Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/234

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AYLMER. Rear Admiral of the Red 1692 ; Rear Admiral of the Fleet 1717 ; Governor of Greenwich Hospital 6 Nov. 1714. M.P. for Portsmouth 1695-93, and for Dover 1698 till his death. On 1 May 1718 he was a: LORD AYLMER, Bauon ok Balhath, co. Meath [I.]( l1 ) In 1720 was appointed Rear Admiral of Great Britain. He was also Ranger of Greenwich Park and Keeper of Greenwich Palace, He m. Sarah, da. of Edward Ellis of London. She d. Nov. 1710. He d. at Greenwich Palace IBArig 1720 and was bur. the 23 at Greenwich. Will dat. 2 June 1720, pr. I Sep. following.(«j II. 1720. 2. Henry (Aylmer), Lord Aylmer, &c. [L], only s. and h. Equerry to George 1. M. P. for Rye 1720-27. Comptroller of the Mint July 1727. He m. (settlement 27 June 1716) Elizabeth, da. of William Pmestman of Westcliffe, near Dover, Kent, and St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Midi, Commissioner of the Navy, by Mary his wife. She d. at Greenwich 12 Jan. 1749-50 aged 60, and was bur. on 20 there. He d. 26 June 1751 and was bur. 4 July at Greenwich. Will dat. 17 Sep. 1751, pr. 15 July 1754. HL 1754. 3. Henry (Aylmer), Lord Aylmer, &c. [L], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. bap. 21 May 1718 at St. Paul's, Covent Garden, Capt. R.N. He m. Anne, da. of William Pieiice of Virginia, in North America. She was bur. at Greenwich 23 Sep. 1756. He d. at Ickleford, Herts, 7 Oct. 1766 and was bur. 16 at Greenwich. Will (no date) pr. 6 Dec. 1766. IV. 1766. 4- Hexry (Aylmer), Lord Aylmer, &c. [I], 2nd bat only surv. s. and h. On 11 May 1766, on the death of his cousin Bit Matthew Aylmeu of Balrath, co. Meath, 6th Bart. [I.], he sue. to that Baronetcy, cr, in 1662. Took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 16 Eeb. 1788, and on his petition that he was " totally unable to support the dignity of the Peerage," was recommended by that House, 25 July 1762, " as an object of His Majesty's bounty." He m, 23 Feb. 1774 at Didbrook, co. Glouc, Catharine, sister of Charles, E.uti. Wiiitwohtii, da. of Sir Charles WurrwoiiTH of Leybourne, co. Kent, by Martha, 1st da. of Richard Shelley. He d. 22 Oct. 1785. His widow m. 22 Sep. 17S7 at Loughurn, co. Armagh, Howell PiiltE and </. 9 Jan. 1S05. V. 1785. 5. Matthew (Aylmer, afterwards Whitwortu-Ayl- .meh), Lord Aylmeu, kc [L], s. and h. 6. 24 May 1775. On 1 Aug. 1800 he obtained an annuity of £000 for life. General in the army (20 Dec. 1841) and Col. of the 18th Foot. Sometime Governor of Lower Cauada and Adjutant Gen. i:i Ireland. K.C.B. 2 Jan. 1815. G.C.B. 10 Sep. 1888. Re m. i Aug. 1801, Louisa Anne, 2nd da. of Sir John Call, 1st Bart., by Philadelphia, da. of William Batty, M.D. He d. s.p. 23 Feb. 1850, at 15 Eaton sq., and was bur. 2 March in the cemetery, at Norwood, Surrey. His widow d. 13 Aug. 1862, aged 84. VI. 1850. G. Frederick Whitwortu William (Aylmer), Loud Aylmer, &c. [I.], only surv. br. and h. b. 12 Oct. 1777. Entered the Navy 1790. Was at the battle of the Nile (7 Aug. 1798), and was com- mander of "the Severn" (27 Aug. 1S16) at the bombardment of Algiers. Admiral R.N. K.C.B. Knight of the order of St. Ferdinand of Naples. Obtained the Turkish gold medal in 1801 in the Egyptian campaign. Ho d. uum., 5 March 1858, at '20 Dawson Place, Paddington, and was bur. 12 at Kensal Green cemetery, aged 80. Will, in whieh he left £5,500 to his successor, dat. 29 Feb. 1856, pr., with two codicils, 4 Aug. 1S5S. ('■) The preamble to this creation is printed in " Lodge's Peerage of Ireland." Edit. 1789. Vol. vii, p. 65. The patent, which is in Latin, is given in extensu in the claim to the Peerage in July 1860. The titles are " JJominux Aijlmer, Jiuro dc Balrath." {") The following is Bishop Burnet's character of him when upwards of 50, with Dean Swift's remarks thereon in italics. " He has a very good head ; indefatigable and designing ; is very zealous for the liberties of the People ; makes a good figure in the Pari, as well as the Fleet ; is handsome in his person. A virulent man, bom in Ireland."