Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/24

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2 ABERCOEN. ail Karl in Parliament as he did at the Council table and in all other places." {*) He received large grants of land in the Barony of Strabane, Co. Tyrone, and built a -astle thereon. He m. Marion, first da. of Thomas (Boyd), 6th Loud BOYD [S.l by Margaret, da. oi Sir Matthew Campbell of Loudoun, He tt. v.p. at Moniton, 23 March, and was bur. 29 April 1618, in the Abbey Church, Paisley, aged 43. His widow </. in the Canengatc, Edinburgh, 26 Aug. 1632, and was bur. IS Sep. with her husband, II. 1618. 2. Jambs (Hamilton), Earl of Abercorn, &c. [S.], s. and h. Iu the lifetime of his father and grandfather, he, though only about thirteen years of age, was, on 8 May 1617 (the privy seal being dat, LSOct, 1616), rr. LORD HAMILTON, BAUON OP STRABANE, CP. Tyrone [I.], with rem. to the hens male of the body of his father. Soon after this he .sucr. to his father's Peerages in Scotland, ami iu 1621 he shit, his grandfather us LORD of PAISLEY, eo. Renfrew [S.J, a Peerage cr. 29 July 1587. On U Nov. 1633 he resigned his Irish Peerage in favour of his yr. br., Claud Hamilton, OU whom the Irish estates were settled. Being a Roman Catholic, he was excommunicated by the general assembly of the Church of Scotland in 16 (9, and ordered out of that kingdom. On 11 September, 1651, by the death, s.p.m., of his ccatsin William, 2nd Pt'Kfi of Hamilton [S. ], lie became the male representative «/' the. ilhutriotu hoiue of Hamilton, though he inherited none <if the estates or title* of the senior line.( b ) He married about 1632 Catharine, Dowager DtcHESs OF I.F.NNox fS. |, da. anil h. of Gervase (Clifton), Loi:d Clifton of Lkiohton' BROJtswor.n, hy Catharine, da. and h. of Sir Henry DabcY of Leighton afsd. She (who by Royal Lie., 28 Nov., 16:t2, was entitled, notwithstanding her marriage, to retain her title rank and precedency as Duchess of Lennox [S.J, d. in Scotland and was bur. " without, cerenumie" on 17 Sep- tembcr 1637, aged about 45. He was then living but " more than 400,000 merks in debt." He it. about ] 670. !".t ami:s Hamilton, rfifM LORD PAISLEY, s. ami h. up.. Ho «. 28 April 1653, at St. Bartholomew's-the-Less, London, Catharine, da. of William LkstiiaU, of Burford, Oxoii, Speaker of the House of Commons. He d. v.p. and a. p.m.] IIL 1670 ? 3. George (Hamilton), Maul of Abercorn, &c. [S.], 3rd but Istsnrv. ». and h. male, b. about 1636. He was living in 1670, but d. unm. at Padua in Italy before 16S3. ( a ) This singular warrant, granted to a person in no way connected with the Irish Peerage, appears to have been generally classed with the Summons issued to the eldest s. and ft. ap. of an Irish Peer. Thin classification is strengthened by the fact that on the same day, also by Privy Seal, occurs the first of such summons to the Irish House of Lords, viz., the s. of the Earl of Thomond, as Baron of Ibrackan Of these summons there were in all but nine, viz. (1) the said Lord Ibrackan, in 1613 ; (2) the s. of the Duke of Ormonde, as Bar] of Ossnry, in 1662; (3) the a. of the Earl of Clanearty, as Viscount Musfay, also in 1662; (4) the s. of the Earl of Cork, as Viscount Dungarvan, in 166j ; (5) the s. of the Earl of Meatb, iis Baron of Ardee, in 1664 ; (6) the s. of the Earl of Clanricarde, as Baron Dunkellin, iu 1711 ; (7) the s. of the Earl of Meath (again), as Baron of Ardee in 1 714 ; (8) the s. of the Earl of G'rauard, as Baron Forbes in 1725 ; and (9) the s. of Viscount Strabane [Earl of Abercorn in Scotland], as Baron Moiuitcastle, in 173jt. ( b ) As U. male of the body of James (Hamilton) Emu, of Auiian [S.] (so rr. 11 Aug. 15<>3, in consequence of his marriage with the Princess Margaret of Scotland), it is not improbable that he was entitled to that Earldom. SeeTabularPedigreeatp. 6. The original limitation thereof to heirs male of the body, was extended by the second, and possibly by the first, of two charters thereafter granted, viz. (1) on 16 January 151 J the limitation of the lands and BAROK1BS of Hamilton, && was extended to several bastard sons of the grantee and to others therein named (of the name of Hamilton) "and the heirs male of their bodies respectively, which failing, to the nearest heir male whatever" of the grantee, (2) On 15 September 1650, by another charter, the Bahoniks op Hamilton, fee., as also the EARLDOM OE AUIIAN, were granted to James, the 2nd Earl, ami the heirs male of his body, which failing, to five other persona (therein named) of the name of Hamilton, in like manner, which failing, '■ to his nearest heira [query, heirs male) bearing the arms and name of Hamilton." See " Douglas," vol. i, pp. 697-699.