cause of great confusion in the nomenclature of several of the Royalists during the Commonwealth period, many Peerages, Baronetcies and Knighthoods having been conferred by the King subsequent t'i these two periods. ( f ) He's styled " Lord D'Aubij/ny " in the letters of admon. 3 April 1660. W " The instrument of homage i>f Aubigny bears that these lands bad fallen to him »J the decease of Ksme Stuart, his father, and of Henry, George, John and Bernard stnart his brothers." See " Douglas," p. 101. It would appear, however, that he, in all probability, was senior to John and Bernard, and next yst. br. to George.