Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/241

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B A LCARRES — BALFOUR. 219 battle of Dettingen in 1743 but retired after the battle of Foatenoy, 17-15, in which his said uncle was slain. He devoted the rest of his life to literature and to the improvement of his estate. When in his 60th year lie »!., 24 Oct. 174!), at Edinburgh, Anne, da. of Sir Robert Dalrymple of C'astleton, by his 1st wife Johanna, da. and h. of John Hamilton, styled Master of Bargeuy, the s. and h. ap. of John, 2nd Lord lOOIR [S.] He tf. at Balearres 20 Feb. 1768 in his 77th year. His widow, who was b. 25 Dec. 1727, d. at Bnlearres 29 Nov. 1S20.(S) 7. Alexander (Lindsay), Earl of Balcarres &C. [S.], s. and h. b. 18 Jan. 1752. On the death of his cousin ITgg George (Lindsay), 20th Earl of Crawford [S.], who d. s.p. 30 Jan. 1808, he should de jure have sue. to that Earldom which was confirmed to his son by decision of the House of Lords 1848. See " Crawford," Earl of [S.] jians io.j VI. Barons [S.] VII. BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH. Barons and 1. Sir Michael Balfour of Burleigh Castle, in Baronesses TS 1 Orwell, Co. Kinross, s. and h. of Sir James B. of Pittendreich, co. ' Fife, President of the Court of Session [S.], by Margaret, da. and h. of I. 1007. Michael Balfour of Burleigh afsd., obtained charters (v.p.) of lands in co. Fife and co. Banff in 1569 and 1577, sue. his father 1583, sat in convention 1599 and had charter of the Barony of Burleigh 29 Nov. 1606, in which year he was Ambassador to the Duke of Tuscany and Lorrain. On 16 July 1607 he was «■. LORD BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH, co. Kinross [S.], without any mention of heirs in the patent of creation. P.C. On 7 Sep. 1614 he obtained a charter of the Barony of Kilwinning " with the title of Lord of Kilwinning," to him and his heirs and assigns whatever. He m. firstly, before Oct. 1577, Mariot Ada.nlson, who d. s.p. He m. sec ondly Margaret, da. of (— ) Lundin of that ilk. He d. 15 March 1619. His will confirmed 10 July, 1620, at St. Andrews. His widow d. at Kilmainie, co. Fife. Her will confirmed 26 April, 1626, at St. Andrews. IT. 1619. 2. Margaret, sito jure Baroness Balfour of Burleigh [S.], da. and sole h. by 2nd wife. She m. (settl. Sep. 1606) Robert Arnot of Fernie, co. Fife, who assumed the name of Balfour. By virtue of a letter from the King he sat as a peer (LORD BALFOUR OF BURLEIGH) in the Pari. [8.1 25 Jan 1S21, and on 1 1 June 1 640 was chosen President of the Session. P.C. He opposed the "engagement" to march into England for the rescue of the King. In 1649 he was one of the Colonels for co. Fife and one of the Commissioners of the Treasury and Exchequer. The Baroness, </. at Edinburgh June 1639. His Lordship tt. at Burleigh 18 Aug. 1663. III. 1G30, 3. John (Balfour), Lord Balfour of Burleigh [S.], or only s. and h. He )«. in London, early in 1649, Isabel, da. of Sir 1G63. Wiiliam Balfour of Pitcullo, Lieut, of the Tower of London. Settl. (post nuptial) 24 Nov. 1666. This marriage his father endeavoured to get set aside. He wns living 10 Dec. 1696, but d. before Feb. 1697. IV. 1G96 1 J h Robert (Balfour), Lord Balfour of Burleigh [S.], s. and h. sat in the Pari, of 1698. He m. Margaret, da. of George (Melville), 1st Earl of Melville [S.], by Catherine, da. of Alexander Leslie, Master of Leveu, slyhd Lord Balgonie. He d. July 1713. ( g ) Of their eleven children the eldest Anne, b. 8 Dec. 1750, m. 31 Oct. 1793, Andrew aii-naril, Secretary to the Colony of the Cnpe of Good Hope, who d. there 27 Oct. ISO/, s.p. This was the celebrated Lady Anne Barnard, the authoress (1772) of Auld Robin Gray," &c. She d. 6 May 1 S25 in her 75th year. Her youngest sister, WizabeUi, Countess of Hardwieke [b. 11 Oct. 1763, d. 26 May 1858), outlived the birth her grandfather, Earl Colin, (abovenamed) by no less a period than 206 years,