Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/258

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23G B ANBTJ RY — BAN DON. Regiment, 1858, and (a few days before his death) gazetted Col. of the Scots Guards, Jan. 1883. Governor of Guernsey, 1851 ; in command of the camp at Aldershot (then first formed) 1S55; Vice President of the Council of Military Education, 1861 to 1S62 : Treasurer and Comptroller of the Household of the Prince of Wales, 1862; K.C.B., 1887 ; P.O. ; Gentleman Usher of the Black Red to the House of Lords. 1S77 j Receiver Gen. of the Duchy of Cornwall, 1878 ; Hon. Groom of the Stole to the Prince of Wales: Hon. D.C.L. (Oxford) ; Hon. LL.D." (Cambridge). He »!. 29 Sep. 1830 Elizabeth, illegit da. of Sir John St. Arrays 5th Bart, of Clowauce, and sister of Sir Edward St. Aubyn, cr. a Bart., 1S66. She d. 28 Jan. 1S7S. He d. at his official residence in the House of Lords 23 Jan. 1883 Will pr. 30 Aug. following, above £32,000, by his yst. s. Francis K., C.B., who inherited the family estate of Blount's Court. X. 1S83. 10. William W ALLINGFORD KNOLLY3 [Qy. EaRL OF B. SHORT, VlScoi'NT WAEHSGPBRB and Baron Knoi.LYS OK Gueys ?] who has not assumed any Peerage title, s. and h. b. 13 Nov. 1833. Brevet Lieut. Col. 93rd Highlander*. He m, I860 Sophia Elizabeth Tuekfield, da. of Thomas GOLDSWORTHT.] [William Wallingford Knollys, s. and h. ap. h. 1862. Second Lieut. Royal London Infantry Militia. BAXDON. i.e. "VISCOUNT BOYLE OF BAXDON,"co. Cork. See "Shannon," Earl of [I.], cr. 1756. Barons [I.] 1. Francis Bernard of Castle Bernard, near Bandon, 1 1 7 C )3 s ' an d h. of James B. of the same, for many yean M.P. fur co. Cork, by Esther, widow of Robert Gookin, da. of Percy Smyth Viscounts [I.] and sister and coheir of William S. of Headborough, was b. 26 Nov. 1755. Was M.P. for Bandon, 1783 ; sue. his father 9 July 1790 j and L 1/ Jo. was> on 3 0 N „ v ijm UAROX BANDON of Bandonbridge, co. Earls HI Cork [I.], on 6 Oct. 1795 VISCOUNT BANDON of Bandonbridge, L ' J co. Cork n.J, and, on 6 Aug. 1S00 VISCOUNT BERNARD and EARL I. 1800. OF BANDON [I.] Ret. Peer [I.] 1801. He hi. 12 Feb. 1784 (mar. lie. on the 11th at Dublin), Catharine Henrietta, da. of Hicham (Botle), 2nd Earl of Shannon, by Catharine, da. of the lit, Hon. John Ponsosby. She. who was b. 12 Jan. 17C8, d. 8 July 1815 at Castle Bernard and was bur. at Ballymodan, co. Cork. He d. 26 Nov. 1830. 1L 1830. 2. James (Bernard), Earl of Bandon, &c. [I.], s. and h. b. 14 June 1735. M.P. for Bandon, 1820-30. Hon D.C.L. (Oxford) 1832 ; F.R.S. ; Lord Lieut, of co. Cork ; Recorder of Brandon, &c. Bbp. Vekb. [I.] 1835. He m. 13 March 1809, Mary Susan Albinia, 1st da. of the Hon. Charles Broorick, Archbishop of Cashe], by Mary, da. of Richard Woodward, Bishop of Cloyne. He d. 31 Oct. 1856. Will pr. Feb. 1857. His widow, who was 6. 9 Oct. 1787, d. 23 April 1870. III. ffiS&i 3. Francis (Bernard), Earl op Bandon, &c. [I.], fc and h. b 3 Jan. 1810 in Grosvenor st., Midx. Ed. at Oriel Coll. Oxford ; B.A. 1830 ; M A. 1834. M.P. for Bandon 1831 and again 1847-56 ; D.C.L. j Lord Lieut, of co. Cork, Hon. Col. of the Cork city Militia artillery, &c. Rep. PMSPJ 1858. He w. 16 Aug. 1832, Catherine Mary, 1st da. of Thomas Whitmohb of Aplcy, Salop, by Catherine, da. and h. of Thomas Thomason of York. She d. IS Dec. 18/d at Castle Bernard. He d, there, 17 Feb. 1877, aged 67.