Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/301

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300 CLIFFORD — CLIFTON. TLX. 1831. 7. Hugh (Clifford), Baron Clifford of Chudleigh, 1st s. ami h., b. 29 May 1700, at New Park, Somerset ; ed. at the Roman Catholic College of Stouyhurst, eo. L;ii)o. Took his sent iii the House of Lords, 1S31 (being the first of his line who, since the disabling act of ISO], had done sol where he Supported the Grey and the Melbourne Ministry. He m. 1 Sep, ISIS, at Paris, and again Jany. 1S10, at Ugbrooke, his second cousin, Mary Lucy, only da. and h. of Thomas WELD,C} of Ltllwwth Castle, Dorset, by Lucy, da. of the Hon". Thomas Cukkokd, yr. 8. of Hugh. Bauuk Ci.utoiu) or ClU'lH.KiiiM abovenanied. She, who wan b. 31 Jany. 1799, at Ujway, Dorset, d. 15 May 1831, in her 32nd year, near Rome. He d. at Rome, where tie had long been resident, 2S Feb. 1858, aged 67. Will m-, 17 July IS5S, under i'50,000 ; re-sworn July 1859, under £(!0,000. VIII. 1858. S. Charles Hugh (Cliffoud), I'.arox CMFFOltD of Cst'DLGlOB, 1st s. and h., 6. 27 July 1S10. He M. 30 Seji. IS Ifi, at Thorndon Hall, Essex, Agnes Catherine Louisa, yst. da. of William Henry Francis (Petiik), 4th Baron Pbtrb of Whittle, by his 2nd wife, Emma Agnes, da. "of Henry Howahd, of Corby Castle, Cumberland. He d. after a long illness, 5 Aug. 1880, at Ugbrooke Park. Will pr. 14 Sep. 18S0, under £180,000. His widow, who was b. 89 Jany. 182b', living 1SS7. IX. 1880. Lewis Henry Huoh (Cuffoud), Baron Cliffoud OF Cklulkiuh, 1st ». and h., />. 21 Aug. 1851 ; ed. at Stonyhurst Coll. abovenamed and at Loudon Univ. ; B.A., 1S72 ; Barrister (Inner Temple), 1882 : Lieut. -Col. 5th Vol. Battn. Devon Reg. Family estates. — These, in 1SS3, consisted of 1,11b' acres in D.voj), 1,502 ill en Warwick, S0G in Somerset, 85S in Bucks, and 128 in Cornwall. Total 7,Sii0 acre*, worth 410,100 a year. Principal Residence.— L'gbrook Park, near Chudleigh, Devua CLIFTON', eg 1 >K CLYFTON. Barony Toy 1. Jons DE Clifton, of BricltraihaUl Castle, Norfolk, s, writ, and h. of Constantino C. (by Catharine, da. of Sir William Dkuo'iile). I 137G which Constautine was s. and h.ap. of Adam de Clifton. () of Buckeu- ham Castle afsd. and other large estates (inherited thro' the families of Caili.y and Tatteshall), having previously sue. his saiil grand- fether, was found heir to Margaret de CJaSIy i" (1368) 42 Ed JO, being then aged IS years, and was, 8 years afterwards, sum. to Pari, as a Baron (LOUP DE CLYFTOX, or CLIFTON) by writs, directed Juki de Cli/ftou, 1 Dee. (1376) 50 Ed. HI to 28 July (1388) 12 Ric. II. He wt. Elizabeth, da. of (whose issue became, in 1497, coheir to) Ralph (CbOKWELl), Loud C'iio.mwell, by Maud, da. of (whose issue became heir to) John BebnaK, of Tatteshall, eo. Lincoln. He d. at Rhodes, 10 Aug. 138S. His widow m. Sir Edward Bensted, and d. (1393.94) 17 Ric. II II. 1388, 2. Conktantine (de Clifton), Lord de Clyfton, s. and to h., aged lb' years at his Father's death ; had livery of his lands in 1395. 1393. He was sum. to Pari, as a Baron, 13 Nov. 1393 to 20 Nov. 1394. He ia. Margaret, da. of Sir John Howahd, of Wigenhall, Norfolk, by his 1st wife Margaret, da. of Sir John Plaiz. He d. 1395. His widow in. before 1397, Sir Gilbert Talbot, of Goodrich, who d. Feb. 1398/9. She d. 25 March 1433, and was bar. at the Blackfriars, Norwich. {■') He was a. and h. of Thomas Weld, the founder of the Jesuits College at Stony- hurst, eo. Lancaster. He sue. his father in 1810, and, having lost his wife in 1S15, became a Priest, a Bishop, and finally, 1830, a Cardinal in the Rom. Catholic Church, being the first Englishman who had attained that honour since the Popedom of Clement IX. He d. 10 April 1837, aged 64. ( b ) This Adam was s. and fa. of Roger de Clifton, by Margery, sister and 1l of Thomas, Lord de Cailly, which Margaret and Thomas were children of Adam (or Osbert) de Cailly, by Emma, his 2nd wife, da. of (whose issue became heir to) Robert de Tatteshall, of Buckenham abovenamed. There is a well worked pedigree of the owners of Buckenhani Castle, in Barrett's " History of Attle borough. "