Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/209

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208 CHARLEMONT. [T.] with a meg. rem., failing heirs male of his body, to his nephew Sir William Caulfeild. He d. num. 17 Aug. and was bur. 21 Sep. 1627 in Christ Church, Dublin. Will dat. 22 July 1627, pr. at Dublin. II. 1627. 2. William (Cal*lfeild, Lord Caulfeild, Baron of Charlemont ("I.J, nephew anil h. according to the spec. rem. of the creation. He was s. of George C. (elder br. of the last Lord), by Martha, da. of Hidmnl Taverner of Wood Eaton, Oxon. He was Knighted [I.] by Lord Deputy St. John, 8 June 1618 ; was Gov. of Fort Charlemont, 1621 ; Master Gen. of the Ordnance, 1627-34 and a Commissioner for the escheated estates in Ulster. He took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 4 Nov. 1634, their Lordships being satisfied, without the production of writ or patent, that he was "a Lord of Farl." He in, Mary, da. of Sir John King of Boyle Abbey co. Hoscommon, by Catharine, da. of Robert Duchy. He d. 1640 and was bur. at Charlemont. but was removed to Armagh Cathedral. M.I. Inq. post mortem at Dungannon, 18 Feb. 1640/1. His widow survived 21 years, for 14 of which she was kept (by the then dominant party) out of her estates. She d. 1663. Will in which she directs her burial to be in the church of Mullaghbrack, tlat. 16 July and pr. 15 Aug. 1663 at Dublin. III. 1640. 3. Tody (Caulfeild), Lord Caulfeild, TSarox of Charle- mont [I.], s. and h. He was M.P. for co. Tyrone, 1639-40, and in 1640 was Gov. of Charlemont Fort, where, having entertained Sir Phelim O'Neill, on 22 Oct. 1641, he was made prisoner by him and murdered at O'Neill's huuse, the Castle of Kinard, 1 March 1641/2. He d. uum. IV. 1642. 4- Robert (Caulfeild), Lord Caulfeild, Baron op Charlemont [X.], br. and h. sometime a Capt. in the army. He d. unm., a few months after his br., from an overdose of opium. V. 1642. 5 audi. "William (Caulfeild), Lord Caulfeild, Baron of Charlemont [I.], br. and h. In 1 652 he was able to apprehend hia Viscountcy [I.] brother's murderer, Sir Phelim , O'Neill, who was executed for j TcnK rebellion. P.C. [I.] 1661. Capt of a troop of horse. Was Gov. X. XODD. of Fort Charlemont for life, but sold it, 13 April 1664, for £3,o00 to the Crown. On 8 Oct. 1665 he was or. VISCOUNT CHARLE- MONT, co. Armagh [I.] and took his Beat accordingly 16 Nov. following. He m. in 1653, Sarah, 2nd da. of Charles (Moore), 2nd Viscount Droghkda [I.], by Alice, da. of Adam, (Loftus), Viscount Lorrus of Ely. He d. April and was bar. 25 May 1671 in the Cathedral of Armagh. M.I. Will dat. 8 Feb. 1670/1, pr. 8 May 1672 in Viscountcy [I.] II. Barony [I.] VI. 2 and 6. William (Caulfeild), Viscount Charlemont, &c. [I.], 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h. Taking , r „ 1 r ilrt against James II, he was attainted 7 May 1689 by the •10/1 p nr l. but soon restored under William III, who made him Gov. of Charlemont Fort, &c. He took his seat in the House of Lords [I.] 5 Oct. 1692 and took part in a measure to prevent estates of Protestants being inherited by " Papists. " He served in Spain in 1705, was at the taking of Barcelona. Brig.-Gen., i/05; Major-Gen. 1708. P.C. to Queen Anne and (1726) to Geo. I. He m. 11 July 1678, Anne, da. of James Margetson, Arch- bishop of Armagh. He d. 21 July 1726 and was bur. at Armagh. His widow d. 1729. Her will pr. 10 Jan. 1729 at Dublin. Viscountcy [1 1 1 & cm ^ James (Caulfeild), Viscount Charle- I mont,&c. [I.] 2nd but 1st surv. s. and h., Jap. 29 July 1682, liTof ed - atTlin - Coll. Dublin ; B.A. 1702 ; M.A. 1704 ; was >172fa M.P. for Charlemont, 1703-4 and 1713-26, and took his Barony [I.] seat in the house of Lords [I.], 29 Nov. 1727. Hem. YTT Elizabeth, da. of Francis BERNAim of Castle Mahon J (afterwards Castle Bernard) co. Cork, by Alice, da. of Stephen Ludlow, Clerk of the Court of Chancery [I.]. He d. 21 April 1734 and was bur. at Armagh. His widow, who was b. 21 Feb. 1703, m. 9 Oct. 1740, Thomas Adderley of Inishannon, co. Cork. She d. 20 May 1743 and was bur. at Armagh.