Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/12

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BRAYB. 11 BRA YE. [Note. — This is one of .1 series of Baronies, which, having been itnlieard of for centuries, were claimed, in the earlier years of Queen Victoria's reign, by any coheir who possessed sufficient interest to make success probable. The Claimants of such Peerages were legion, and, in the short space of 4 years, (1S3S-41) the abeyance of no less than five such Baronies, (Vaux, Camoys, Braye, Beaumont, and Hastings), of which the average time of their disappearance was above 300 years, was terminated in favour of some distant descendant who seldom possessed even a particle of the ancient Iluionial estate. See remarks on these Baronies, ante, Vol. i, p. 288, note " b" ; as also on " Jlanmics called out of Abeyance," p. 289, note "c." The effect of this method was to give the newly established I'eer (whose ancestors for some three centuries or more had been but Commoners) precedence over nearly all of his own rank, many of whom had inherited ancestral Peerages, enjoyed continuously for generations]. Barony by /, Sir Edmund Braye of Eaton Braye, Beds, s. and h. writ. of John B. of the same, and nephew and h. of Sir Reginald Braye, K.G. T lVO (Prime Minister to Henry VII.) was sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LOKD BItAYE) from 3 Nov. (1329) 21 Hen. VIII.(") to 8 June [1S33J 2S Hen. VIII. He m. Jane, da. and h. of Sir Richard Haliohwbu, of Holwell. He d. 18 Oct. 1539, and was her. (with his Father and Uncle abovenaraed) at Chelsea, Midx. Will dat. 18 Oct. 1539, pr. 12 March 1540. His widow d. 24 Oct 1558. fnq. post mortem, 5 Oct. 1559. II. 1539 2. Joun (Brave), Loud Braye, only s. and h., sum. to to to Pari, as a Baron, from 3 Nov. (1545) 3" Hen. VIII. to the 21 Oct. (1555) 2 Mary. He was in the French expedition, 1516; was in loo", command against the Norfolk rebels, 154S ; was attached to the Garter mission to France, 1551, and assisted at the Biege of St. Quintin, 1556. He m. Anne, da. of Francis (Talbot), 5th Earl of Shrewsbury by his 1st wife Mary, da. of Thomas (Dachk), Lord Dacre of Gtllesland. He d. at Biackfriars s.p. 19 Nov. 1557. Fun. certif. at Coll. of Arms(). Nunc, will pr. next day by his mother. Ailmon. 14 Jany. 1571/2, renounced 22 Nov. 1572. At his death the Barony fell into abeyance between his six sisters or their representatives.^) His widow in. (as his 2nd wife) Thomas (Wharton), Lord Wharton, who d. 1568. III. 1839, 3. Sarau Otway-Cave, of Stanford Hall. co. Leicester, to widow, being on 27 Aug. 1839, found coheir of this Barony (as descendant and representative of Dame Elizabeth Verney, one 1862. of the six sisters( c ) and coheirs of the last Lord) the abeyance thereof was terminated in her favour, by letters patent 3 Oct. ( a ) The reasoning in support of such summons was deemed conclusive, in 1839, by the House of Lords tho' neither the original writ nor the enrolment thereof could be found. ( b ) This is printed in Lysons' " Environs of London," vol. ii, page 93 (Edit. 1795), sub. Chelsea." (°) The respective representatives of five out of these six sisters in 1839, when the abeyance of tho Barony of Bray, was terminated were at under — (1) (2) (3) (5) Ann, m. George (Brooke) Lord Cob- ham. Both d. 1558. Elizabeth, aged 46 in 1559, m. Sir Ralph Ver- ney and d. a widowl573. B Frideswide, aged 43 in 1559, m. Sir Percival HartofLul- lingston, Kent, who d. 1580. T 0 Mary aged 41, in 1559 m. Sir Ro- bert Peckham, aud<U569. Will dat. 11 and pr. 17 Sep. 1569. Her issue was presumed (in 1839) to be ex- tinct. Dorothy aged 29, in 1559, m. Edmund (Brydges), LordChandos, who d. 1573. («) — 1 Frances aged 24 in 1559, m. Tho- mas Ly- field and d. 1592.