Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/297

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296 CLIFFORD. Family estates. — These, in 1SS3, appear to have consisted only of Irish property, viz., 11,954 acres in co. Mayo, and 1,046 in co. Gahvay. Total 13,000 acres, worth £5,691 a year. Principal llcsidcncc. — Kirkby Mallory, near Hinckley, co. Leicester. I 4 and [3]. 5. Catharine nt, 1708, Edward Watson, styled Viscount Sondes. She d. March 1734. Ann, in. 170!), James (Cecil), 5thEarlofSalis- bury, who d. 1728. She d. Aprill757. Lewis (Watson) 2nd Earl of Rock- ingham s. and h. d. s.p. 1745. Catharine, sister and coheir of Lewis and Thomas, 2nd and 3rd Earls of Rockingham, »t. 1729, Edward Southwell, and d. April 1705. [l]r- Edward Margaret, Baro- ness de Clifford, in whose favour the abeyance was ter- minated in Aug. 1731. Shew. 171S, Thomas (Coke), Earl of Leicester. She d. s.p. 1775. n [2] James (Cecil), 6th Earl of Salis- bury, d. 1780. [Earls Mara ucsses Salisbury.] and of Mary, Hi. firstly Anthony Grey, styled Earl of Harold, who d. s.p. 1723. She in. secondly (as 3rd wife) John (L c v e s o a ■ Gower), 1st EarlGower,and d. Feb. 1785. [Lcveson- Goivcr, of Pill Hill, Berks.] Isabella, m. firstly Lord Nassau P;iu- lett She /«. secondly, Sir Francis Blake DelavaI,K.B., who d. s.p., 1771. She <(. 10 Jany. 176-1. HM Isabella (Pau- lett), da. and h., in. only 1 765, JohnJanies(Per- ceval), 3rd Earl of Egmont [I.], who 3. 1822, She d. 1821. [Paris of Egmont [l.], 1828-1841.] (Southwell), Lord Clifford, in whose minated in 1775. He d. 1 favour the abeyance was tei- 777. Edward (South- well), Lord Clifford. Ho d. s.p. Sep. 1832. J. Catherine, h. 1768, m. 1790, George Kein Hayward Couss- niaker. Bothd. 1801, at Martinique. 7 Sophia, in. (as 1st wife) 1790, John Thomas Townshend, aftervvards(1800)2nd Viscount Sydney. She d. 1795. II". II b . J III. Elizabeth, m. 1792, William Charles ( Kep- pel), 4th Earl of Albemarle, who d. 1S49. She d. 1817. George Thomas, (Keppel) 6th Earl, of Albe- luarle, b. 179i). Sophia, only surv. Sophia Mary, da. andlieir,Baro- coheir of hei- rless de Clifford, mother,m. 1833 inwhosefavourthe (as 2nd wife), abeyance was ter- Hon. Peregrine minated in 1S33. Francis Cust, She »t. 1822, John and d. s.p. 1852. Russell, and d. 1874. X [Lords de Clifford.^)} ( b ) The descent of the Barony is thro' the respective families of (1) Russell (2), Coussmaker (3), Southwell (4), Watson (5). Tufton (6), Sackville, and (7), CliUord. Mary Elizabeth, Augustus Fre- m. firstly, 1825, G. derick Keppel, J. Ckolmondeley. styled (in 1833) She in. secondly, Viscount Bury ; Feb. 1832 (as Mb tifterwards,1849, 2nd wife) Charles Earl of Albe- (Marsham), 2nd marie. Herf. s.p. Earl of Romney. 1851. She d. 1847.