Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/382

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3G0 BLANTYRE — BLAYNEY. XII. 1830. 12. Csaklbs (Rtvaut), Loan Biaxtyrb [S.] 8. ami h., 6. 21 Dec. ISIS, at Lounoxlovo afsd., sometime mi officer in the Grenadier Guards. Hvv. Peer [S.J since March 1860. Ha m. 3 net. 1843 Evolyn 2nd da. of George Granville (Lkveso.v-Gomki;) 2nd Vvke ui Sl'Wft.'ftWKfi, liy Harriet Elizabeth Georgiana, da. of George (UoWAim) 0th F.aul ok Caiiusu:. She, wjlffl was 6. S Aug. 1S25, d. 24 Nov. 1S09, at Nice. [Walter Stuart, styled Master of I'.i.antyre, only s. ajuj h., 6. 17 July 1S52 at Erskine House, co. Renfrew ; sometime Capfc. 1st Sutherland Rifles], Family Estates. — These, in L883, consisted of 4,448 acres in bo. Renfrew; 2,946 in eo. Dumbarton; 2,953 in co. Haddington ; 2,S7S in co. Berwick and 537 in oo, Lan- ark. Total -24,061 acres, valued at about £20,000 a yaa* I'riinqtd Kaidcntc— Erskine House, co. Renfrew. jjlakxky. U m iA3Ua OY ULAKXEV, en. Cork" [I.]; sec " Muskkbhv," Viseotmtey [I.], a: lo'2S: a: 1770. I5LASOXI5EERTE. i.e. " VISCOUXT OF I'.LASi (NBJSBKII "[&] ; s>te •< .Makcjj.w.vt," Earldom of, [S.], cr. 1097. 11LAVXKV. Barony [i.J. /. Kiuvauk ISi.av.vkv, 3W .-. of J-lm K „( Tvefrmag, co. I 10°1 Ili»ntgo»eryi baying Bervetl in Spain and Uw tow Countries, ae- companied, as a Cel. in tile Army, the Earl of f£**e<t into Ireland in 180$, was made Gov. of Mount Korris in 1601 ; was at the Sicgo uf Kingsale ; knighted at Dublin Castle, 2! 1 May 1(103 ; Beueseha) of <.-o. Munngluui, 1G04, being afterwards (by Charles I.) made Lord Went, thereof; M.I', force. Itfona- ghan, 1813 and 1815. P.C.»[l.], and one of the Governing Council for Monster, 1616. By patents 21 Feb. 1 007 and 8 June 1611 be Uud grants of considerable territory in co. Mouaglian, and finally, on 29 July 1021 was tr. LOUD BLAYNEY, BAPOS OF MONAUHAX,(») CO. MONAOHAN [I.J. lie m. Anne, widow of George BtooSl of Kidderminster and relict of Sir Henry tVi.i.i.v at Castle Oarbery, da. of Adam Loktus, Archbishop of Dublin and Chancellor [I.|. by Jauo, da. of Adam PoitPOS of Lurganrace co. Louth. Me d. 11 and was bur. 23 Feb. Iu2'.i in Mouagluw church. Fun. cortif. Will dat. 20 Oct. 1627, pr. 12 Hay 1630 at Dublin. Im/. t>nst mortem. His wife survived him. II. 1620. 1 Henry (BlaynEy), Lqbjj IW.ayney, &g, [L], s. and h., knighted v.p., took his seat 14 July 1634. Being Copt, of the 97th Foot, with which he kept the fort of Monaghau for the King, his house at Oastifl Blarney was plundered 24 Oct. 1611 by the rebels, and his wife anil family imprisoned. He m. Jan. 1623, Jane, da. of Garret (Mookk), 1st TSaaoHKm [I.], h' Mary, da. of Sir Henry Colley of Castle Carbery, e». Kildare. He <t. 6 June 1616, being slain at the battle of Benburn, co. Tyrone, and was bar. at Castle Blayney. His widow, who was sometime maid of Honour to Queen Elizabeth, was a great sufferer during the civil wars. She was living as a widow in 1660. III. 1646. 8. Edwahd ( IIlayxky), l.oitii I'.i.AYNUY, &e. [I.], and h., touk his seat 9 Sep, 1881, Herf. in London unm 1661). Will dat. 29 Nov. 1GC9, pr. 1 April 1671. (a) The preamble to the patent is given in " Lodge," vL 308.