Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/380

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358 BLANDFORD— BLANTYRE. BLANDFORD. i.e. "MAEQFESS OF BLANBTQBJ) f see "^LiKLiioiioucir/'Dukc doni of, cr. 1702. BLAXKCASTLE. See • WINDSOR, OF BLANKCA8TLE," Viscounty [I.T3 W.1G99 : ex. 1758. BLAXKNEY. Sou " WIDDRINGTON, OF BLAXKNEY, co. Lincoln," Barony ; cr. 1643 ; /or/rifed 1710. l'.T.AXTYKK. Barony [S.]. y. Walter Stewart «.f Blraityte, CO. T.anavk, yr. s. of Sir I 1G0G John 8. at Minto, eo. Roxburgh, being his 1st s. by his 2nd wife Margaret, Biater and b. of James, and da. of (another) .bum's Stkwam of Cardouald, having bees ed. with James VI [S.] received from Hint Ring a grant of the Priory of Blantyre, and, in 15S0, being thru mode Gent, of the Bedchamber, is styled " Commendator of Blantyre." l'.C. and Keeper of tin- I'rivy Seal [S.] 14 Nov. 15S2. In 1593 lie was one of the Lords of Session and iu 1595 one of tin- ,S Com- missioners (called " Uctaviaus") of the Treasury and Exchequer [S.J, High Treasurer [S.] 6 March 150(5. On IS Jan. 1598/9 ho had a charter of the Burouy of Blantyre, Sec under the designation of ■ Walter, Lord lllanUjn(") our Treasurer." In 1599 he was deprived of his offices and imprisoned in Edinburgh Castle, but soon released and in 1601 made a Commissioner for the treaty of Union [S.1 On 10 July 1600 he was knighted and was cr. a l>eor() as LORD OF BLANTYRE [&.], and ou Kl Jan. 1010 reconstituted a Lord of Session [8>J He IU. Niehola, da. of Sir James Su.MEUYILLK of Cambusnethan. Shed. Mere 30 Aug. Kill. He it. 8 .March 1617. [Sin James Stewart, styled Master ok Blantyre, s. antl . ap. He m. Dorothy, da. of George (HASTINGS) Ith E.uit. ();■' Hintinooon. lie </. s.p. and v. p., being slain ill a duel with Sir George Wharton (slain at the same time) at Islington 8 Nov. 1609, and was bur. the 10th there. His widow, who WAS h. 15 Jany. 1579, m. (as 2nd of his three wives) Robert Dillon, 2nd E.uu. Of Roscommon (I.], who d. 27 Aug. 1612.] II. 1G17. 2. William (Stewaut), Lord Bcantvue [S.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h., was K B. June 1610. He was served h. to his maternal Grandfather 30 Aug. 1611, and to his Father 12 July 1021. Ho hi., before 12 Aug. 1615, Helen, da. of Sir William Scott of Ardross, by Jean, da. of Sir John Skene of Currichill. He d. 29 Nov. 1638. III. 1638. 3. Walter (Stewart), Loud Blantyre [S.] s. anil E He Hi. Margaret, da. of Sir William MuilE of Howallan. He d. S.p. Oct. 1611. His widow m. Johu Brisbane. IV. 1641, J). Alexander (Stewart), Lord Blantyre [S.] bv. and h. He hi. Margaret, da. of John Shaw of Grcsuock, by Helen, da. of Sir Johu Houston of Houston. (") From his being designed " Lord Blanti/re" it has been argued that at this, or at an earlier date (and not at the usually received one of 1606) the Peerage must have been created. ( b ) On 10 July 1606 "Walter Stewart, I'rayonr of Blantyre, ves maid Kni'jhtuf Card/maid, and thairaftcr Barone, Banaret and Lord of our Sovereign Lord's pari, and ordainit in all tyuic thair after to be callit lord of Blantyre. See "GarmioMePa tracts," 28.