Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/386

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304 BLBSSINGTON — BLOOMFIELD. [Lure Wellington Gardiner, difled Viscount Moohtjoy, only g and h., ftp. (by 1st wife), 6. 11 Sep, 1813 ; (/. unm. 20 March 1888J 15LETC1ILKV, hit«wb-<l Barony of, altered to thiit of " WlUODOK," i.c, "Baron or Whaodon ami Viscount Villieus," cc. 27 Aug. 1616. See " Buckingham," Earldom of, cn 1617 ; efc 1087. BLETSHO, or BLETSOE. See « BEAlTOHAJrP " [OF BLETSOK], Barotty l.y writ, .v. l:)0:l. Sec "ST. JOSS OF lU.KTSIto," Biwoay, -v. 1350, BLICKLING. ix. " Bason Horart, ok Blickuni;, co. Norfolk,," er. £8 May 172S. Bee " BiciuNGHAMsiniiK," Earldom of, a: 17 Hi. HT.ooMFJKLI). Barony [I.], j. Benjamin Bloom i'ielo, only & aai h. of Jolin B. of Newport, co. Tippcrary, by Anne, sister of Sir Hubert Waller, Hart. [1.], L 1S2;>. da. of Samuel, Barrister-at- L:iv, 4. 13 April 1702 ; ed. at Woolwich : 2nd Lieut. I!. A., 17S1 ; served in Newfoundland, at Gibraltar, and at Vinegar Mill during tin,- Irinb rebellion in 1798. From, probably, his social and musical attainments, he was made by the Prince of Wales a ( lent -in- Waiting in 1S0S, and Cktrk Marshal and Chief Equerry; M.P. for riymouth, 1812-1818 ; knighted. 1 1 Pee. IMS. From 1M7 to 1822 he was Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall, Keeper of the 1'rivy l'urse and 1'rivate Seen-tary ; F.C, 1M7 : Lieut. Gen. ill the Army [1830) and Col.-Com. of iloyal lteg. of Artillery. BsVOY To Tim Couut OF SWKUKN, 1823-32, where In- joined the sect of the Weslevans. K.C.H., 1315 ;G.O.H., 1819 ;G.G.B. 1822. On 14 May ISashetfae er. BABon ULGOMFIELD, OF OAKHAM PTOK AND REDWOOD.C) c<». Tippcrary [I.]. He was sulwnuently in command of the garrison at Woolwieh. He m. 7 Sep. 17H7 Harriott, da. of John DOUOLA8 of (,'rantham, eo. Lincoln. He il. IB Aug. lN-Bi in I'ortman sij.. Midst Will pr. Sep. 1S4«. His widow i!. 12 Sep. lbOS at Butland Gate (No. 48), aged 112. II. 184G. 2. John Aiuiiiii Douglas (Bloomfield), Babon "Rn nn-wrn r I w, - <w V v " rrT> j OK fesDWOOD and Oakhamiton [1.], only s. and h., I. 12 10 yL ,lv ' J Nov. 1S02, and early entered the diplomatic service, being attache lo I. 1S71, the embassy at Venice, ISIS: at Lisbon, 1824 ; Sec. of legation at t „ Stuttgard, 182:'. ; at Stockholm, 1S20 ; Sec. of Kinlnirfy at St. I'eters- iS7<) burgh, 1339; C.B. ISIS; Envoy to St. Petersburg!!, 1844 ; to Berlin, 1851; K.C.B., 1851 ; G.C.B., 1858; PC, 1860 ; Ambassador to Vienna, 1S00 to 1871, when, on his retirement, he was 7 Aug. iS7l er, a Peer (U.K.)as BAltON BLOOMFIELD, 0 F C1AMHALTHA, co. Eppenuy. He m. 4 Sep. 1845 at Lamesley co. Durham, (ioorgiana, da. (10th and yst. child) of Thomas Henry (LlDDKUd, 1st LORD RaVRNSWOUTH by Maria Susannah, da. of John Simpson. He (/. at Ciamhaltha, 17 Aug. 1S7!>, when both his Peerage [1. and U.K.] became extinct. His widow, who was b. 13 April 1822, at Portland I'lace, Mnry- lebone (No. 51), and was one of the maids of Honour, 1841-45, is now (1S80) living.( b ) (") The three extinctions made use of on this occasion, according to the Act of Union [I.] were the Barony of Tara, the Barony of Tyrawley, and the Viseountey of Bulkeley. ('■) Her " Iteminiscences of Court and Diplomatic life," were pub. in 1883.