Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/412

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CUAWFOB.D. ill and Nnvar, which, joined with his former possessions, ruado hint absolute in Forf.n- IV. Ales., Kai l of G, 14 10-03. .1 Walter L. of Juhu L., Mas- William L., ancestor of the Earls Beaufort tor of L., d. of Liudsny, dc jure, since 1833, and Edzell. 102"). ami de/ttclo since 187S. V. David, Karl ol'C.,1 153-;>5,o Duke of Mon- trose [S.] 14SS, rf. 1405. VII. Alex., Sir David Karl of C, L.of Kdzell, 1513-17. tl. 1528. L i John, 5th Lord L. of 15. 1520-03. T V I.John, Karl of C, 1495- 1513 ; d. top. T David L., ancestor of the dc jure Karls of Lindsay, 1S0S to 1*S39. VIII. David, Kail of C, 1517-12. J Walter L. of Kdzell, (/. 1513. Patrick, Gth Lord L. of B.. 1563-89. Alexander Lindsay, the wicked .Master of Crawford, </. 1512. IX. David, Sari of Oan/oref, 1542-1558. James, 7th Lord L. of E., 15S9-1601. X. "David, Karl of C, 155S-74. Sir David L. of Edzell, £ 1610. John L. of Bal- carres, d. 15US. John, 9th Lord L. of B., 1606-16. XI. David. Karl of C. 1571-1607. XIII. Henrv, Earl of C, 1621-22. T — i Alex, L., ST. Lord Spynie [S.] 1530, d, 1607. 1 Alex. L. 2nd son. i i 1 1 1 XIL XIV. XV. XVI. Alex., David, George, Alex., Ludovie, 2nd Karl of Earl of Earl of Karl of 0., Lord C, C. 1622- 0. 1639-52 ; Spynie 1607- 33 ; d. 1633- d, s.p. 1607- 21 ; d. s.p.m. 39 ; d. 1646. s.p.m. s.ij. f John L.of Edzell. David L. it. Lord Lind- say of Bal- carrea [tj.] 1633. J Alex., 1st Earl of Balcarres [S.J1651- 1659. XVII. John, 10th Lord, er. Karl of Lindsay [S.J 1633; in 1652, lie became Jiar/ nf Crate ford. I '- XVIII. William, Earl of C, &c 1678- 1698. 1 Patrick L. of m- birnie.

  • George, 3rd Lord Spjnie,

1646, who iu 1652, became head of the house of Craw- ford, d- s.p.m., 1671.

  • David L. of Edzell,

1671, living 1688. Colin,3rd Earl of Balcarres 1662- 1722. _T XIX. John, John L., Earl of C, a: Vis- it, 169S- countGar- 1714. nock [S.j =p 1703. 1

  • David L. of Kdzell, d.

uum. 1744, tot. 80.

  • James, 5th Earl

of B., 1736-6S. XX. John, Earl ofC.,&c.,1714- 49; rf.s.p. Patrick, 2nd Visct. G., 1709- 1735. T XXIII. *Alexander, 6th Earl of Balcarres, 1768, who, in 1308, became, dc jure, Earl of Crawford ; d. 1825. XXI. George, 4th Visct. Gar- nock, who became Earl of Crawford, &e., 1749; d. 1781. T XXII. George, Earl of Crawford, &c, 17S1-1S08 ; d. uum.