Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/293

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CLIFFORD. Talbot, da. of Homy PtJDSBT, of Berforth, co. York, by Margaret, da, of Christopher Conykhs, of Hornby, in that eo. "The Shepherd(«) Lord," d. 23 April, 1523, aged about 70. His widow m., for the 3rd time, Lord Richard Grey, yr. s. of Thomas, 1st Marquess of Dorset. XI. 1523. 11. Henry (Clifford), Lord Clifford, s. and") h. by 1st wife, b. 1493. On 18 June 1525 he as "Henry ' Clyfford, Knt., Lord Clyfford, Westmoreland^) and Vcscy " was cr. EARL OF CUMBERLAND. He d, 22 April 15-12. I* 1 a s ZD 3 , 1 2 XII. 1042. 12. Henry (Clifford), Earl of Cumberland and Lord Clifford, s. and h., 6. 1517. He d. 8 Jan. 1569/70. XJIL 1570. 13. George (Clifford), Earl of Cumberland and Lord Clifford, s. and h., b. S Aug. 1558. He d. s.p.m.s., 30 Oct. 1605, and was sue. by his br. and h. ma/c in the Earldom of Cumberland, but, de jure, by his da. and h. {general) in the Barony of Clifford.^) [Francis Clifford, slijled Lord Clifford, 1st s, and h. ap., d. in boyhood, early in Dec. 15S9 at Skiptou Castle.] [Robert Clifford, styled Lord Clifford, 2d and yst but 1st suit. 5. and h. ap., b. at North Hall, Herts. He d. there in boyhood, 24 May 1591.] XIV. 1G05, lJ f . Anne() (il- jure), mo jure, IUroness Cliitoki>() to only da. and h. of the 3rd Earl of Cumberland, 13th Lord 1G7G. Clifford, by Margaret, da. of Francis (Russell) Earl of BEDFORD, was b. 30 Jan. 1589/90, at Skipton Castle and bap. 22 Feb. in Skiptou church. She m. firstly 25 Feb. 1609, at her mother's house in Austin Friars, Loudon, Richard (Sackville), 3d Earl of Dorset, who (/. 2S March 1624 and was bur. at Withyam. See fuller account of him under that title. She m. secondly (as his 2nd wife) 3 June 1630, at Chenies, Bucks, Philip (HERBERT), Earl of Pemhroke and Montgomery by whom she had no issue, and who d. 23 Jan. 1650.( e ) See fuller account of him under that title. As early as 1C28 (in which year her cousin Henry Clifford had been sum. to the House of Lords as Lord Clifford) she claimed the Barony of Clifford, and her petition was referred to the House of Lords.( r ) The vast family estates, however, and the hereditary Shrievalty of Westmorland, were, from 1605, held by her uncle, Francis, 4th Earl of Cumberland (the heir male of the family) and did not come into her See Wordsworth's " Song at te feast of Brougham Castle " as also his " White Doe of liyhtone " for an account of this Lord's romantic career. ( b ) It is not to be argued from his being thus designed " Dominus West morel ami " that he had a peerage dignity of that name ; neither had he a peerage dignity of Vesci, (or Vcssy) tho' that title was used by the Lords Cliffords, who were heirs general of the first Peer, whose peerage, was, however, limited to heirs male. See, ante, p. 291, note "e." ( c ) According to the decision of 12 Dec. 1691 whereby the Br.rony was allowed to Thomas, Earl of Thanet, her grandson and heir. ( d ) She was doubtless so named after her mother's sister Lady Anne Russell, widow of Ambrose (Dudley), Earl of Warwick. Her godfather was Philip (Wharton), Lord Yharton, who had m. her maternal aunt Lady Fi ances Clifford. See " Memorial of the Life of Lady Ann Clifford" in the York Vol. of the "Proceedings of the Archreological Institute." See also Craik's " Romance of the Peerage," Vol. iv. (») "On the 18 Dec. 1634 by reason of some discontent, she left Whitehall to live at Baynard Castle in London, where and at the houses at Wilton and Ramsbury she continued during the time of his [her second husband's] life." (') " This lady, when Countess of Dorset, twice churned the Barony of Clifford, and her petitions were referred by His Majesty to the House of Lords, but no resolution [thereon] appears." See " Cruise," p. 195,