Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/393

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392 COVENTRY — COWLEY. IV. 1680. 4- John (Coventry), Bakon Coventry of Ayle.s- rorougu, 1st uud only surv. s. and b., 4. 2 Sep. 1654, at Croome. He d. uum. 25 July 1667, iu his 33rd year, bur. at Croome. M.I. Admou. 26 July 1687. V. 1687. 5. Thomas (Coventry), Baron Coventry of Aylesborough, uncle and h., being next br. to George, tbe 3rd Baron. He was, on 26 Nov. 1697 ct . Viscount Deerhurst and Earl of Coventhy, with a spec, and very extended remainder. He d. 15 July 1699. VI. 1699. 6. Thomas (Coventry), Earl of Coventry, Viscount Dkemiurst and Barun Coventry or Aylksborouoh, s. and h. He d. Aug. 1710. VH. 1710. 7. Thomas (Coventry), Earl of Coventry, > Viscount Deerhuust and Baron Coventry of Aylesborough, ' only surv. s. and h. He d. unm. 28 Jan. 1711/2. V ni- 1712, 8. Gilbert (Coventry), Earl of Coventry, to Viscount Deerhurst and Baron Coventry ok Aylksborouoh, 1719. uncle and h., being next br. to Thomas, the 2nd Earl. He d., s.p.m., 27 Oct. 1719, when the issue male of the lirst Baron (the Lord Keeper) and the Barony of Coventry of Ai/lcsborouyh became extinct ; the Earldom, &c, devolving to his distant cousin, under the Bpee. rem. in the patent of 1697. COWALL. i.e. " Campbell and Cowall " Earldom of [S.] (Ca?nf)bell), cr. 23 June 1701 with the Dukedom of Argyll [S.], which see. COWELELYEJS'E. i.e. " Cowelelyene, co. Wexford," Barony [L] (Kaoanarjh) ; see " Ballyane," Barony [I.], cr. 1555 ; ex. on death of grantee. CO WICK. i.e. "D&wxay of Cowick, co. York," Barony (Dawnay), cr. 1796 ; ex. 1832. See " Downe," Viscountcy [I.], cr. 1680, under the 5th Viscount. COWLEY and COWLEY OF WELLESLEY. Barony. 1. Kt. Hon. the Hon. Sir Henry Wellesley, 1 1 8^8 G.C.B., Ambassador at the Court of Austria, was, on 21 Jan. i. io^u. lg2gj w BAKON COWLEY(a) OF WELLESLEY, co. Somerset. He was 7th (5th Burv.) and yst. s. of Garret (Wesley or Welleslky), 1st Earl of Momungton [L], by Anne, 1st da of Arthur (Hill), 1st Viscount ( a ) The paternal name of this family was Colley or Cowley, formerly of Castle Carbery, co. Kildare ; but the name of Wesley was assumed, 15 Nov. 1728, by his Lordship's grandfather, llichard Colley of Dublin (afterwards [1746] cr. Baron Moknington [l.]),iu compliance with the will of that gentleman's cousin, Garret Wesley, then " late of Dangan and Mornington, co. Meath, Esq." ^vho d. 23 Sep. 1728), whoBe estates he inherited upon that condition. Testator's mother was Elizabeth Colley, aunt to Richard Colley, the devisee, who thus, though inheriting the Wellesley estates, iu no way represented that family. He had, indeed, a desceut in the Sth deyree (not one involving any representation) from Sir Win. Wellesley, of Dangan (who d. about 1495), through Sir William's daughter Alison, who m. John Cusack and was grandmother of Katherine Cusack, who m. Sir Henry Colley, mid d. 1597. In virtue of this descent, he would be 1th cousin to the testator, a relationship of which not improbably they were unaware.