Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/293

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BATHURST— BATTERSEA 271 m *• 31 Deo. 1730, rl. 2 Dec. 1807. Her will pr. Jan. 1808. Both are bur. at Cirencester. III. 1794. ■>. Henry (Bathuiwt), Earl Bathurst, 8. and li. by 2nd wife 4. 22 May and 4«p. G June 1762. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Cli.), 22 April 1779; M.F. fur Cirencester, 1788-84, and 171)0-91; one of the birds of the Admiralty, 17S3-S9 ; of the Treasury, 1789 to 1791 ; F.C., 1793; Commissioner for. India, 1788-1802', Master of thu Mint, 1SO4-0G ; a Teller of the Exeeqiier, 1790 ; Joint Clerk of the Crown, President of the Hoard of Trade and Plantations, 1807 to 1812; Master of the Mint, 1S04-6 and 1807-12; President of the Board of Trade, 1807-12 ; Foreign Secretary, 1800 ; Secretary of War and Colonies, 1S12-27 ; it. D.C.L., Oxford, 111 June 1 SI 4 ; el. and inv. KG. 21, inst. 20 July 1817; Lunl President of the Council, 1828-30. He »t. 1 April 1789, Georgians, sister of Charles, 4th Duke of Richmond, and 3rd da. of General Lord George Henry Lennox, by Louisa, da. of William Henry (IvEitit), 4th Marquess ok Lothian [S.] Ho d. 27 July 1834 and was bur. at Keusal Green cemetery, but removed to Cirencester. Will pr. Sep. 1834. His widow, who was 6. at Goodwood, Sussex, G Dec. 1765, d. 20 Jan. 1841 and was bur. 22nd at Cirencester. Will pr. March 1841. IV. 183-1. 4. Henry George (Bathurst), Earl Bathurst, &c, s. and h. b. 24 Feb. 1790. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 21 Oct. 1S08 ; B.A., 1811 ; M.A., 1814 ; a: D.C.L., 14 June 1820: MP. for Weobley, 1812 ; for Cirencester, 1812-31. A Commissioner of the Indian Board, 1812-1S. Lt. Col. in the ililitia, 1313. He </. unm. 25 May I860 and was bur. at Cirencester. V. 18GG. ■'>. William Lennox (Bathurst), Earl Bathurst, br. and h. b. 11 Feb. 1791. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 21 Oct. 1S08, on the same day as his elder br. abovenamed : Fellow of All Souls Coll., and B.A., 1812 ; M.A., 1817 ; cr. D.C.L. 21 June 1S70 ; MP. for Weobly, 1S12-16 ; Dep. Teller of the Exchequer, 1810 ; Barrister (Line. Inn) 1S21 ; Joint Secretary to the Board of Trade, 1S30-47 ; Joint Clerk of the Privy Council, 1S30-G0. He d. unm., 24 Feb. 1S78, in Half Moon street, Midx., in his 88th year. VI. 1S7S. (I Allen Alexander (Bathurst), Earl Bathurst op Bathurst (1772), Baiion Bathuhst ok Battlesden (1712), and Lord ApslbY, Bauon of Arsi.EY (1771), nephew and h. being ouly g. and h. of Lieut. Col. the lion. Seymour Thomas Bathurst, by Julia, da. of John Peter Haxkey. merchant and banker, of London, which Seymour Thomas was next br. to the 6th Earl and d. 1 0 April 1 834, in his 39th year. He was b. 1 9 Oct. 1 S32 in Grosveuor sq. Midx., and bap. 26 Nov. at Cirencester. Ed. at Eton and at Trip. Coll., Cambridge, M.A., 1853. M.P. for Cirencester, 1857-78. Major, North Glouc. Militia, 1S70. He m. firstly, 31 Jan. 1S02, at Tabley chapel, in Great Budworth, Cheshire, Meriel- Leicester, 2nd da. of George (W'aurex), 2nd Loud de Tabley, by his 1st wife Cathariua Barbara, da. of Jerome, Count de Salis. She was 4. 25 Nov. 1S39 and d. 6 July 1S72 and was bur. at Valley end, Chobham, Surrey. He M. secondly, G June 1874, at Feteham, Surrey, Evelyn Elizabeth Barnard, da. of his cousin George James Barnard Ha.vkky of Feteham Park, by Rebecca Andalusia, da. of George Barclay of Burford Lodge, Surrey. [•Seymour Henry Bathurst, dijlnl Lord Ai'sley, s. and h. sip. by 1st wife 4. 21 July 1864 and bap. at St. Geo. Han. sq. Ed. at Eton.] Family Estates.— These, in 1883, consisted of 10,320 acres in eo. Gloucester, valued «t £17,700 a year, and 3,313 acres in Derbyshire, at £3,16S. Total 13,663 acres, of the yearly value of £21,168.— See Batemau'a "Great Landowners." Principal Residence, Oakley Park, near Cirencester, co. Gloucester. BATTERSEA. See " St. J oiin of Battersea, co. Surrey," Baron, cr. 1 7 1 G . V 2