Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/362

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CORNWALL. 361 brother. They wore defeated .and taken prisoners, 24 April 1106, at Tenchebray, when, being attainted, his tumours became forfeited. After many years imprisonment, he became a Cluniac monk, in 1140, at Bermondsey, where be d., probably s.p.,( a ^ and probably, having never married. III. 1110, Alain de Bretagne, " Comes Britannia et Anglia," to Lord of the honour (and sometimes called Earl) of Richmond, who, 1111. on 18 April 1137, had sw: his father, Stephen, in those dignities, is said to have been n: by ICing Stephen/" 0 ) in 1140. KARL OF CORN- WALL, tho' deprived thereof (early next year) soon after 2 Feb. 11 lO/l.O') He d, 30 March 1146. See fuller account under " Richmond." IV. 1111, Reginald de Dunsianville, 3rd of tho 14 to children of Hknhy I, was the son of Sibell, da. of Sir Robert Corbet of 1 175. Alcester, co Warwick, and having m. Beatrice, da. and h. of William FitzRichahd, a man of large estate in co. Cornwall, was cr., about April 1141, ;°) EARL OF CORNWALL, probably by the Empress Maud, but the title was fully recognised subsequently by King Stephen. He was a witness to the compromise between Stephen and Henry, 1153. Sheriff of Devon, 1173-75. He was in command, cx parte Regis, Oct. 1173, against the rebellious Barons. He d. at Chertsey, in Surrey, Dec. 1175, and was bur. in the Abbey of Reading, when the Earldom is supposed to have reverted to the Grown. V. 1180? Baldwin, Earl of Cornwall, " Coiisam/wncus Regis" to is mentioned as having died in 118S.( d ) He was not improbably a son 1188. of Reginald, Uakl ot' Cornwall abovenamed. VI. 1189, John (Plantagenet), Earl op Gloucester, 6th s. of to K'ng Henry II, having received from his br., King Richard I, in 1199 1189, the counties of Cornwall, Nottingham, &c.,(°) bore the title of EARL OF CORNWALL. On 6 April 1199 he ascended the throne (an King John) when ail his honours merged in the Crown. See fuller account under " Gloucester," Earldom of. VII. 1217 Henry Fitz-Count, or Eitz-Eaiil ("films Comitis"), to bastard son of Reginald (de DunstanviUe) Earl ok Cornwall, by 1220 Beatrix de Vannes, 6. before 1175, was Constable of Totnes Castle 1209 ; Gov. of Porchester Castle 1211 ; Sheriff of Cornwall, Constable of Launceston Castle and Warden of the Stannaries 1215, and had, in that year, a grant ( a ) The account in " Lodge," Vol. i, p. 118, that he " was the father [by some unspecified wife] of Adelm and John." of whom Adelm, "by Agnes, da. of Lewis VII, King of France," was ancestor of the De Burgh family, Earls of Clanricarde [I.], while John " had iBsue Hubert de Burgo, Earl of Kent, one of the greatest subjects in Europe," is a reckless and unprovable assertion. The descent in the male lino of this house, from Charlemagne, is there recorded, also in which Herluin de Conteville, father of the 1st Earl of Cornwall, is actually called "Harloweu de Burgo, ' &c, Ac. ( b ) Gesta Stepliani, (') " There is reason, on charter evidence to assign the creation to about April 1141 ex inform. J. Horace Round. (°) " Annales de Wavcrleia," in " An. Monast." ii, p. 245, 1864-69. " Dr. Luard, the Editor, says that the MS. is in a hand of the 12th century or beginning of the 13th, so that the writer was contemporary." JSx inform. James E. Doyle, Editor of "Tho Official Baronage of England." (•) Chronicon Walteri de Homingburgh.