Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/350

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328 BERKELEY. cester, 1312; Capt. of Berwick, 1315; one of the Commissioners to Scotland, 1318 ; Chief Justiciar of South Wales 1316, and Seneschal of Aquitaine, 1320. Shortly afterwards he joined the Earl of Lancaster in the rebellion against Ed. II. and the Despeucer family, and within 6 months of his Father's death was sent prisoner to Wallingford Castle 20 Jan. 1321-2, where he d. about -1 years afterwards. He m. firstly (1289) 17 Ed. I, Eve, sister to William, LobdZoCCBB de Hahyngwohth, da. of Eudo la Zouche by Millicent relict of William de Montalt da. of William dk Cantilupe of Ber- gaveuuy. She d. 5 Dec. 1314 and was bur. in Portbury Church, Somcreet. Hem. secondly about 1316, Isabel, da. of Gilbert (i>e Clare), Earl of Gloucester, by his 1st. wife Alice, da. of Hugh Le Brum, Count d'Anooulesme.C) The Earl d. as'afsd. 31 May 1326 and was Mir. at Wallingford but removed to St. Augustine's Bristol.W His widow who was b. before 1290( a ) d. s.p. (1333) 7 Ed. III. II and III. 132G. ;? ami 3, ov 8, Thomas (he P.erkelev), Lord pe Berkeley, s. and h. by 1st wife, who "may bee called 'Thomas the Hitch.'" Knighted before 1322 and aged 30 and upwards at his father's death. He was released from imprisonment iu Pevensey Castle on 16 Oct. 1326, and, after- wards, 4 April 1327, was made Joint Custodian of the deposed King Kdw. II whom he "curteously received" the next day at Berkeley Castle, but being commanded to deliver over the government thereof to his Fellow Custodians, departed therefrom to Bradley " with heavy cheere perceiving what violence was intended." He was irregularly tried by a jury of 12 Knights (instead of by his Peers) in 1330-1 (4 Ed. III.) see "Lords' Repot ts," (I) as an accessor}' to the murder ( c ) of the deposed King but was acquitted. In 1328 he was in the expedition against Scotland. On 14 June (1329) 3 Ed. Ill to 20 Nov. (1360) 34 Ed. Ill lie was sum. to Pari, as a Barouf) the last two write having the addition of " Senior " thereto. In 1336 he was Chief Warden of co. Glouc, co. Wore, and co. Hereford; in 1310, Marshal of the English army in France; iu 1342, Capt. of the Scotch Marches ; in 1345 Warden ami Ch-.lustice in Eyre south of Trent ; in 1346, Commander of the English forces at the battle of Cressy, and, iu 1301 was on an Embassy to Pope Innocent VI. He m. firstly, in or shortly before 25 July (132C) 14 Ed. II, Margaret, da. of Roger (Mortimer). E.utr. ok March, by Joan, da. and it. of Sir Peter DK Geneyille. She it. 5 May 1337 being under 30 years and was our. at St. Augustine's, Bristol. He m. secondly 30 May 1347 at Charficld co. Glouc., Katharine widow of Sir Peter Le Veei. of Tortworth in that Co. da., and h. of Sir John CliveDoN of Charfield afsd. by Emma his wife. He d. 27 Oct. 1301 in his 69th year and was bur. in Berkeley church. M.I. His widow d. 13 March I3?5 and is also bur. there. III and IV. 1361. 3 and J h ov 0. Maurice (he j'.erkeley) Lord de Berkeley, s. and h. by 1st wife, who " may bee called Sfawict the Valiant," b. 1330. Accompanied his father to Scotland, where he was Knighted (at 7 years old) in 1337. Went to Grenada 1342, continuing 5 years abroad, was a commander in Gascony 1355, and distinguished himself at the battle of Poitiers 19 Sept. 1356, where he was severely wounded and taken prisoner. He was sum. to Pari. 14 Aug. (1362), 36 Ed. Ill to 24 Feb. (1367/8) 42 Ed. III. He m. in Aug. 1338 Elizabeth, da. of Hugh (Despencer. the younger), Lord Le Despenckr, by Eleanor, da. and coheir of Gilbert (de Clare), Earl ok Gloucester, "but tho' ( a ) Vincent's " Errours in Brooke" p. 223. ( b ) From his 2nd sou Maurice descend the Eerkcleys of Stoke Gifibrd, co. Glouc. (Lords Botetourt) the Berkeleys of Stratton co. Cornwall (Lord Berkeleys of Stratton) and the Berkeleys of Pyll of which families the last is now (18S6) represented in the male line by Viscount l'ortman. ( e ) This was perpetrated with great barbarity by Sir John Maltravers and Sir Thomas de Gourney, the then custodians of the- castle. See a detailed account in Smyth's " Berkeleys " Vol. I, page 291 confirming the allusion in Gray's " Bard " to The shrieks of death thro' Berkeley's roof that ring. — Shrieks of an agonising King." ( d ) There is proof of his sitting in the Rolls of Pari.