Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/10

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BBAYBROOKE. 9 Richard Aldworth, afterwards (1 762) Aldworth-Neville, of Stanlake and Billing- buar, Berks, by Magdalen, da. of Francis Cam.andrinj, first Syndic (jf Genoa.( a ) He w;us b. in Duke street, Weatm., 3 July 17.10 ; matric. at Oxford (Mertou Coll.) 20 June 1768 ; ma cr. M.A. 4 July 1771 ; D.C.L. 10 July 1810; LL.D. (Cambridge) 1819. He was M.P. for Gtaunpound 1774-80 ; for Buckingham, 17S0-S2 ; and for Reading 1782-97. On 17 July 1793 he sue. his Father in the family estates, and on 25 May 1797 he sue. to the Peerage (as abovesaid) and to the estates of the family of (") Tabul.ui PEDIGREE shewing the connection of the 1st Lord Braybrooke with his successor, the second Lord, who had no descent from Hie family of Griffin of Bray- brooke. Richard Neville of Billing-^ Anno, da. of Sir John hear Berks, b. 1615, d. 1676. | Heydon, tt 1678, I. Edward Grif- fin of Llrai/brookc and Dingley, co. Northampton, cr. 3 Dec. 1688 Baron Griffin of Bmt/brookt ; d. Nov. 1710. Essex, 1st da. and coheir of James (How- ard) Earl of Suffolk and LordHoward dk W/ffiusa. r Anne, 1st da. m. Richard Rayns- ford of Dal ling- ton, co. North- ampton, s. and h. of Lord Cliief Justice Rayns- ford. Sherf.1700. t John Ne- ville of Billing- bear, s. and h. d. s.p. Dec. 1678. 1 Richard : Neville, ofliil ling- bear, b. 1855, d. 1717. Other issue, d. s.ii. II. James (Grillin), Baron Griffin o/=j=Auu, da. and sole heir Bmybrooke,B, and h. b. 1 667,tf. 1 715. m. 1684, d. 1707. III. Edward (Grillin), Ba- ron Griffin of Braybrooke, s. aud'h.,4.1093, d. s.p. legit. 1742, when his Peerage be- came extinct. 1 — Other issue </. s.p. Kathar- ine, sister and h. of Ralph (Grey), Baron Grey of Werk. Anne, 2nd and yst. sis- ter and co- heir, hi.I 71 7 William Whitwell of Ouudle, co. Northamp- ton. She d. 1770. _T Elizabeth, lst=Henry da. and coheir Neville. hi. secondly JohnCWallop), Earl of Ports- mouth. She d. s.p. 1762. afterwards Henry Grey, of Billing- bear s. and h. b. 1683, d. s.p. 1740. 1st husband. Richard = Aid- worth of Stanlake, Berks, d. 1738. Cath- arine, c/.1720. I t John Grillin Whitwell, after- wards John Griffin Griffin s. and h., b. 1719, sum. as Lord How- aud dk Walden 3 Aug. 1784 being h. to his great grand* mother, one of the two coheirs to that dignity. Was cr. 5 Sep. 1788 Lord Braybrooke, Baron of Braybrooke, co. Northampton, with rem., failing his issue male, to " Richard Aldworth Neville, Esq." Herf. s.p. 25 May 1797. 1 Other issue d. s.p. Mary, only surv. sister and' h ; 6. 1728 ; m. 1768 William Parker, D.D. Rector of St. James, Westm. She &. s.p. 18 Nov. 1799 when the issue of her great grandmother, Essex, co- heir of the Barony of Howard de Walden, be- came extinct. Richard-Neville Aldworth after- wards (1762) Aldworth-Ne- ville of Stanlake afsd. only 8. and h„ 6. 1717; d. 1793. II. Richard Aldworth-Neville, afterwards (1798) Griffin, s. and h. On 25 May 1797, he sue. his third cousin as Lord Braybrooke, &c, according to the spec. lim. of that dignity.