Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/166

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CARIUCK. 165 Scotland, by Beatrice, da, of Sir Alexander Lindsay of Crawford. Bed. as afsd., l!i July l'i'l-'i. His n-id»v in. James Sandilanus of Oalder. She m, thirdly. William Towkiis of Dairy; fourthly. Sir Duncan Wallace of Sundrum, and, fifthly and lastly, dispensation granted 18 March, 1376, Sir Patrick Hei'Iilus of Hales, who -was living in 1402, being then above SO years old. VIII. 1881 ? /. Sin AVu.i.iam i)uCuxv.(;iiami;,v1io hail manual Eleanor, to only da. trad h, of Alexander (db BrUCK), Kali, ot CARRICK [SI 1362 ? abnvcnalnod by Eleanor, da. of Archibald DiiUulas, sometime Regent [S.]. appears by an undated^] charter of David 11 [S] to have been <•>■. EARL OF CARRICK. [S.] The Earldom, however, appears soon afterwards (probably by resignation)) to have rrnrtnl to tin- Crown. He it. before 1364. when his widow is called Countm «f Qnrridt but his son (merely) Sir Witliato Vuniinijhame. See "£reh. /W*[S.|, II.. lOfi. IX. 13GS, |, John Stewart, a. and li. ap. of Robert, afterwards to Roman- II, King ,,|' Scotland, but at that limn EaMH» Stiiatiikhn [S.], 135)0. lj . v Ww 1st wile., ila. of Sir Adam Mi'HE, was, by his grand uncle, Kin- David li. fM.J. ICAKL 0¥ CABRIOK [St], 23 June RlllS, ami, as such, was present at the 1'arl at Forth, 33 Oct. 1370. Soon after his Father lutd ««c to the throne, lie obtained, 1 June 1371, a new charter of this Earldom to the heirs of his body, by Anabile his wife, in fee. On 1!) April, 13'.>0, he mc. to the throne as Sim RoBSKT III. [S.], when the Earldom merged in the Crown. X. IS90| /. David Stewart, one Scotland, 1st s. ami h. ap. of to KlN«: KoiiKRT 111. [S.] was 4. 137S and on, or soon after, his father's MOJ. aercssii. n i,,, the throne. ID April I8W), wa-s recognised as KARL OF CARRICK |S.| On 28 April 13:>She wasrr. DUKE OF KOTHKSAV [Si] and on 6 Sep. following HAUL (IF ATHOLK [».] He il. s.p. and v.p. 28 March, 1102, when his Peerage honours became extinct or irurtul to ike Croon, See fuller account under " Rutuksay " Dukedom of LS.J, a: 139S. XI. 1 101, J. Jajies Stewart, ui' Scotland, 3d but 1st surv. & and to h. an. of Kixu ItOHKUT HI. [S.] was b. 1394, and having, by the death 1 10G. of his elder br. (David) aboveuamed, become in 1102 h. ap. to the Crown received by charter, 10 Dec. 1401, (though for his life only) certain lands and lordships (including the entire lauds of the entire Earldom of Carrick) whereby ( poatiblyj he became EARL OF CARIUCK, .to. He is, however, never designed cither as '• Bali of Ciirrick," or " Duke of Jiothrmn/," " but always as " Prince" or " Sttmrd if Scotland." On 4 April 1406 he sue. to the throne as King James I. [S.], when his Peerage dignities (if any) merged in the Crown. [By Act of Pari. [S.] 27 Nov. 1469 it wis declared that "THE EARLDOM OF CARIUCK " [S. | and other lands and lordships therein mentioned should be annexed for ever to the lirst born princes of the Kings of Scotland, aud "itw understood that from this period the Dukedom of Rothesay, the Karldom of Carrick, the Lordship of the Isles and Barony of Renfrew" [S.] have been so vested, with the privilege of a Pee* of SmUav)d.( b ) See under " RotnESAY," Dukedom 6*18.] a: 1489 | (") The date of each of the charters immediately preceding and following is 12 Sep. 1361. The charter is incomplete in the record, but the nominee, soon after- wards grants a charter as had u) Cnrrkk. ( b ) Wood's "Douglas," vol. ii, p. 436.