Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/230

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AVONMORE. AVONMORE.(») Barons [I.] 1. Eaeey Yelvertox, s. ;md h. of Frank Y. of Black-' I. 1795 water and Kanturk, co. Cork, by Elizabeth, da. of Jonas BaRBT, b. 28 May 1736, was Barrister at Law (Dubl'n) 17(54 ; Bencher, 1772, M.P. Viscounts [I.] for Donegal 1774-76 ; and for Carrickfergus 1776-S3, and as such a T I onn zealous partizan for the claims of Ireland."( 1 >) Attorney Gen. [I.] J. 1..UU. 1782 . Lord Chief Bm . on , lf UlL . |.; xcuoquer [J.] 1784-1808 ; and, on 15 June 1795, was or. LORD YELYKRTON, BARON AYONMORE, co. Cork [I.] On 29 Dee. lSOO(^) he was rr, VISCOUNT AVONMORE of Derry Island, co. Tipperary [I.] He m. 2 July 1761, Mary, da. of William NUGENT of Clouloat, co. Westmeath. She d. 1802. He </. 19 Aug. 1805. II. 1805. 2. "William Charles (Yelvertox), Viscount Avox- MORE, &e. [I.], s. and h. 6. 5 April 1762. Principal Registrar of the High Court of Chancery [I.] He mi., 1 Sep. 1787, by spec lie. in St. James' Place, Westm. (his bride being then a minor;. Mary, 1st da. of John READE of East Cams, Hants. He d. 28 Nov. 1814. Will pr. July 1815. His widow d. 30 May 1831. III. 1815. 3. Barry John (Yelvertox), Viscount Avonmore, &c. [I.], s. iUid h. b. 21 Feb. 1790. He m. firstly 1811, Jane. da. of Thomas Booth of Dublin and Whitehaven. She il. Oct. 1821. He IK. secondly, 1 Aug. 1822, Cecilia, 1st da. of Charles O'KhKEB of Hollybrooke Park, TO. Tipperary, one of the Registrars of the Court of Chancery [I.] He <l. 24 Oct. 1870, at Dublin, in his 81st year. His widow d. 1 Feb. 1S76 at Tritoiiville, co. Dublin, aged 71. IV. 1S70. 4. "William Charles (Yelvertox), Viscount Avox- MORE, &c. [I.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h., being 1st by second wife, 6. 27 Oct. 1824. Major, R.A. Served in the Crimea. Medal ami clasp for Inkeiman and Sebastopol. Knight of the Turkish order of Me.ljidie, 5th class, but was "suspau/cd from all military duties" March 1861. () He m., 26 June 1S58, Emily Marianne, widow of Edward Forbes, F.R.S., F.G.S., &e., and da. of Major Gen. Sir Charles Ashworth, K.C.B. He rf. 1 April 1S83 at Biarritz. Avonmore (i.e. the Great River) is the name of one of the three head waters of the river Avoca, in co. Wieklow. ( b ) Sec "Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation" by Sir Jonah Harrington, chap. W, where a long and interesting account of his Lordship's career is given. The authors views, as against the Irish Union, are well known. At the end of the sketch he adds—" This distinguished man, at the critical period of Ireland's emancipation, hurst forth as a meteor in the Irish Senate," but " after having with zeal and sincerity laboured to attain independence for his country in 1782, he become one of its Sale-Masters in 1800 " and, through the influence of the Duke of Portland, "and the absolute necessity of a family provision, on the question of the Union, the radiance of to public character was obscured for ever." " His rising sun was brilliant, his meridian cloudy, his setting obscure," yet "few men possessed so much talent, so nnicn heart, or so much weakness." . .„ ( c ) On this day (the last date of creation of Irish Peers before the Union) 1«  Peerages [I.] were created, via. 4 Marquessates, i.e. Thomond, Headfort, Shgo ancl Ely ; 5 Earldoms, i.e. Castle-Stewart, Donoughmore, Caledon, Kenmare and C«nn- earde (the last being with a spec, rem.); 9 ViscnuHTCTES, i.e. Limerick, Somertpn, Avonmore, Longueville, Bantry, Monck, Duulo, Charleville and Kilwarden, of Win™ honours, however, all the recipients possessed other Peerages [I.] previously. ( d ) This was owing to the scandal occasioned by the trial, which lasted ten days (JSi Feb. to 4 March 1861) in the Court of Col nmon Pleaft [L], of " Thehcall v. le/t'C? 0H, wherein the actual cause of action was for £259 supplied by the plaintiff for the use o the wife of the defendant, but therea! question at issue was whether 0T ^°^^ of