Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/405

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404 CRAVEN. CKAVEN, GRAVEN OF HAMPSTED MARSHALL and CRAVEN OF UFFINGTON. Bai'ony. I. 1G27, to 1697. Viscountcy, and Earldom. to^' 1697. Barony. I. 1665. William Whitm five years later 1. Sir William Craven, was, on 12 March 162C/7, cr. " BARON CRAVEN OF HAMPSTED MARSHALL, co. Berks,"( a ) with rum. to the heirs male of his body whieh failing, with, rem. to John Craven, liis brother,( b ) rem. to Thomas Craven, ( b ) another brother, in like maimer. On 16 Starch (16 Cur. 11) 1663/1 he was cr. VISCOUNT CRAVEN OP PFFINGTON, co. Berks, and EARL OF CRAVEN, co. York, receiving also an extension of the title of BARON CRAVEN OF HAMPSTED MARSHALL, co. Berks, to William Craven, ( h ) s. and h. of Sir William C. of Lenchwiek, co. Worcester, deed., with rem. to Sir Anthony Craveu( b ) br. of the said Sir William C. of Lenchwick, in like manner. Finally, on 11 Dec. 1665, he received a further extension of the title of BARON CRAVKN OF HAMPSTED MARSHALL, co. Berks, to Sir William Craven,( b ) s. of Thomas C. (another br. of the said .Sir Anthony C. abovenamed) in like manner. He was 4. .Inue 160S, being s. and 1l of Sir William Craven, Lord Mayor of London [1610-11] by Elizabeth, da. of oitii, and sue. to his Father's large fortune when aged about 10 ; he matrie. at Oxford (Trin. Coll.) 11 July 1623, being cr. M.A. (*) See " Creations, 1183 — 1616 " in ap. 47th Rep. D. K. Pub. Records. ( b ) The relationships of the [5] various remainder men to the grantee and to one another is shown in the following tabular pedigree, in which the dates, within square brackets, [1627], [1661]. [1005] indicate the persons mentioned in remainder in the grants of those dates, whieh persons are also numbered [1] to [f>]. All of these died in the grantee's lifetime, one only, the one last mentioned, leaving male issue, who inherited the Barony of 1665. The pedigree, save the part within brackets, is from one entered in the Coll. of Arms and signed by the second Lord Craven on 8 Dec. 1607, and shews that his Grandfather, Thonias, who lived till 16S2, was passed over in the entails of 1661 and 1665, John Craven of Appletreewick in Craven, co. York, m. in 1539. Henry C. 1st son, b. 1513. Anthony C. 2nd son. [no inue mentioned]*. William C. 1st son, s.p. Robert C. b. 1574. William C. 3rd son. r 1 Sir William (!., Lord Mayor, d. 18 July 101S. [1] [2] J William C. cr. Baron Crayen, and EarlCraveu d. s.p. April 1697. John 0. [1027]c) in 16J3 Baron Craven of Ryton d. s.p. [1618]. Thomas C. [1627 i o'. s.p. [before 1664]. Mar; m. Thomas (Coventry), 2nd Baron Coventry. [Her issue extinct April 1748]. Elizabeth, M. Percy (Herbert), 2nd Baron Powls, who d. 1667. I Sir William C. of Lenchwyke, d. about 1655, bur. at Norton. Thomas C. of Burn- sall in Craven, d. 15 April 1682 aged 71. 1 [3] William 0. [186*J ((. s.p. about 1665, bur. at Norton. 1 i4] d. Sir Anthony C. [1664], d. s.p. about 1670. PI Margaret, m. Thomas Craven by whom she had Sir Anthony O, Bart., Sir Wm. 0. and Sir Robert C. Sir William C. [1605], b. 26 April 1638, d. 2S Oct. 1695. T William (Craven), 2nd Baron Craven, under the spec. rem. of 1065. X