Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/306

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CLINTON. 305 family of Say, in right of his Grandmother abovenamed, he adopted the stylo of Lord Say, to which Barony he was a coheir.( a ) He m. Alice, widow of Fulkc (FitzWarine), Loud FitzWarine (who d. a minor in 1407), da. of William (Botrkaux), Lord Eotreaux, hy Elizabeth, da. of John de St. Loe. He d. 30 July 1432. V. 1432. 5. John (Clinton), Lord de Clinton, s. and h., aged 22 at his Father's death. He alienated the castle and manor of Maxstoke. Serving in the war with France in 1441, he was taken prisoner and detained more that) 6 years when he was ransomed for 6,000 marks. He was sum. to Pari. 4 Sep. 1150 to 30 July 1460.( b ) His kinsman, Sir James Fienes, having been sum to Pari, in 144" as Lord Say and Sele, he (Lord Clinton) being (together with lioger Fienes, eldest br. of the said James) one of the coheirs of the Barony of Say (cr. 1313) con- firmed by deed, 1 Nov. 1148, to the said James, "the name and style of Lord Say, relinquishing all interest therein for himself and his heu-8."( c ) In 1459 he joined tlie Yorkist party, and was attainted in the Pari, held at Coventry, but restored in 1461 by the new King, in whose reign he fought in France anil against the Scots. He m. Elizabeth, da. of Richard (Fienes), Lord Dacre, by Joan, suojure. Baroness Dache. He d. 24 Sep. 1464. His widow was living 3 Dec. 1485. YI. 1464. G. John (Clinton), Lord Clinton, s. and h., aged 30, at his Father's death, was never sum. to Pari. He m. Anne, da. of Sir Humphrey Stafford. He d. 29 Feb. 1488, and was bur. at Grey Friars, London. VII. 1488. 7. John (Clinton), Loud Clinton, s. and h., was also never sum. to Part. He in. Elizabeth, da. of Sir John Morgan, of Tredegar, co. Monmouth. He d. 4 June 1515. Inq. at Canterbury, 13 March 1517/8. VIII 1515. S. Thomas (Clinton), Lord Clinton, s. and h., aged 24 at his Father's death, is said to have been sum. to Pari, by writ, 23 Nov. (1514), (i Hen. VIII.() He ift. Mary, illegit. da. of Sir Edward I'ovninop, KG. Ho </. of the sweating sickness, 7 Aug. 1517, in his 2Sth year. Inq. at Warwick, 26 Feb. 1517/8. IX. 1517. 0. Edward (Clinton), Lord Clinton, only s. and" h., b. 1512. sum. to Pari. 27 April (1536) 28 Henry VIII by writ,(*) directed " Edward Clinton, Chevalier." Lord High Admiral, 1550-54, and again, 155S-85. KG., 1551. On 4 May 1572 he was cr. EARL OF LINCOLN. He d. 10 Jany. 1584/5. c E X. 1585. 10. Henry (Clinton), Earl of Lincoln and Loud g ° Clinton, a. and h., b. 1540 ; KB., 1553. He d. 29 Sep. 1616. 8' XI. 1G10. 11. Thomas (Clinton), Lord Clinton, or Lord Clinton de Say, s. and h. ap., who v.p. was sum. to the House of Lords in his Father's Barony, 18 Feb. (1009/10) 7 Jac. I by writ, directed = «  ( a ) In a grant on the Rot. Clans., 5 Hen. VI. (m. 15, d.), he styled himself Will's de Clynton, Miles, Dims de Clynton et de Say. His grandmother was the eldest of tho three daughters (whose issue became such coheirs), and this seniority was at that time considered by many, as actually entitling such coheir to the Barony. ( b ) There is proof in the Rolls of Pari, of his sitting. ( c ) This attempt to bar the right of peerage would doubtless be now treated as inoperative. It is remarkable, too, as being made to one who was not himself (tho' his brotlier was) even a coheir of the dignity in question. (*) In Dugdale's " Summons " at the end of the Barons sum. on that day, occurs " Clynton de Clynton, ChVr." (°) "In [1557-1558] 4 and 5 Ph. and Mary, a question of precedency arose between this nobleman and Henry, Lord Stafford, when it was decided, 12 Feb. 1558, that the Lords Clinton had by long continuance and great antiquity ranked next above the V