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ir. PREFACE. "Feudal Baronies in Ireland during the Reign of Henry TI," by William Lynch, E.S.A. ; while, as to England, Mr, Courthope's work (above alluded to) is au almost infallible guide as far as it extends. The account of existing Peers, or even 'of existing Peerages, forms hut a small part of this work. An acknowledgement is however due to the various Editors of the Annual Peerages for such information as may have been taken therefrom, e.g., from " 1 >od " it may have been culled that a certain Peer was born in Wilton Crescent, educated at Harrow, Ssc. ; from "Lodge " that some nobly born lady of an uncertain age was actually born on some precise (though possibly ancient) date; from "Foster," that a marriage or birth occurred at some hitherto unascertained and unsuspected period ; as also a full account of all the places for which the embryo Peer was M.P., with the dates thereof, and many other precise and well verified dates ; while from " Burke, " — but who can say what can, or rather what can not, lie found in the closely printed anil well arranged pages of that most energetic and chivalrous King of Anns? His are the Extant and Extinct Peerage, the Extant and Extinct Baron- etage, the Landed Gentry, the Vicissitudes of Families, the Anecdotes of the Aristocracy, &c, &c, &C The amount of indebtedness which all who write on a kindred subject must feel to this all comprehensive and indefatigable genealogical writer cannot be too deeply acknowledged. Li conclusion, the Editor, though fully (most fully) aware how many errors and imperfections there must (almost of necessity) be in a work of this nature, and how little competent (more especially as regards the intricacies of the Scotch Peerage) he is to deal with it, trusts that the manifest advantage of an arrangement by which my correction I'm- my Peerage can <// o»ea be ell'ected, and be thereafter capable of at one being referred to, will in a great measure compensate for the numerous sins of omission and commission H-Meh are herein. G. E. C.