Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/260

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238 BANFF— BANGOR. V. 1718. S. John George (Ogilvy), Lord Banff s. and h. i. 18 Fel). 1717. Ho m. Mary, da. of Capt. James 0<:ilvy, but d. 8.p. (shortly afterwards) 20 July 173S, being drowned while bathing at the Black rocks, near Oullen. His widow M. Hev. Thomas Kemp, D.D., Hector of St. Miihar] Crooked lane, London, who d. 21 July 1700, aged 00. She d. 31 Jan. 1784, aged 00 Both hut. at Cheam, Surrey. M.I. Her will, etc., dat. 1 Oct. 1773 to 28 Jan. 17S4 pr 11 Feb. ItSt. VI. 1738. G. Alexander (Otiir.vv), Lord Banff [S.], br. ami h. Ann. at Banff 12 July 1718. being a posthumous child. Cant. U.N., 174] ; Commander 1 742. Captured a Spanish Privateer, kc. He d. unm. at Lisbon Nov. 1740 in hi. 20th year. Adman. 5 July 1750 and 12 June 1751 on behalf of Lis uterine brothers, Hon. Charles Hay, John Hay and William Hay, minors. VII. 1740. ~. Alexander (Ooilvy), Loud BANFF [&], mm and b. male being s. and b. of Alexander O., the younger, of Forglen, CO. Banfl' (by Jean. da. of ( — ) FltlKND of Bellarichie in Ireland", which Alexander 0. was s. and eventually h. up. (dying v. p.) of tile Hon. Sir Alexander Ogilvy, Dart. [8.], of Forglen afsd. (so eft 1701), who was 2nd s. of George, 2nd Lord Banff [S.] He sue. his said grandfather in his estate and Baronetcy in 1727, .some HI years before he inc. bis cousin in the Peerage. He m. 2 April 1740, Jean, da. of William Xisbet of Dirleton, cot, Haddington. He d. at Forglen 1 Sep. 1771. Will dat. 2 Aug. 1706, pr. 10 March 1773. His widow rf. at Forglen 20 Aug. 1700. [Alexander Ogii.yy, styled Master of Banff, s. ami h. aj>. He i, young and unm., v. p., 1703.] VIII. 1771, & AVjlliam (Oon.vy), Lord Banff, 2nd but 1st suit. to s. and b. He served, under the Duke of York, as an officer ill the 1803. Knniskillen ftitb) Heg. of Dragoons; Cornet, 1773 ; Lieut, 1778 ; and Capt., 1780. He retired 1704. He d, unm. at Forglen, 4 June 1803, when the issue male of the 1st Lord became extinct, and the Pccm-je (if not extinct) became dormant^-) The Peerage was claimed by petition in June 1812 and again in June 1S19, by Sir William Ogilvy of Boyue as the descendant arid h. male of George O. of Hoyne. elder br. of Sir Walter O. of Dtinlugus, the great grandfather of (he first Lord Banff [S.] Sec Lord*' Jourmda, v. 48, p. H20 ; v. ">2, p. 700. Ill Burke's Extinct Pieragt fir 1866 it was stateil to be then "claimed " by Alexander Ogilvie, M.D., Dep. Inspector Gen. Royal Artillery, as '"male descendant and representative of George Ogilvy, 2nd IWon Boyne, and as heir male of George, 1st Baron Ogilvy of Banff." This claimant, id* was b. 0 May 17S0, left an only child, Alexander Walter Armstrong Ogilvie, Capt. R.A. (h. 20 Jin. 1834, m. G June 1800, d. 21 June lSGa), who left an only child Alexander Ogilvie. BANGOR. i.e. EARL Of BANGOR, oo. D&wa [I.] §ee " Leinster," Duke of [I.], cr. 1091, ex. 1719. Barons [1.] 1. Bernard Ward, of Bangor, co. Down, only saw. s. I 1770 and h. of Michael Ward, one of the Justices of the Court of King's Bench (1727-58), by Anne Catharina, da. and coheir of James Hum,- Visoouats[I.] ton of Bangor afsd. (anil Lady Sophia MoRDAUNT, da. of John, 2nd j. , _ . Haul of PktbbbouOUob), was It. Aug. and bap. 0 Sep. 1719, M.P. for 1 ' co. Down 1740 to 1770, in which year, on 30 May 1770, be was cr. BAUON BANGOR of Castle- Ward, co. Down, and took his Beat II March 1771. On 13 Jan. 1781 he was cr. VISCOUNT BANGOR of Castle (") The estates which were all in co. Banff went to Jane, his eldest sister, wife of Sir George Abbhcbomby, 4th Bart [SJ of Biikenboy, co. Banff, and afterwards <>f Forglen House, which thereafter became the principal residence of the Aberoromby family.