Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/338

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COLVILL. 337 male of Alexander, who was the only brother[*) [sic but more probably uncle] of the said first Lord," to which Alexander the petitioner wits [which statement, so far as regards Alexander the Commendator is, apparently, correct] the heir male of the body. His right to the peerage claimed, under the patent of 20 Jan. 1009, as hen- male of the grantee, was acknowledged 27 May 1723, by the House of Lords, to whom his petition had been referred by the Crown, (>') whereby he became, tic facto, Loud Colvill ok Culross [S.] Ho was at the siege of Gibraltar, 1727 ; was Lient.-Col., 1739, in the war with Spain ; being in command of a battalion irif in 1711, where he fell a victim to the fatal epidemic. He m. iu 171 G, iu Ireland, Elizabeth, da. of (— ) Johnston*, of that kingdom. He d. as afsd. on board a transport oft" Carthagena, 20 April 1741, in his 52nd year. Admon. 2 May 1744. His widow d. at Dundee, 1747 or 1748, aged 47. VLT. 1741. 7. Alexander (Colvill), Loed Colvill of Culross [S.], s. and h., 6. 2S Feb. 1717, entered the lioyal Navy 1731, be- coming, finally (1769), Vice- Admiral. He was in command in America in 1755 ; was at the reduction of Louisbourg in 1758 ; made a gallant relief of (jnebec, then besieged, in 1760, and drove the French from Newfoundland. He was continued in this command till 1760, when he returned to Scotland. He ?«., 1 Oct. 1768, Elizabeth, widow of Walter MactaRLane, da. of Alexander (Erskine), 5th Earl of Kellie [S.]j by his 2nd wife, Janet, da. of Archibald PitcairN, M.D. He d. s.p. legit., at Druuis- hengh, near Ediuburgh, 21 May 1770, in his 54th year. Will pr. Oct. 1770. His widow d. there 2 Nov. 1794, in her 00th year. VIII. 1 770. 8. John (Colvill), Lord Colvlll of Culross [S.], next surv. br. and h., b. at Dundee 24 Jan. 1724/5 ; entered the army iu 1741, and served in the West Indies ; was at the battle of Foutenoy, 1715 : at Cullodeu, 1716 ; and at the reduction of Belleisle, 1761 ; retired in 1764, and, in 1770, was made Inspector Gen. of the outposts [S.] He hi. at Gibraltar, IS July 175S, Amelia, da. of (— ) WkbBSB. She d. 5 Aug. 1788, at Stoke House, near Bath ; San in Walcot Church. He d. S March 1811, bur. at Bath Abbey. Will dat. 22 Dec. 1810, pr. 17 April 1811. [James .Ioiin Colville, Master of Colvill, 3rd hut 1st surv. s. and h. ap., 6. in London 10 Aug. 1763 ; Lieut. R.N. He d. unni. and v.p. 18 Feb. 17S6, in Ins 23rd year, at Bath.] IX. 1811. .9. Joim (Colville), Lord Colvill of Culross [S.l 4th but 1st surv. s. and h., b. 15 March 1768 : entered the Navy, 1780, be- coming, finally Admiral of the White. Rei Pkkii [S.], 1S1P-49. He m. firstly, 14 Oct. 1790, at Welford, co. Stafford, Elizabeth, da of Fraucis Ford, of the Lea, in St. Michael's parish, Barbadoes, by Elizabeth, da. of John Hothkrsall. She, who was sister of Sir Francis Ford, 1st Bart., was b. Feb. 1754, and d. 19 Aug. 1839. He m. secondly, 15 Oct. 1841, at St. Marylebone, Anne, 1st da. of Edward (Law), 1st Karon KllenhoroDgh, by Anne, da. of George Philips Towivr. He d. s.p.s. 22 Oct. 1849. Will pr. Jan. 1850. His widow, who was b. 21 Jan. 1815, d. 30 May 1852. Will pr. July 1852. X. 18-19. 10 and 1. Charles John (Colville), Lord Colvill of Couioss [S.], nephew and h., being s. and h. of Gen. the Hon. Sir Barony [U.K.] Charles Colville, O.C.3. and G.C.H., by Jane, da. of William T , 00 . Mure, of Caldwell, eo. Ayr, which Sir Charles was next br. to the L 1880. 1^ Lord, and d. 27 March 1843. He was b. 23 Nov. ISIS, at Edinburgh, and bap. at Caldwell afad., ed. at Harrow School ; sometime Capt. 11th Hussars, being Lieut. -Col. of the Hon. Artillery Company of London, 1859-66. Kei Peer [S.], 1852-85 ; Chief Equerry and Clerk Marshal, Feb. to Dee. 1852, and again March 185S to June 1859 ; Master of the Buckhouuds, 1866- ( tt ) See as to this and other statements iu this petition, ante, p. 336, note " e," and p. 335, note " b." ( b ) He was accordingly placed on the roll in the precedency of 1609, i.e. before " Cranstoun " and after " Cardross," a lower precedency than that given at the decreet of ranking. See, ante, p. 334, note " e " and p. 335, note " b." V