Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/18

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BREAD ALBANE. 17 and Barony. II. Earldom [SJ y. Marquessate "j 2. John (Campbell), Marquess of Buead- ALBANE, EARL OF OlUIELIE AND BaRON BllEADALBANE of Tay.moutii Castle : also Earl of Breadalbanu 1881. AND Holland, &c, [SJ only s. and h. 6. 26 Oct. 1796 at Dundee. He Was ALP. for Okehampton (under the style of Loud Glknorcuy) 1820-26, and for Perthshire (under the sti/le of Earl of Ormelik) 1832-34. ET. 21 March 1838 ; Lord Lieut, of co. Argyll, 1839 ; Vice- Admiral thereof. 1S40. Lord Rector of the Univ. of Glasgow, 1841 ; B.C., 1848 ; Lord Chamberlain of the Household Sep. 1818 to Feb. 1S52, and, again, Jan. 18fi3 to Feb. 185S. Hon. Col. of Argyll and Bute Militia, 18o4. Envoy Extraordinary to Prussia for the investiture (at Berlin, 6 March 1361 J of King William (afterwards Emperor of Germany) with the order of the Garter. ( a ) Knight of the Black Eagle of Prussia. President of the Soc. of iutiquarie3 [S.j, F.RS. &c. He m. 23 Nov. 1821, Eliza, sister of George, 10th Earl of Hadding- ton fS.], 1st da. of George Baillie of Jerviswood, by Mary, da. of Sir James Piungle, Bart. [S.] She who was b. 29 June 1803, d. 28 Aug. 1861 in Park Lane, Midx. Her/, s.p. 8 Nov. 1862 at Lausanne, in Switzerland when all his Peerage honours [U.K.] became extinct, while the Scotch dignities devolved to the heir male (general; of the Grantee as under. Earldom [S.] G. Joiin Alexander Gavin (Campbell), Eabl op VI 18G" 7 Brbadalbane and Holland &c. [S.], cousin and h. male, being only s. and h. William John Lamb Campbell, of Glenfalloch co. Perth, by Rosanna, da. of John Doughty of Salop, which William J. L. C. was 8. and h. of James C, Capt. in the Feneibles [by Elizabeth Maria Bi.aNlHard] the said James C, being s. of William C, s. of Colin C, only s. of Robert C, only s. of William C. all of Glenfalloch afsd., the last named William, being a s. of Sir Robert Campbell, Bart. [S.], Laird of Glenurchv whereby he was yr. br. of Sir John C, Bart. [S.], and of Colin C. of Mochaster, the respective ancestors of the proceeding Earls.( h ) He was b. 30 March 1S24, sue. his Father in the estate of Glenfalloch, 4 June IS'iO, and sue his distant cousin (4th cousin twice removed) in the Peerage and vast family estates iu 1S62 as afsd.( c ) He was sometime Capt. in the 1st Rovids. He m. 20 April 1853, Mary Theresa, da of John Edwards ..f Dublin. She d. at Nice 27 Feb. 1870. He d. 20 March 1871, aged 47, at the Albany, Piccadfly. (') See list of these Garter missions under " Cathcart " Earldom, or. 1814. ( b ) See tabular pedigree p. 15, note b." ( c ) His succession thereto was disputed by his cousin Charles William Campbell of Borland (the next h. male) on the grounds of the illegitimacy of his Father. He had how- ever been allowed possession of the Breadalbane estates by the Court of Session, which decision, on appeal therefrom, was confirmed 27 May 1S64 by the House of Lords ; Lord Chancellor Westbury and Lord Chelmsford being for, and Lord Weusleydale being against. Their Lordships gave their reasons, which were the recognition of Mr. W. J. L. Campbell's legitimacy, by the family of the appellant and other members of his family, and his inheritance in 1812 of the estate of Glenfalloch as heir to his deceased cousin. The arguments per contra are however considerable. The Lady whose marriage was iu question (formerly Eliz. Maria Blanehard) states iu a letter to the "War office that she was m. to James Campbell at Edinburgh in Sept. 1 782. Now it is certain that on 5 June 1776 Eliz. Maria Blanehard (probably the same person) TO. at Chipping Sodbury co. Glouc. Christopher Ludlow by whom she had a child, 6. and d. the next year. Soon after its birth she is said to have eloped from him. Christopher Ludlow (there is little doubt of his identity) did not die till Jan. 1781. The date of the birth of William J. L. Campbell has never been ascertained. The favourable view would be that it was (not till seven years after her elopement, and, consequently), after Ludlow's death, when, by Scotch law, the child might, even if not bom in marriage, be, by a subsequent one, rendered legitimate. But, per contra (granting, what is almost certain, the identity of the persons named) the written statement of the Lady, whose marriage was questioned, that she was married in 17S- to Mr. Campbell (when Ludlow was alive) is awkward, as shewing that she, ab least, relied upon the marriage of that date (at Edinburgh) and not on any subsequent status of marriage by repute. C