Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/271

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HARRINGTON. 249 Oct 174$. One of the Lords of the Admiralty, 17-I.1-6 : Master of the Wardrobe, 1754 ; P.O. txA Secretary at War, 1755 ; Chancellor of the Exchequer, March 1761 to June 17BS • Treasurer of the Navy, 1762 ; Secretary at War (second time), July 17G5 to Den. 177$, "hen lie retired from public business. He m. 16 Sep. 1740, Mary, widow of the Bon. Samuel Ouimston, da. and h. of Henry Lovem., by Mary, da. and coheir of Thomas COW of London. She d. 24 Sep. 1 7*3-1 and was bur. at Shrivenham. Will, 4c dat. 2 Nov. 1761 and l!) May 1764, pr. 3 Nov. 1764. He d. s.p.s. 1 Feb. 1793.( l ) Will, fcfc, dat. 21 April 17S7 and 9 Dee. 1792, pr. 8 Feb. 1793. HI. 1703. J. William (Barrington), Viscount Barrington op Aiibcuss, Ae. [I J, nephew and h.. being s. and h. of Major-General the lion. John liarrington, Governor of Bcr.viok, by Elizabeth, da. of Florentius Vassal .ii J uoaiea, which John was 3rd s. of the 1st Viscount aud d. 2 April 1764. He •a. Anne, da. of James MntitEi.i. of Thetford Abbey, Norfolk. He d. s.p. 13 July 1801. Will dat. 20 Jan. 1301, pr. 1 July following. His widow in. 2 Feb. 1812 Edward Thouxvciioit of Thornyeroft Hall, Cheshire, and d. May 1816. Her will pr. June 1816. IV. 1801. 4. Richard Jambs (Barrington), Viscount Barring- ton iff AJMMLA83, &c. [1.], bv. and b. He m. in 1783 Susan, da. of William BtraOKN of I'hiladulphi e. U.S.A. He <t. s.p. at Valenciennes Jan. 2814. His widow * 1S30. V. 1814 o. George (Harrington), Viscount Barrington of Ahdcu.ass, (to. [t.], br. aud h. b. 16 July 1761 in London. Matrie. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.1, 17 June 1778. B.A. 1782. M,A. 17S5. In holy orders. Hector of Sedgefield, CO, Durham. Prebendary of Durham, 1796. D.D. He m. 12 Feb. 1788, Elizabeth, da. of iiobert Adaju of Stratford Place, MarylfihoBe, Midi., fe* Caroline, 2nd da. of William Anne (Keffkl), 2nd Earl of Albemarle. He d. 4 March 1829. Will pr. Sep. 1829. His widow d. 2 March 1841. Her will pr. June 1841. VI. 1829. 0. William Keppell (Barrington), Viscount Bar- RDfOTOS of ArtDdLASs, &e. [I.], s. and h. b. 1 Oct. 1793. Matrie. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.), 28 May 1811. B.A. 1813. M.P. for Berkshire, 1S37 to 1857. He m. 21 April 1823, Jane Elizabeth, 4th da. of Thomas Henry (LlDDRLL), 1st Loud IUvknsWoiith, by Isabella Horatia, da. of Lord George SliYMont. He d. at Beckett House, 9 Feb. 1867. His widow, who was 6. "29 Sep. 1S04, and who was Lady of the Bedchamber to Adelaide, the Queen Dowager, d. at 20, Cavendish s,j., 22 .March i8S3. Both bur. at Shrivenham. VII. 1867. 7. George William (Barrington), Viscount Barring- ton of Ardoi.ass, and BarOS Harrington of Newcastle [I.], s. and ft. 6. I f Feb, 1821 in Lower Brooke street, Midx. Matrie. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 20 Oct. 1841. M.P. for Eye, 1866-80. Viee-Chamberlaiii of the Household, 1874-80. P.O. Sometime Private Secretary to the (14th) Earl of Derby, when Prime .Minister. t)u 17 April 1880 he was raised to the Peerage of the U.K., being CI*. BARC N SHUTF. of Beckett, co. Berks. ,«<</( a ape. ivu., failing his issue male, to his br. the Hou. Percy Barrington and the heirs male of his body. He m. 19 Feb. IS46, at St. Geo. Hari. sq., Isabel Elizabeth (then a miner), da. of John MoiU!iTT(M of the family of Morritt of Itokeby Park, co. York. Pa-mil y Estate*.— These, in 1880, consisted of 3,477 acres in Berkshire, 1,035 in the West Biding of Yorkshire and 1,275 in Northumberland. Total 6.337 acres, valued at •£17,387 annual value.— See BftDeman's "Great Landowners." Principal Residence, Beckett Huuse, Shrivenham, Berks. _ (') His yst. br. the Hon. Shute Barrington was Bishop of Llandaff, 1769 ; Bishop of Salisbury, 1782, aud Bishop of Durham, 1791, till his death s.p. 25 March 1826. ( k ) He is called my late nephew " in the will, dat. 13 June 1S42, of John Bacon Sawrey Moiritt of Uokeby Park, who d. s.p. 12 July 1843.