Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/288

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266 BATH. of London, Merchant, Comptroller of the Royal Household, by Isabel, da. of Sir Robert Bolls, Hart, of Seainpton. She </. 3 Feb. 1091-2, and was bur. at St. Clement Danes, He </. 2-2 Aug. 1701, and was bur. 22 Sep. at KflfelimOptotLfJ Will, &e , dot 11 (Jet 1684, and IS Aug. 1701, pr. 10 Sep. 1701, IB March 170S, 1 July 1712 and 20 Feb. 1720. VIII. 1701 (Aug.) 2. Charges (Granville), Earl of Bath, &c, b. sod h. bap. 31 Aug. 1061 " at St. Jama," and reg. at Kilkhampton. He served in the army that defeated the Turks before Vienna in 1688, &c, and for his signal services, was, by charter 27 Jan. 1084, at Liutz, er. by the Emperor Leopold a Vaunt of the Raman Empire. M.P. for Launceaton, 167S-81 ; for Cornwall, 1685-86 ; Am- bassador to Madrid, 16S5-i>9. On 16 July 1688 he was sum. to Pari, v.p., in his father's Barony as LOUD GRANVILLE. Joint Lord Lieut, of Cornwall and Devon, 1691-93 ; Gent, of the Bedchamber, 1692-3. He m. firstly 22 May 1678, at St. Martin's in the fields, Martha. 5th d:u of Thomas (Osborne), 1st DfKE of Leeds, by Bridget, da. of Montague (BBRTIR), Karl or Lindskv (mar. lie. at Via Oen. office, he styled Lord Lansdown, being about 1 7, and she about 14, spinster). She d.s. the 11th and was bur. 26 Sep. 1689, as " the Lady Lansdown." at Westm. Abbey, in her 25th year. He m. secondly Fell. 1690-1, Isabella, sister of Henry, Run. Of GliANTHAM, da. of Henry (SB Xassak), Loud OK AOVERQtfERQCK, CoCXT OF NASSAU in Holland, by Frances ABUSES Van Somnielsdvck,! b ) da. of Cornelius, Lord of Sommelsdyck in Holland. She il. in childbed 30 Jan. 1661-2. He </. (having shot himself accidentally) within two weeks of his father, 4 Sep. 1701. Both were bur. the same dav at Kilkhampton. (<■•) Adnion. 10 Sep. 1701, 16 March 1707-8, 31 Jan. 1711-2 and 20 Feb. 1719-20. IX. 1701 (Bop.) -/. William Henry (Granville), Earl op Hath, to Viscoust Granville or Lansdown, and Baron Granville ok Kii.k- 1711. HAMPTOS and Biukkiird, only child and h. by the Becond wife. He was b. 30 Jan. 1691-2, d. umn. of the small pox 17 and WIS Bur. 24 May 1711 in Westm. Abbey, in his 2(lth year, when all his Peerage dignities became c.ttinct.('l) Will dat." 3 April 1710, intending to travel beyond the seas pr. 24 May 1711, by Frances, Dow. Countess of Nassau, the grand- mother and universal legatee. X. 1742, 1. William I'ui.teney of Misterton, co. Leicester, s. to ami h. of Col. William P. of the same (who was s. and h. of 17G4. Sir William P. of the same, sometime M.P. for Westm.) by his tit>t wife Mary, da. of (— ) Floyd,( c ) was b. April 1681 ; ed. at Westm., uiatric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 31 Oct. 1700 ; entered Pari, at an early age, being M.P. for Hedon, temp. Anne to 1734 ; and for Middlesex, 1734-11 ; wns Secretary of War 1714-17 ; sue. his father in 1715 ; P.C. 1710 ; Lord Lieut, of the ( !1 ) By letters patent, 16 Aug. 1674, an annuity of £3,000 charged on the Duchy "f Cornwall, or on the hereditary excise, was granted to him and his heirs. In 1S20 one moiety was bought up by the Treasury, and, in 1856 the other moiety ya» transferred to the Consolidated Fund. See Pari, return, 9 Feb. 1881, where the amount. C1200, "now due "appears to be paid to trustees for the heirs of Capfc 1. Garth. C'j She so describes herself in her will and codicil dat. 10 Sep. and 18 Oct. 1712, B1 which she styles her husband " Burl Van Nassau, Lord Van Attverquewjue. _ BM note to her burial, 27 Jan. 1719-20 (aged 82), in Col. Chester's " Itcyhtcn oj Wtstw. Mhe,/." (') On this occasion it was said (the young Karl attending the funeral of h» two predecessors) that there were " three Saris of Bath together above ground." (/ The estates passed to his three aunts, vi;. (1) Jane, who hi. Sir William Levesnn- Gower, (2) Catharine, who m. Craven Peyton, and (3) Grace, who hi. George (Carteret), 1st Lord Carteret, and wdio herself was, in 1715, er. Countess Granville, being ancestress of Thomas (Thynne), Viscount Weymouth, who was a: SIaRQDBSS ok Bath, 1789. (>-') Ex inform, of the Earl of Bath, given to Collins' Peerage, Edit. 1756.