Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 1.djvu/429

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CORRIGENDA ET ADDENDA, 407 "IX? 1642. 2," insert "X, 1665 " and transfer the whole of this entry of "Charles Stuart" after that of "XI, 1642, Lord Ludoviek Stuart." Lme 0 ; dele "It is," down to " Aubiyny," and insert "of George, Lord of Aubigny, aboveiv.uncd. He was not recognised till aftev 1GG5 as the owner of the Lord- ship nf Aubii/m/, for which lie did homage by proxy in May 1670." In note " f " fto " 1660," raid " 1666." p. 225 After line 46; insert " B ALN E IL. i.e. Loud Lindsay and Balneil " [S.]; Sec Bauarres, Earldom of [&], a: 1651." p. 227, line 3. Dele " Will, 1 751." p. 238, line 12. For "John," read "James." p. 210, line 27. The Kaiii. uk Bantry " m. 1i Feb. 1S36, at Home, Rosamond, da. of the Hon. Edmund George Petri: (5th s. of the 11th Lord Tetre) by Mary Anne June, da. of Loroine M. Kkiir. She was b. 25 Aug. 1S57. p. 247, after line 16. Insert "BARNS, it. Lord Ramsay Oh' Barns, co. Had- dington, [S.]. See Haddington, Viseountcy tJBLJ, cr. 1606." p. 24P, line 45. Viscount Harrington </. s p.m. 6 Nov. 1SS6, after a few hours' illness at < iriinsthoi pe Castle eo. Liueoln, aged 62, and was 60". at .Shrivenhani, Berks. He was stir, in all his honours [U.K. as well as I.] by his br. and h. male, Percy Harrington ; see " Addenda." ].. 2.'.:i, line 1. F,.r " 161, raid " 1017." p. 293, not* '• b." after line 25 thereof. Inse t *'14"<0. Warwick, Earldom, confirmed .Inly 1 44'.l on Richard Ncvill, whormi'inud the same, veceiviug a regraut thereof 2 March 1150, to himself anil Ann, his wife." Insert also "1169. NoBTH- CUBKRLaND, Earldom, cr. 27 May 1 165. The letters patent were brought into Chancery and cancelled (llfliMfy S Ed. IV, the resigner thereof, John Nevill, bciog, on 25 March 1470, er. Marcpioss of Montagu." p. 831, line 53. F,,r " llarkley," read " Harkly.' p: 330. Fur " 1+88 to 1492," read " M8fl to HUSL" p. 331, note "b," line 1. For " list" rt d -1489;" and for "Marquess," read " Margins." REMARKS OX THE EUKEDOM OF CHATELLEEAULT. By the Rev. John M'oodw-ard, F.S.A. [See ante page 5, note "a."] " It has been doubted of late whether the title of Due de ChAlctterault ever existed as a jiccrayc dignity, and it has even been argued by the Iate( a ) R. R. Stodart (in his paper on the Dukedom of Chutelherault in Her. Gen. br, pp. 97-107) that no creation of a Duchy took place, and that the object of the grant made by Henry II (5 Feb. 154S/9J to James, Earl of Arraa, and his heirs was merely to secure a yeiu-Iy revenue of 12,000 livres to the grantee. This opinion was fortified by the fact that the letters patent of Chatellcrault differ from those by which, three years later, the Constable de Mount- moreney was created Duke; Mr. Stodart concluded therefore that the title of Duke was never regularly conferred at all, and was only a title of courtesy given to Arran as Lord of the Duchy. But, (though in a later part of his paper he seems to be aware of (») Robert Riddle Stodart (b. 16 Nov. 1827) Lyon Clerk Depute, 1863, to whose uniform and unfailing kindness the Editor is deeply indebted for many an able revision of the earlier notices of the Scotch Peerages contained in this vol., died (before its completion) 19 April 1SS6. An appreciative notice of him, by one who knew him well, is in " The Uenealoyisl," vol. iii (new series), pp. 129-135.