Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/251

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250 CLANBRASSILL — CLANCARE. Christ Church, Dubliu, when all liia honours became extinct. Will dat. 27 March 1674, devh)iag all his real esUttrn to his wife. Hit widow m. 1076 (as his &u) wilV-j John (Hamilton), 2nd Loun Bahokny [S.*], who </. 2S May 1698. She d. s.p. at llu. s - common House, Dublin, 26 Deo. 1677. III. ITS®, 1. Jambs Hamilton*, of ToUyraore, ca Down, s. and h. of James H. of the same, by Anne, sister to Charles, Eaiil ok PKTER, BOBO'jgH and Monmocth, da. of John (MordamNT), 1st VISCOUNT Mohdaunt at Avaujs, «BC, bis father ;t an early age, was M.P. for Dvvndivlk [I.], 17H-19, anil was 13 May 1719, cr. BARON CLANEBOYE, co. Down, and VISCOUNT or THK city OF LIMERICK fl.], taking his seat as such 1 July following. From 1732 he sat ui the English House of Commons as Sf.P. for Wendovcr, Tavistock, and Morpeth ; Chainnan, 21 March 1733, of the Committee to euqnire into the conduct of (tin: late Prime Minister) the Earl of Orford ; one of the Common Council for the province of Georgia, 1733 ; P.C., 1746 ; Gov. of co. Louth, 1756. On 2-1 Nov. 1756 he was cr. EARL OF CLANBRASSILL, co. Armagh [[.], taking his seat, ad such, 11 Oct. 1757. He m. 15 Oct. 1728, at the Hague, Henrietta, da. at William (BuimsCK), 1st Kail „l Portland, by his 2nd wife Jane, da. of Sir John Tkmim.k, of Palmerston, co. Dublin, He d. 17 March 175S. His widow d. 10 June 1792. IV. 1758, 2. James (Hamilton), Kaul op ClAnBBASSIll (175G), to Viscol-nt LlMBalCK and Babon Clanedoye (1719) in Ireland, only s. 1798. and h., 6. 13 Aug. 1729. Chief Remembrancer of the Court of Exchequer [I.~| 1757. Took hia seat in the House of Lords [1.], 10 April 3 758. ^Y.^s M.P. for Helstoii [E.J, 170.9 ; Gor. of co. Lcmth ; P.C. ; K.P., 5 Feb. 1783, being one of the 15 original Knights of that Order.(') Kq hi. 21 May 1774, at St. Marylebone, Grace, da. of Thomas (Foley), 1st B.utox Foley of KiDDEit.MiNSTEii, by Grace, da. and coheir of George (Giiaxville), Babon Laxs- DOWXB ov IiiDDEFoitD. He d. s.]i. 6 Feb. 179S, when all his honours became extinct. Will pr. March 1799. His widow, who was b. 1 Jan. 1743, A. 9 Jan. 1S13, in Great Stanhope street, Midx. Her will pr. Feb. 1813. Sui; "Coxixgsuy of Ci.axi!rassill, co. Armagh" Barony U.], (Coninysby), cr. 1693 ; ex. 1729. Barony. Koijert (Jocf.lyn), Eaul of Roden [I.] was, 17 I. 1831. Ju 'y 1821 < BAKOX CLANBRASSILL^) OF HYDB HALL, co. J ' Hertford. See " Roden," Earldom of [I.], cr. 1771, under the 3rd Karl. CLANCAIRNEY. See "Aciieson ok Clancaibney, co. Armagh " Barony, [Aclicson), cr 1847. CLANCARE [i.e. Glencar.](") Earldom [I.] Sir " Donald Maccabty, called Maooabty Mokb, I 1 565 Knt., Captain of his clan," was, by patent, 24 June 1565, cr. " EAKL j~ > OF CLANCAKE( d ) and BARON OF VALENTIA, in Ireland" [L], Igftw having previously resigned, and again received investiture of, his I03( • estates "to hold of the Crown of England in the English manner. The Eavl sat in the Pari, of Dublin 20 April 1584, but soon after- ( a ) See a list of these, Vol. i, p. 136, note " d." (>') His grandfather, the 1st Earl of Roden [I.], W. 11 Dec. 1752 Anne, only cister of James (Hamilton), 2nd and last Earl of Clanbrassill [I.] of the creation of 1756. ( c ) " Glenear," of which " Donald McCarty More was cr. Earl, by Queen Eliz.," i 3 described in " the Pari. Gazetteer " [IJ as " a mountain valley partly hi the ]5im>»y "f Dnnkerron," co. Kerry. Under " Carragh " it is also stated that the river Curragh " gives to the country drained by it the name of Glcncare, a corruption of Glen Carragh " ( d ) See " Creations, 1483-1646," in ap. 47th Rep. D. K. Pub. Records. Camden, »' his life of " Elizabeth," says that she " invested him with the Earldom of Glencaiiu