Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/110

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CAITHNESS. 109 $ ITaiiald Unoi, became KARL OF CAITHNESS [S.] having received from King William the Lion [S.] the half of Caithness which had belonged to llogmvald, anil from the King of Norway "an Earls title with the half of the Orkneys." He was shun however in ]1!)8 by Earl Harold (the Elder] who thus (for the first time) became possessed of the whole Earldom. Earl Harald appears to have m, firstly Afrika, sister iif Duncan, EARL at Fikk [S.], and, having repudiated her, secondly, a da. of Malcolm JIac-Heth (the alleged son of Angus, Eakl ok Moiiay [3.], slain 1130) in whose (sup- posed) right he rebelled and occupied Moray.(») He was, however, defeated, in 1201, when the southern part of his district (Sutherland) was taken from him,( b ) aud he was (only) allowed to hold Caithness north of "the Ord " and that on payment of 2000 marks of silver. He d. 1206. VII. I20C. 11. # David, Jarl of Orkney and Earl of Caithness [S.|, s and h , of Earl Harald. He d. 1214. VIII. 1214. 12. TV John, Jarl if Orkney and EabI< of Caithness [S.], br. and h. He was supposed to have been privy to the murder of Adam, Ilishop of Caithness in 1222, whereby he was deprived of his estate by Alexander II [s.l, tho', for a large sum, suffered to redeem it. He i s.p.m. 1231, being murdered by his servants, and his body burned in retaliation for the deatli of the Ilishop. IX. 1232. IS and H >i« Magnus, Jarl of Orkney and Eaul of Caithness [S.], s. of Gillebride, Earl of Angus [S], His mother WHS, not improbably, a second wife, who was sister of >Ji Harald Ungi, Earl of Caithness (who d. 11 SIS), to whom this Magnus, though an infant, was apparently recognised as his successor in his half of the Earldom. In 1232, at all events, he was Earl of Caithness. The other half of Caithness appears to have been possessed by Fueskin (de Moravia), Loud ok Ditekus (who d. before 1269) in right of his wife Jf Johanna (the inheritor of Strathuaver) who, possibly, was da. and h. of Earl John, last abovenamed. X. 1250. 15. <%> Malcolm( c ) Jarl of Orkney and Earl of CAITH- NESS [8.J, probably s. and h. of Earl Magnus abovenamed. The other half of Caithness was, probably, possessed by # Freskiu as above. XI. 1280 i 16 and 17. * John,( c ) Jarl of Orkney and Earl of Caithness [S.], s. and h. He was one of the nobles addressed by Edward I, 12 March 12S9/90, as to a proposed marriage ietween his son and Margaret of Norway, Queen of Scotland. To Edward I he swore fealty in 1296. The Other half of Caithness appears to have been possessed by Sir Hegiuald Cheyne in right of £■ Mary his wife, one of the two daughters and coheirs of Prestos and X Joanna abovenamed, who had acquired the portion (one fourth) of the other such da. and coheir, ~ Christian, by the resignation of Christian's husband, William de Fedrett. XII. 1300 I IS. >J< Magnus/ 0 ) Jarl of Orkney and Earl of Caith- ness [S.], " the last of the Earls of the Angus line." His relationship to the former Earls is not clear. He m. Catharine and d- before 1329, when " Caterina, Comitissa Orcadian et Cathanesiio " grants a charter "in viduitate." XIII. 1329? /. $t Malise, Earl of Stratherne [S.], who bad, to before 1320, sue. his Father (another Malise) in that Earldom, was 1335. charged with the rents of the 4th part of Caithness in 1331, and styles himself, in a charter of 1334, EARL OF THE EARLDOMS OF STRATHERNE, CAITHNESS and ORKNEY [S.) It is not improbable that he (") Ex inform. G. Burnett, Lyon, to whom the Editor is indebted for several valuable emendations in this article not separately acknowledged. ( b ) Sutherland was given to Hugh de Moravia (called Hugh Freskin) Sheriff of Inverness (1204) as a Lordship, aud was raised into an Earldom for bis son. (°) The succession between Eaul Magnus, who sue. in 1232, down to the Eaul Magnus, who died about 100 years later, is obscure, aud somewhat uncertain. It is altogether omitted iu Skene's valuable article,