Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/220

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198 AUDLEY. whom he had 4 sons, as under, is unknown. He in, secondly Ela,( c ) da, of William LoNGEsrti, by whom (who brought him the manor of Stratton, afterwards called Stratton Audley, Oxon, in frank marriage) he had one s. Hugh: see "AUDLEY" Tiarourr. 1321. He rf. about 11 June (1271-72) 56 Hen. III. His widow 4. about 1325. Inq. post mortem (1325-26) 1!) Ed. II. VI. 1272. G. James de Aluituley, s. ami b, aged 22 and upwards in 1272. He hi. Maud, but d. S.p. 1273. She was living 1271. [mi. as to her dower (1273-71) 2 Ed. I. VII. 1273. 7. Hen-ry i>e Aluituley, hi: ami h. VL&<1 s.p. 1276. Inq. (1275-76) 4 Ed. L VIII. 1276. S. William de Aluituley, br. ami h. He (/. s.p., beiui; slain (1282-83) 11 Ed. L IX. 1283. 9. Nicholas de Aluituley or Audley, br. and h. On 26 Jan. (1298-7), 25 Ed. I, he was sum. to attend the Kin;; at Salisbury, but such summons cannot be considered in the light of it regular writ of summons to Pari. See (under Ap-Adam), p. 1H, note " b." He hi. C'athariue,( d ) da. ami coheir of John Gikkaud of Brimsfield, by his 1st wife Matilda ue LONOESPfi. He was living 1307.( e ) Barons by JO. Nicholas Audley or de Aluituley <rf Iieleigli, co, Writ. Stafford, 2nd but 1st surv s. and h. He was sum. to Pari, as a Baron I 1312-3 l 0,{,) AUDLEY) S Jan. (1312-3), (! Ed. II, to 25 Aug. (1318), 12 Ed. II. He i/i. Joane, Dow. C0UOTK8S ny IdSCOJJf, the only child thai had issue of William (Maiitix), Loud M.miti.n, by Eleanor, da. of William dk Mobux. He d. 1317. lm/. past mortem. (1317) 10 Ed. II. [I. 1317. JI. James (Audley or ue Aluituley), Loud Audliy, S, and h. aged three at his father's death in 1317, and aged 11 in 1326 011 the death of his maternal uncle, William, LonD Martin", to whose vast estates in co. Pembroke and Devon he was coheir, and eventually (by the death, in 1343, of his mother's sister Eleanor, widow of Philip, Lord Columbeus) sole heir, and to whose Peerage (LORD MARTIN), he would then appear to have been entitled. He was sum. to Pari. 25 Jan. 1329-30 (Qi/. at the age of 16 ?) to 8 Aug. 1386. He m. firstly Joane, da. of Roger (Mortimer), 1st Earl OF March, by Joane, da. of Peter D8 Geneville, which Ear! had been his guardian during his long minority. She d. before 1353. He m. secondly, before 23 April 1353, Isabel, da. and coheir of William MalbaNK, [0) Ela was not improbably » da. of that William Loiigespe, whose "eldest da. aad coheir " (she is so designated, which implies that there was a younger sister) M> Henry (De Lacy), Earl of Lincoln. In 1832 the well-known " Sir Thonias C. Banks, Bart ' published an account of the ancient Earldom of Salisbury " shewing the right of the Baron Audley to the inheritance of the same Earldom." This was actually alleged to be through this Ela whose parentage is unproved and from whom the Lords Audley (of Heleigh) do iwt descend. See " Her. and Gen.," as in the previous note. (■') See her pedigree from the Plea Rolls in " Coll. Top. and Gen.," i, 129. (°) His 1st s. Thomas Audley (/. v.p. 1307, aged 18, s.p., leaving a WWW Eva (da. and h. of Sir John Clavering), who m. secondly. Sir Thomas UtRirA, shia 1314. She in., for her third husband, Sir James Audley (a cousin of her first husband's. See p. 203, note " b "), by whom she was mother of the celebrated Sill James Audi.ey, KG., one of the Founders of that most noble Order. See Heltz'a " Memorials of the Garter," p. 83, and see also " Coll. Top. et Gen.," vii, p. 51 and p. 52, note "r."