Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/374

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352 BESSBOROUGH. m. 5 July 1730, Caroline, 1st 8ft. of William (Cavendish), 3rd DlIKK of D ke (sometime Lord Lieut, of Ireland) by Catharine, only da. and h. of 2 Sin Devon-. of J, Tin HoSKlSS. She. who was 6. 22 Slay 1710, fae&g Goddaughter of Geo. IT, rf. 20 Jan. 1700 and was 4«r. at Fidowue. lie d. 11 March 1703.(") Earldom LI.]. 1 J,. FREDERICK (PoKSOXBV), I'.ARI. OF P.KSS- jj[ nonoiT.H, &c. f I.J, also BaBON Po.nsoxhv of Svsoxiiy, fith I Tint only snrv. s. and li. b. 24 Jan. 17f>8, and bap. 21 Feb. ,'1793. at St. Marvlebone. Matric. at Oxford (Ch. Oh.) 27 Oct., 1774 : a: U.A., 22 Apr. 1777 , D.C.I,., 30 Apr. 1779. M.I", for Knaresborough, 1780-00 and a Lord of the Admiralty. J He m. 27 Nov. 1780, Henrietta Frances, 2nd da. of John (Spencer) 1st E.uu. SpbNCKB, by Margaret tieorgiana, da. of the Ttt. Hon. Stephen Poyxt/. She, who was 6. Hi June 1701, </. I I Nov. 1821. Bed. 3 Feb. IS 11, at Confetti House, Dorset, aged SO. Adni.m. Feb. 18 IS and May 1847. Barony [I.]. IV. (*) In the Morning Herald of 0 Aug. 1782, is " one of those little bits of information which Historians like, 'and know how to make use of." — See A", ttml Q,, 7th S., I, 4"t, where it is reprinted. This relates to the best known characters of that period (1782), and is entitled " Amusements that ye following Men nf Fashion principally delight in. Alphabetically arranged, these Cashii Abingdon, Karl of Aylesford, Earl of [Bath, MarquUS "J, see " Weymouth."] Berkeley, Earl of Bessborough, Earl of [I.] ... Buckinghamshire, Earl of ... Camden, Lord (cr. in 17S0 Earl Camden.) Cornwallis, Earl Cumberland, Duke of Dartmouth, Karl of Devonshire, Duke of Dorset, Duke of [DownAirc, Marquca nf [I.], see " Hillsborough. ' Draper, Sir William (KB., 170") J Lieut.-C.en. ; d.S Jan. 1787) "Tenuis," Effingham, Earl of ... ... " A dirty seirt [ski'J." Egmont, Earl of |~L] ... ... ... " Fax hunting." Egremont, Earl of ... ... ... " Street riding." [A'ascr, Karl of, see " Maiden."] Fox, Mr. (theilon. Charles James, d. 1 T.Sep. 1 S00 aged 57.) "Bsmilar tumult." Grosvenor, Lord (a: in 1 784 Earl G rosvencr. ) ... "The turf." Hamilton, " Lord " (Qy. Duke of [S.]) ... ... " SUaitiug." Hillsborough, Earl of (a: in 17S11 Marquess of Downshiie [I.] " A nan." are as under. — " Flute playing." " Pistol shooting." •'Hare hunting." " Virtu " [vertuj. " An old coat." '* Agriculture." '• Military glory." " Fresh water." " The tabernacle." " Retirement" " Cricket," Howe, Viscount {rr. in 17SS Earl Howe)... Keppel, Viscount Lade. Sir John, Bart, (posthumous s. and h, of Sir John Lade, it. a Bart, in 17oS), b. 1759, </. s.p.10 Feb. 1S0S Maiden, Lord (sue. in 1799*8 Earl of Essex) Montfort, Lord Norfolk, Duke of North, Lord... Orford, Earl of Pembroke, Earl of Iligby, Mr. (Richard fiigby, Sec. to the Duke of Bedford, when Lord Lieut. [I.] ; Master of the Rolls [ I.], 1701 ; l'.C. ; d. 8 April 1788. See O'Flamiagan's '• Choacel- lors " [T.], sub. "Bowes." Sandwich, Karl of Townshcnd, Viscount (ri: in 1787 Marquess Townshend) Westeoto, Lord [I.] (a: in 1701 Baron Lyttelton) Weymouth, Viscount (cr. in 1780, Marquess of Bath) ... Wynn, Sir Watkin Williams, Bart, (of Wyunstay, co. Denbigh, iuc. his Father Sep. 1710, d. July 1789) ... •Naval practice. "A warm cot," "flig driving." " Violoncello. " Menageries." "Toping." "A festive board. " "Coursing." "The menage." " Conviviality." " Ancient music" " Caricature." " A pmentljesMi* " Burgundy." « Actiug."