Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/174

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CARYSFOUT — CASSILLIS. 173 Earldom [1.1 i ,j MM tfc WtUAM (I'koiiy), Earl of Carysfort Barony | r.K | [178HJ and Baron CarysforI [1752J in Ireland, also Baron ». ^*<WW , W& Ok Norman Cross [1801] iii the United King- r i^i w. doca, y-t. br. and ft. U« was 6. 18 Jany. 1S3U j ed. at Eton Barony [1.] and at Trin. Colt. Cambridge; B.A. 18.78, High Sheriff of 00; Wicklow, 1S85. He »>. 11 April 1 SSO, Charlotte Mary,

  • I- > 1st da. of Rfty. Robert Boothby Hkathcutk, M.A., Hector

of Chigford, Essex, by Charlotte, da. of Admiral Thomas SaTBSBfol High Beach, to that oo, FaMily AVifrifn. — Those, in 1SSS, consisted of 3,072 acres in co. Huntingdon and 2,270 in Northamptonshire, worth together £11,050 a-year ; besides 16,u7-l acres in i'n. Wicklow j l,2. r >0 in co. Dublin and 1,748 in co. Kildarc Total acreage [E. and 1.] ■J:,.!>!t : north £31,075 a-year. CASEWtCK. Seo " Kestevex or QmsmoK, co. Imeda"' (Trollop,-), tkmmy rr. 1888. CASHEL, or CAS HELL. Sec ' Somerset or Cashel, co. Tippersry " (Sonwr«et), Viscountcy [I.] ; cr. 1020 : ex. 1851. See " Bitlkeley or Casuei., 00; Tipjiorary " (Bnlhehii), Viscountcy [I.] ; a: 16-11 ; ex. 1S22. Sue " Mocnti'asiieu. 0* the City or Casiiell," Viscountcy [L] ; o: 1788 ; and " MOWJTCASHELL or CASH ELL," Earldom of [I.] (J/ooi-c) ; cr. 1781. CASKIEBERRY. /.<•. " I/iiiD Auchmoutie AND Caskieiieuky " [S.] (Leslie) ; (•*•. 29 May I«S0, with '• Rotors," Dukedom of £S.J which see j cr. 1681. CASSILLIS. Earldom [s. ] /. (Kennedy), Lord Kennedy [S.], s. and h. of T [509 I J"lm, 2nd Lord Kennedy [S.], by his first wife Elizabeth, da. of Alexander ( .Montgomery), 1st Lord Montgomery [S.], was knighted by James III. [S. I 'JO Jan. U87/8 ; fm. his father as Lord Kennedy [S.]. in IMS, and shortly afterwards (tc/bre 6 Aug. 1510) was erM JJAHL UK CASSILLIS [S.] He was P.C. to James IV. [S.], with whom he was slain at the fatal battle of Klodden. He in., firstly, before July 1-IS0. Agnes, 1st da. of William (Borthwick), LORD BORTHWICK [».] lie m., secondly (by dispensation) (J, Margaret, widow of Alexander, Loan Forres [S.l (who rf. between 1488 and 1 ■191), da. of Thomas (Boyd), Karl ov AaRAN [S. I, by Mary, 1st da. of Kinu James II. [S.] She, who was living in 1509, il., s.p.W He (/., as above mentioned, 0 Sep. 1513. EL 1513. GiuiERT (Kennedy), J'.Aiti. or Ca.ssillis, itc. [S.J, s. and ft,, by 1st wife. He was I'.C. to James V. [S.J, by whom he was twice sent on an embassy to England, taking the part of the Queen Dowager against the Karl of Angus, &c. He m. Isabel, 2d da. of Archibald (Cami'Rei.l), 2d Karl of Argyll [S.], by Elizabeth, da. of John (Stuart), Earl or Lennox [S.] He d. by n ilWWliTa ti o ll, 22 Doc. 1527, at Prestiok, co. Ayr. (") The grant being held to be to heirs male, according to the decision of 22 Jan. 17(12. ( h ) "Diocesan Uegistcr of Glasgow." vol. ii, No. 405 (1875). ( c ) See note by " J. Bain, K.S.A., Scut.," in " The Genealogist," New Series, Vol. iii, p. 04.