Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/207

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CHANDOS. Barony XI. William (Savtle), Marquess of Halifax. She d. at Twickenham, Midx., 11 and was bur. (as "Marchioness of Carnarvon") 22 Aug. 1738 at Whitchurch. He m. secondly, at Mr. Keith's chapel, Mayfair, Midx. 25 Dec. 1744 {4 mouths after his Father's death), Anne Jefferies( ; >) of St. JIary-le-bone, Midx. and Newbury. Berks, da. of John Wells. She d. s.p.m. at Kevnshain Abbey, 12 and was 6w 30 Aug. 1759 at Whitchurch. He m. thirdly 28 July 1767 at West Ham, Essex, Elizabeth, 2nd da, and coheir of Sir John Major, Bart (so or. 1785) of Worlingworth Hall, Suftblk, by Elizabeth, da. of Daniel Dale of Bridlington, co. York. He d. at Bid- desden, Hants, 28 Nov. and was bur. 12 Dec. 1771 at Whitchurch. Admon 4 Feb. 1772. His widow d. s.p. 30 March 1813, aged 82, at Major house, near Thwaite, Suffolk. Dukedom 1 3 and 31, James (Brydqbs), Duke of Chandos and III TT>n M AIi Q ul:ss av Carnarvon [1719], Earl of Carnarvon ami it i I Viscount Wilton [1711] and Baron Chanuos ofSudelev to [1554], also (since 1747) de jure( h ) Lord Kinloss [S.], ami 1 7S9 also a Baronet [1627], only s, and h. by first wife. 1 ti Dee, 1731 and bap. 11 Jau. at St. James, Westm. He was ed. at Cambridge. On 10 Feb. 1746/7, by the death of his maternal grandfather, trie Earl of Ailesbury, he lite, as de jure{ h ) Lord Kinloss [S.] but was never so styled. He was (as " Marquess of Carnarvon ") Hanger of Enfield chase, 1753 ; M.P. for Winchester, 1754-61 : ami for co. Radnor 1761-68; a Lord of the Bedchamber, 1760-64; Lord Lieut, of Hants, 1763-64 and again 1771. High Steward of Winchester; Col. of the North Hants militia. 1774 ; B.C. 1775 ; Lord Steward of the Household, 17S3-89. He m. firstly, 22 March 1753, at St. Geo. Han. sq., Margaret, da. and h of John Nicol of Minchen- den house in Southgate, Midx., by Margaret, (widow of John Keck) da. of Benjamin Poole of London. She, who was a great heiress, d. s p. at Southgate, 1 4 and was bur. (as " Marchioness of Carnarvon "J 29 Aug. 1 768 at Whitchurch in her 33rd year. Admon. 8 Sep. 1768. He m. secondly, 21 June. 1777, also at St. Geo. Han. sq., Aime Eliza, widow of Roger Hope Elletson, sister of Sir Richard Grace Gamon, Bart, ami da. of Richard Gajion of Datchworthbury, Herts, by Elizabeth, da. of John Grace of the Grange, Queen's county. The Duke d. s.p.m. 29 Sep. and was bur. 10 Oct. 17S9 at Whitchurch, when all bis lumourl, excepting the Barony of KinLOSS [S.] which devolved on his da. and h. (as to which see " Chandos, and Buckingham and Chandos," next below) became extincl.{ c ) His widow d. 20 Jan. 1813 at Chandos house. [The Barony of Chandos of Sudeley [<:?•. lf>54] was claimed im- mediately (by petition to the King), by the Rev. Edward Tymewell Brydges, M.A., as heir male of the body of the grantee. The Attorney Gen. (Nlac- donald) having, 15 April 1790, favourably reported thereon, it was referred to the Committee for privileges. After about 30 hearings, extending over some dozen years (in which new evidence, incapable, mostly, of proof, Was continually being brought forward) it was resolved, 17 June 1803, thar Mr. Brydges "had not made out his claim( d ) to the said Barony." The claimant d. s.p.s. Oct. 1807, aged 58 and was (") See the story of her being sold " with a halter round her neck " by her husband, (Jefl'eries) an ostler at the Pelican Inn, Newbury, and purchased by the Duke of Chandos, in " N. and Q." 4th S. vi, p. 179. ( b ) According to the decision of 21 July 1S6S as to that dignity. ( c ) James Brydges of Pinner, Midx., heir presum. to the Earldom of Carnarvon, being s. and h. of Rev. the Hon. Henry Brydges, D.D., br. of James, Duke of Chandos (who had been cr. Earl of Carnarvon with an extended limitation) d. s.p. a few weeks before his cousin, the last Dnke, 12 July 1789 at a great age. ( d ) The invalidity of this claim has been thoroughly exposed by G. F. Beltz, (Lancaster Hendd) in a work called " a Review of the Chandos Peerage case," London, 8vo, pp. 233, with an appendix. The Claimant's father was Edward Brydges of Wootton Court, Kent (who m. Jemima, da. and coheir of the Rev. William Egerton, LL.D.) which Edward (who d. 1780) was s. of John Brydges {d. 1712) who acquired the estate of Wootton by marriage (with Jane da. and h. of Edward Gibbou), and who was the son of John Bridges (d. 1699) a Grocer, at Canterbury (by Mary, da. of Thomas Young, also a Grocer in that city), who was s. of Edward Bridges of Faver- sham, yeoman (1665) by Catharine da. of John Sharpe of Faversham, maltster. At