Page:The Complete Peerage Ed 1 Vol 2.djvu/426

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CRICHTON. 425 CEIOnTON OF SANQUHAR, AND CEICHTON OF SANQUHAR AND CUMNOCK. Barony. [S.] 1, Sir Robert Crichton of Sanquhar, s. and li. of I. 1488. 8fe Robert G. of the same, by Elizabeth, da. ami h. of Sir William (or John) EbsKWE of Kinnoul, co. Perth, sue. Lis Father about 1409, and, having distinguished himself at Lochmaben in 1484 against the Douglas incursion, was cr. a Lord of Pari., 29 Jan. 1487/8, as LORD CRICHTON OF SANQUHAR [S.] He m. Marion, 2nd da. of John (Stewart), 1st Earl op Lennox [Sj, by Margaret, da. of Alexander (Montgomery), 1st Lord Montgomery [S.] He 1502. II. 1002. 2. Robert (Crichton), Lord ObhsHtOh of Sanquhar [S.], only s. and h. He m. Elizabeth, da. of Cuthbert Murray, of Cockpool, both being living 12 Ju!y 1616. III. 1530 ? 3. William (Crichton), Lord Crichton of Sanquhar [S.], 1st 8. and h. He m. before 24 May Li40, Elizabeth, da. of Malcolm, or John (Fleming), Loud Fleming [S.] He d. before 24 June 1550, being killed in the house of the Regent Chatelherault, at Edinburgh. IV. looO ? 4. Robert (Chichton), Lord Crichton of Sanquhar [S.], 1st s. and h. He m. Margaret Cunningham, botli being living 2 Deo. 155S. He d. s.p. V. 1 500 ? 5. Edward (Crichton), Lord Crichton of Sanquhar [S.], only br. and h. He m. Margaret, da. of Sir James Douglas, of Drnmlanrig, by his second wife, Christian, da. of John Montgomery. Master of Eglintoun. Hed. about 1570. His widow m. in 1571, William (Graham), 5th Earl uf Mentetii [SJi who d. in 1587. She m. thirdly (— ) WAUCHorE, of Niddry. VI. 1570. G. Robert (Crichton), Lord Crichton of Sanquhar • [S.], B. and h. He was one of the 12 performers (the costume costing each about £300) at a splendid court masque, 8 Feb. 1608. He m. 10 April 1608, at St. Anne's, Blackfriars, London (by lie.), Mary, da. of Sir George FeBMOR, of F.aston Norton, co. Northampton, by Mary, da. of Thomas Cuhzon, of Addington, Bucks. Having, in 1605, when on a visit at Ricot, Oxon, been deprived of the sight of an eye by a thrust from a fencing master, J obn Turner, he, for 7 years afterwards, planned his death, which was effected by his accomplices 11 May, 1612. These having been hanged, he surrendered himself, and being refused (as a Scottish Peer) trial in the Court of the High Steward of England, was arraigned as " Robert Crichton, Esq.," in the King's Bench, found guilty, and hanged 29 June 1612,( a ) in great Palace yard, Westminster. He d. s.p.( h ) His widow, who was bap. at Eastern Neston, 12 March 1591/2, in. there 17 July 1615, Baruaby (O'Brien), 6th Earl ok Thomond [L], who d. 15 Nov. 1657. She was bur. 13 April 1675, at Great Billing, co. Northampton. Will dat. 22 Feb. 1672, pr. 1675. VTL 1612. 7. William (Crichton), Lord Crichton of Sanquhar T Wi PI cousm alM h-i being s. and h. of John Crichton of Ryhill, by his 1. H>d<5. j 8 |. w j£ Gj ji arV| ^ 0 f si r j 0 hn Cakmichael, which John Crichton was 2nd s. of Robert, the 2nd Lord. He was served heir to Robert, the last Lord, 15 July 1619. On 2 Feb. 1622 he was cr. VISCOUNT OF AIR and LORD OF SANQUHAR, and on 12 June 1633, he was cr. EARL OF DUMFRIES, VIS- COUNT OF AIR, and LORD CRICHTON OF SANQUHAR AND CUMNOCK [S.] See " Dumfries," Earldom of [S.], cr. 1633. («) A full and interesting account thereof is in Craik's " Romance of the Peerage," Vol. iii, where also is mentioned a report of his relict's remarriage with " one Sands " within 6 weeks of his death, which, however, seems to have been false report. ( b ) His illegit. son, Robert Crichton, was, 15 July 1619. served hen- of entail to him in the Barony of Sanquhar.