Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/26

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4 ABERCORN. VIII. If4f. S. James (Hamilton), Earl of Ahercorn, &c. [S.], also Viscount Strahane, &c. [I.], s. and h., b. 22 Oct. 1712 in Queen so.., Si. Geo. the Martyr, Holborn. He was suuiiii. v. p., on 23 March 1736, as B.uio.v Mount castle (I.) to the Irish House of Lords and took his seat the same day.(") In i 761, 176S, 1774, 1780, and 17S4 he was chosen a Rep. Peer [S.]. On 11 March 1766 he voted against the Repeal of the American Stamp Act, and on 17 Dec. 1783 •gainst Fox's India Bill. On 24 Aug. 1786 he wan a: a Peer »f Great Britain ( b ) as VISCOUNT HAMILTON* of Hamilton, co. Leicester, ( c ) with a spec, rem., failing his Issue male, to his nephew John James Hamilton. In 174f> he purchased the Barony of Dudingtou, co. Edinburgh (where he built a mansion), and IB 1764 the Lordship of Paisley, co. Renfrew (being the inheritance, anciently, of his paternal ancestors) where he laid out anew town. He also built a magnificent house at Barons Court, near Londonderry. He d. mini, at Boroughbridge (on a journey) 9 Oct. 1789, in 77th year, and was buy. in the Abbey of Paisley. Will pr. Oct. 1789. IX. 1789. .9. John James (Hamilton*) Earl of Abercorn, &c [S."|, Marquesses "' so ^ r ' SC0l ' t "" r Stuabane, 4c. [I.], also Viscount Hamilton, (under

  • ' the spec. rem. above mentioned), nephew and h., lwing posthumous s.

I, 1790. and h. of John H., Capt. R.N. (by Harriet, widow of Richard Eliot of Port Eliot, Cornwall, and da. of Rt. Hon. James duoas), which John H. was next br. to the 8th Earl, hut d. Dec. 1755, v.f., aged 41. He was b. July 1756, and bap. at St. Geo.. Han. Sq. M.P. for East Looo 1783 and for St. Germains 1784. On 15 Oct. 1790 he was cy. MARQUESS OF ABERCORN. E.G. 17 Jan. IS05. He m. firstly 20 June 1779 at St, Marylebone, Catharine, 1st da. of Sir Joseph Con.EY, 1st Bart., by Mary, da. of John Uiiller of Morval, Cornwall. She d. at Beutley Priory, Midx., 13 Sep. 1791 and was Bur. 19 at Stanmore. He m. secondly, 4 March 1792, in Grosvenor Sq., Midx., his first cousin Lady ("ceil Hamilton (raised to the precedency of an Earl's da. by Royal Warrant, 27 Oct. 1789) ( d ), da. and coheir of his uncle Rev. the Hon. George Hamilton, Canon of Windsor, by Elizabeth, da. of Lieut.-Gen. Richard Onslow. She was 6. 15 March 1770, was separated from her husband I79S, and divoired by Act of Pail. April 1799.(°) He in. thirdly 3 April 1800 in Dover street, Piccadilly, Lady Anne Jane HaTTON, widow (relict of Henry Hatton of Great Clonard, co. Wicklow), yst. da. of Arthur Saunders (Gore) 2nd EaJ!l ok Abran [I.], by his first wife Catharine, da. of William (Anneslkv), 1st Viscount Gi.p.hawley [I.] He d. 27 Jan. 1S18. Will pr. May 1818. His widow, who was 4. April 1763, d. 8 May 1827. Her will pr. June 1827. [James Hamilton, dyled VLSCOTJNT HAMILTON, s. and h. ajfc, by first wife, b. 7 Oct. 1786 at Petersham Lodge, Surrey. M.P. for Dungauuon ami subsequently 1807 for Liskeard. He m. in London 25 Nov. 1809, Harriet, da. of Hon. John Douolas, s. of James, 15th Earl of Morton [S.]. He d., v p., 27 May 1814. His widow m. 8 July 1816 George (Gordon) 4th Karl of Aberdeen [S.], and d. 26 Aug. 1833.] (») See p. 2, note ("), where all such summons, v.p., are enumerated. ( b ) In consequence of this creation, by a resolution of the Committee for Privileges on 13 Feb. 1787 (52 to 38 votes), duly confirmed by the House of Lords, he ceased to bo a Rep. Peer [S.j. This resolution was the first on this subject, and somewhat militated against the fact of the duke of Atholl [S.] having sat in the House from 14 March 1737 till the gen. election hi 1741 as a Peer of Great Britain (Lord Strange) as well as a Rep. Peer [S.]. See " Robertson," pp. 181 and 430. ( c ) So described in the signet office docquet, but on the patent roll referred to (merely) as " Viscount Hamilton." ( d ) This appears a very unusual proceeding, as neither her father (who d. s.p.m. 26 Nov. 1787) nor any of his issue ever could have s«cc. to the title, he having been a yr. br. of Capt. John H., whose issue continued the line. This favor was not ex- tended to any of her sisters ; indeed the precedency was only that oi the da. of an Earl, viz., one of the creation of 1789, not of 1606, as if her father had succ. to the Earldom. (') She m. secondly 23 May 1 7!i9, Sir Joseph Couley, 3rd Bart., the br. of the first wife of her former husband, and d. 19 June 1819. He d. 21 May 1838.