Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/301

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BEAUCHAMP. 279 2. Richard (BEAUcriAMr), Baron Beauchamp of Powyk, 8. and h. aged 4(J years .it his father's death. He m., by spec, lie., in liis private ehapel at Beauchamps Court, Elizabeth, da. of Sir Humphrey Stafford. He tl. s.p.m.( :i ) 1496 when his honours became extinct. III. 1806. 1. William Lygon was on 26 Feb. 1806, a: BARON BEAUCHAMP OF POWVK, co. Worcester, aud was subsequently (1 Dec. 1815) cr. Earl P>eaucha.mi See post, under " Beauchamp," Earl, 6ft 1815. Lt 1475, to 1196. BEAUCHAJIP OF HACHE. 1. Snt Edward Seymotjr() was a: VISCOUNT BEAUCHAMP OF HACHE, co. Somerset, on S June 1536, and subsequently (16 Feb. 1547) E.iRt OK Hertford and Duke OF Somerset, &e. See " SOMERSET," Duke of, cr. 1547. All Ins honours were for/cited 1552, and, excepting as to the Dukedom of Somerset, were never restored. Barony. J. Edward Seymour, yr. & (eldest s. by second wife) i (SJ|8 of Edward, BOKE Of So.meiiset. E.uti. ok Hertford and Viscount BKAtlCHAMP of Haciie abovenamed. was liimself, on 13 Jan. 1559, cr. BARON BEAUCHAMP OF HACHE, co. Somerset, and Earl of HERTFORD, all of which honours became extinct in 1750. See " Heutfokd," Earl of, cr. 1559, cr. 1750. Viscountcy. I. mt to 1552. BEAUCHAMP [of Hache]. Viscountcy. i. Francis (Seymour-Coxway), Lord Conway (lineally I 1750 descended in the male lino from Edward Seymour, cr., in 1536 Viscount Beauchamp of Hache, and, subsequently, Earl of Hertford and Duke of Somerset, as above), was on 3 Aug. 1750 cr. VISCOUNT BEAUCHAMP and Eahl of Hertford, with a spec. rem. Sec " Hertford," Earl of, cr. 1750. BEAUCHAJIP. Earldom. /. William Lygon of Madresiield Court, co. Worcester, I 1815 um 5' s - ulu * ot SranaW Lygon, formerly Pvndar, of the same, by Susanna, da. of William Han.uer of Battisfield, co. Flint, was 6. 25 July 1747 ; matrie. at Oxford (Ch. Ch.) 2 May 1764 ; sue. his father 25 Dee. 1788, was M.P. for Worcestershire, 1775 to 1806, and having been in that year cr., 26 Feb. 1806, BARON BEAUCHAMP OF POWYK, co. Worcester (see above under " Beauehamp of Powyk "), was, on 1 Dec. 1815, cr. VISCOUNT ELMLEY and EARL BEAUCHAMP. He «u 1 Nov. 1780, Catharine, da. of James Denn Bed. 21 Oct. 1816. WU1 pr. April 1817 and again June 1844. His widow d. 2 March 1844 in St. James' square. Will pr. same mouth. ( :1 ) Of his three daughters and coheirs (1) Elizabeth (who inherited the manor of Alcester), m. Robert (Willoughby), Lord YVilloughby de Broke ; (2) Anne, who cl. 1535, m. Richard Lygon, and was ancestress of the Lords Bcauehanip of Powyk, Earls Beaucliamp ; and (3) Margaret, m. Richard Rede of CO. Gloucester. ( b ) He was descended from Sir Roger Seymour aud Cicely, 1st sister aud coheir of John (de Beauehamp), Lord Beinichamp de Somerset (who was of Hache ill that county), on whose death in 1361 that Barony had fallen into alici/ancc. (°) This Reginald was s. and h. of Reginald Pyndar of Kempley, co. Glouc, by Margaret, da. (whose issue was h. ) of William Lygon of Madresfield, co. Wore, a descendant of Richard Lygon who m. Anue, da, and coheir of Richard (Beauehamp), Lord Beauehamp of Powyk as aforesaid. See note " a " supra.