Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/319

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BEDFOBD. 297 March 1554-5, and was bur. at Chenies, Bucks.O M.I. Will dat. 2 Feb. 1554-5, pr. 2 Slay 1555, and again 16 July 1605. His widow d. March 1558-9 and was also ho: at Chenies. M.I. Will dat. 19 Aug. 1558 and pr. 22 March 1558-9. IV. 1555. 2. Fraxcis (Kussell), Earl op Bedford, &c, only s. and h. b. 1527. K B. 20 Feb. 1546, at the coronation of Ed. VI. Sheriff of Beds and Bucks, 1547 ; M.P. for Bucks, 1547-52 ; Lord Lieut, of Bucks, 1552 ; M.P. for co. Northumberland, 1553. On 1 March 1552-3 he was sum. to Pari, (as LORD RUSSELL) in his father's Barony. Warden of the Stannaries, 1553-80. He was 27 years old at his father's death in 1555. He was present at the battle of St. Quentin 10 Aug. 1557. P.C. to Queen Elizabeth ; Ambassador to France, 1559, and again, 1561, on the death of Francis II. Governor of Berwick and Warden of the East Marches, 1564 ; elected KG., 23 April, and inst. 14 May 1564 ; one the Commissioners to treat of the marriage of the Queen with the Duke of Anjou, 15S2 ; Chief Justice in Eyre, south of the Trent : Lord Lieut, of Dorset, Devon and Cornwall. Founder of two Studentships of Divinity at University College, Oxford. He was "commonly called the good Earl of Bedford, "(s) U e twice entertained the Queen viz. once, on 23 July 1570, at Chenies, and, again, in July 1572, at Woburn Abbey. He m. firstly Margaret, widow of Sir John Gostwick, sister of Oliver, 1st Lord St. John, da. of Sir John St John of Bletsoe, Beds, by Margaret, da. of Sir William Waldkcrave, ICB. She, who was one of the Ladies of Honour, d. at Woburn, Beds, 27 Aug. 1562. M.I. at Chenies. He m. secondly (settlement 25 June 1566) Bridget, Dow. CoUNTBsa of Rutland, relict of Sir Richard Morrison, da. of John (Hissev), Lord Hfssey, by his first wife Anne, da. of George (Grey), Earl of Kent. He d. 28 July 1585 at Russell, alias Bedford House, Strand, Midx., aged 58, and was bur. at Chenies. M.I. Will dat. 7 April 15S4, pr. 30 Sep. 1586. His widow, by whom he had no issue, d. 12 Jan. 1600, and was bur. at Watford, Herts. M.I. Will pr. 12 Jan. 1601. [Edward Russell, styled Lord Russell, s. and h. cap. by 1st wife. He m. about 1571 Jane Sibella, da. of Sir Richard Morrison of Cashiobury, Herts, by Bridget, (formerly Bridget Hussey, spinster^ who, for her third husband, m. Francis, Earl of Bedford abovenamed. He d. v.p. and s.p. soon afterwards, and was bur. at Chenies. Admon., 30 June 1572, to " Lady Sibill his relict. His widow fit. (as a second wife) Arthur (Grey), Lord Grf.y of Wilton, K.G., sometime Lord Deputy of Ireland, who d. 1593. She was bur. at Watford, Herts, 26 June 15S0.] [John Russell, styled Lord Russell, 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. ap., also by first wife, was M.P. for Bridport 1 572, and by some is said to have been suin. to Pari. v.p. (as LORD RUSSELL) in his father's Barony, (a) He«(., mar. he. at Fac. office, 12 Dec. 1574, Elizabeth, widow of Sir Thomas Hoby of Bisham, Berks, da, of Sir Anthony Cook of Gidea Hall in Romford, Essex. He d. at Highgate, s.p.rn.s., v.p., 15S4, and is bur. at Westm. Abbey. M.I.(") Admon., as of St. Anne, Blackfriars, London, 9 Oct. 1584, to his widow, and again, 22 Oct. 1618, to his da. Anne, Lady O Chenies was inherited by the Russell family under the will of Dame Agnes Cheney, dat, 20 Nov. 1494, through her niece Anne Seinark (m. secondly Sir David Phelip and d. his widow 1 Aug. 1510), who, by her first husband, Sir William Sapcote, was mother of Sir Guy Sapcote, father of Anne, Countess of Bedford. (s) Book of " Benefactors " at the College of Arms, Loudon. H " John [Lord Russell], who d. in 1584, the year before his father, is stated by several authorities to have been also sum. to Pari. No notice of hiui appears in the Journals of the House or in Dugdale's Lists of Summonses. It may, however, be remarked that upon his tomb in Westminster Abbey he is represented in a Baron's Parliamentary robe." — See " Courthope," p. 408, note. An engraving of this is in Dart's " Westm. Abbey " (with copy of the numerous polyglot verses thereon), as also of the monument of Elizabeth, one of his two daughters and coheirs, who d. nam. 2 July 1600. An elaborate account of her baptism, 27 Oct. 1575 (the Queen being godmother) is in the " Genealogist," N.S. vol. iii, p. 25. The other da. Anne (the h. yen. of the Russell family, and of the 1st Earl of Bedford), m. Henry Somerset (then sli/led Lord Herbert) afterwards Earl and Marquess of Worcester and left issue.