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314 CLONMELL — CLOUGHEH. IV. 1866. 4- John Henry Reginald (Scott), Earl of Clonmflt, (1793), Viscount Clonmeli, (1789), and Baron Earlskort ok Lisbon Earl (1784), all in the Peerage of Ireland, a and h.,A. 2 March 1839, St Bert House, ro. Kildare; ed. at Eton; sometime, 1857-67, Sub-Lieut. 1st Life Guards: Rep. Peer [I.], 10 Nov. 1874. Family estates.- These, iu 1SS3, consisted of 16,187 acres in co. Tipperary ; 1,078 in co. Kildare ; 2,2 2(i in co. Kilkenny : 3,300 in co. Carlow ; 2,022 in co. Monaghan : 1,002 in co. Limerick ; and 51 in co. Dublin. Total 27,640 acres, worth £17,140 a year. Principal fiesidenee.— Bishop's Court, Straffan, co. Kildare. CLONMORE. i.e. "Clonmoke, co. Kilkenny," Visconntcy [I.] (Butler), it, 1G7G with " Gowran," Earldom of [I.], which "see ; n. 1 677. 1. The Rt. Hon. Ralph Howard, was, 21 July 1770, cr. BARON CLONMOKE, of Clonmore Castle," co. Carlow [1.]. taking his seat 14 Oct. 1777. On 21 June 1785, he was er. VISCOUNT WICKLOW, of co. Wicklow [[.] See " Wicklow," Viscountcy [L], cr. 1785. Barony [t.] I. 1770. CLOXTARFF. Viscountcy [I.] Sin JonN Rawson, P.C. [I.] mid Prior of Eumainliam, I 1541 co ' Dublin, having sun-endered into the hands of the Sing, ths • ' Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem at Ivilmainhani, 22 Nov. 1511, . p.p„ received a grant of 500 marKs annually therefrom, and ia lJbU. accordance with Royal letters, dat. at Windsor. 5 Nov. 1541, was cr. VISCOUNT CLONTAUFK,(») co. Dublin a.) for Ufe,mtix an annuity of £10 annexed, lie was 1st s. of Richard Rawson, Alderman, and some- time (1476) Sheriff of London, Senior Warden of the Mercers' Company (1478-83), by his wife, formerly Isabella Crakord, spinster ; was admitted free of the Mercers' Company, 14S2, but joined the Order of the Knights of St. John before Sep. 14»7, being then mentioned as "a Knight of Ehodes." In 1511 ho was mado Prior of Kilmainham, and P.C. [I.], and in 1517 was Lord Treasurer [I.] In 1522 ho was one of the Knights who bravely, but without success, resisted the capture of the island of Rhodes by the Sultan. In 1525 he was Turcopolier of the order, but shortly afterwards returned to his post in Ireland, which, in 1541, he surrendered, receiving a Fccraijc as before mentioned. He d. at a great age, in 1560, when his life peerage became extinct. CLONYN. See" Grevilleof Clonyn, co. Westmeath," Barony (Grevilk-Nwjent), cr. 1869. CLOPTON. i.e. " Carew of Clopton, co. Warwick," Barony (Carew), cr. 4 May 1605 ; see under " Totness," Earldom of, cr. 1626 ; both peerages extinct 1629. CLOUGHER, sec "CLOGHER." ( a ) This appears to have been at the recommendation of the Lord Deputy St. Leger, who writes in 1540 that "the Lord Kilmainham, Lord of St John's here," is reported to have, " for the long time of his abode here, been the person which, next to your Majesty's Deputy, hath always kept the best house and English sort, and, at all times when strangers hath repaired thither, feasted and entertained them to your Highnesse's honour." He, therefore, suggests that his Lordship should be raised to a Viscountcy " ard to be a Lord of your Pari, and of your Council." Sec Stato Papers," temp. Hen. VIII.