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BBENTFOBD — BBEBETON. 19 19 Sep. 1640 when forced, tho' on honourable conditions, to surrender. In 1639 he was cr. LORD RUTHVEN OF ETTRICK [S.], and, on 27 March 1642, EARL OF FORTH [S.] Ho joined the King at Shrewsbury in that year, and, on the death of the Earl of Lindsay, had the chief command at the battle of Edgehil! in Oct. 1642, being then made Field Marshal and Gen. and Com. in chief of the Royal army ; Col. of a Reg. of Foot, &c. Stating defeated the Pari, forces at Brentford, 15 Nov. 1(H2, he was in commemoration thereof, cr. Ear! of Brentford, as above, in 1644. In the same year he was made Councillor and Lord Chamberlain to the young Prince of Wales. P.O., 3 645 ,(») Envoy to Stockholm, 164ft. He m. firstly Jane, sister of Col. John HENDERSON. He m. secondly, in 1633, Clara, da. of John Burner of Saskendorff and Ventzin, in Mecklenburgh. He d. at Dundee, 2 Feb. 1651, s.p.m. when all his honours became extinct.^) His widow d. Aug. 1679. Will pr. 26 Nov.1679- i.e. " EARL OF BRENTFORD, co. Midi, w and Duke of ScnounEito, &c. ; See "ScHOStOKRO," Dukedom of, cr. 1689 ; presumed to be ex. 1719. i.e. " BARONESS OF BRENTFORD, co. Midx." and Countess of Darlington ; See " Darlington " Earldom of, cr. 1722 ; ex. 1730. BRERETON OF LEIGHLIN. Barony [I.] l. Sm William Brereton of Brereton Hall co. Chester, I 1G 9 4 a an( ' n- °* William B. of the same, by Jane, da. of Sir Peter Warbitrton, was bap. 6 Feb. 1550 at Brereton ; sue. his Father 4 Sep. 1559 ; built " the Hall " at Brereton, about 1586 ; and was c> II May 1624, BARON BRERETON OP LEIGHLIN, co. Carlow [I.] He m. Margaret, da. of Sir John SaVaoe of Rocksavage, co. Chester, by Elizabeth, da. of Thomas (Manners), 1st Earl ok Rutland. She, who was b. 1549, d. 7 April and was bur. 1597 at Brereton. He d. 1st Oct. 1633 and was bur. there. Will dat. 20 May 1630, pr. 16 Feb. 1631/2. II. 1631. 2. William (Brereton), Baron Brereton of Leigii- lin, [I.] grandson and h., being g. and h. of Sir John Brereton, by Anne, da. of Sir Edward Fitton, Bart, of Oawswortb, which Sir John was only surv. s. and h. ap. of the first Lord and d. v.p. 2S Dec. 1629 aged 38. He was b. 28 Feb. and Sap. 8 March 1611 at Gawsworth afsd. He m. Elizabeth, da. of George (Goring.), 1st Earl of Norwich, by Alary, da. of Edward (Nevill), Lord Abergavenny-. He was bur. 21 April 1664 at Brereton. His widow was bur. there 5 Dec. 16S7. III. 1664. 3. William (Brereton), Baron Brereton of Leigiilin [I.] s. and h. bap. 4 May 1631 at Brereton. He was a man of great literary attainments and was one of the Founders of the Royal Society. He m. Frances, da. and coheir of Francis (Willoughby), 5th Baron Villoughby of Par- iiaii, by Elizabeth, da. and coheir of Edward (Cecil), Viscount Wimbledon. He d. in London 17 and was bur. 19 March 1679/80 at St. Martin's in the fields. Admon. 11 Dec. 1686 and again 18 May 1697 to a creditor. His widow was bur. 12 Sep. 1680 at St. Martin's afsd. Her will dat. 6 Sep. 16S0, pr. 16 Feb. 1682/3. ( a ) On 20 March 1645 he had an honorable augmentation granted to his coat of arms. ( u ) His gallantry in the field and his power of retaining, in wiuebiliing, his faculties while extracting secrets from others made him invaluable. See Harte's " Life of Gustavus Adolphus." Lord Clarendon says of him, " He had been without doubt a very good officer and had great experience [in another place, he says ' in the field he well knew what was to be done '] and was still a man of unquestionable courage and integrity ; yet he was now (1644) much decayed in his parts and with the long con- tinued custom of immoderate drinking, dazed in his understanding, which had been never quick and vigorous ; he having been always illiterate to the greatest degree that can be imagined."